Vicariously Immortal

Detailed Summary: Inuyasha/ Twilight crossover. Kagome/ Edward. Kagome is changed in feudal Era and now had to deal with this new life, figuring out how to live on her own as a vampire. Things get more interesting when she travels and meets a man called Carlisle become quick friends with him, until he goes to Italy to look for other vampires leaving her alone once again. Living her life has never been easy but after years of traveling and learning, she meets up with Carlisle and his family in Forks Washington. She meets someone in his family she is instantly drawn to, and his name is Edward Cullen.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this story.

Vicariously Immortal

Chapter 1: Each Day's a Gift Not a Given Right

Japan (1502 A.D)

"Kagome?" a voice shouted, somewhere from the left maybe? Everything was disorienting, her mind swirling.

She wrapped her arms around her stomach and gasped in agonizing pain as she stopped running and fell upon her knees; curling into a ball she pressed herself against the cool stone that sat near her.

Her face flush with the cool surface eased her pain for a moment only to be brought ten fold a second later. Her face dripped with sweat as she fought the sting that pulsed through her. The pulse kept getting worse as time ticked by.

"Kagome?" she heard again muffled as she tried harder to suppress the pain, why wasn't this working? She clenched her jaw as another pulse went through her. This time she couldn't keep quiet as she heard an excruciating sob escape her mouth, it sounding as though she had no air her lungs to support it. Seconds ticked by which felt like hours as she fell flush against the ground writhing in piercing pain. Her eyes closed tight trying to concentrate on not feeling the pain.

Gently she felt a hand brush against her head making it so it shifted her position slightly, at this she let out a screech. This caused whoever's hand to quickly remove itself.

The voice much closer once again spoke. "What's happening? Kagome answer me!" it commanded. She opened her mouth to try to speak but the only thing that answered the voice was the breathless sob. She understood it was Inuyasha with her, she couldn't respond though. As another throb of pain coursed through her she tensed her body to fight the pain. Her jaw tightened, the feeling of flames licked at her shoulder and spread to the rest of her. She was on fire wasn't she?

"The fire" she mumbled curling herself tighter. "Fire… get it away!" she yelled feeling to warm. Suddenly she felt pressure on her shoulder, where it burned the most. "Get away please!" she yelled not caring if yelling caused pain. "I'm so hot! I'm burning!" she finished.

She vaguely remembered being picked up from the ground, wrapped in an even warmer embrace as she sped through the forest.

That was about all she remembered until she cared no more and only concentrated on relieving the pain. Finding out if she never moved she could manage the pain, she could do nothing but concentrate on her breathing and not move. Time went by lying wherever she was at. Seconds turning to minutes, minutes turning to hours, then hours to days.

At one point she realized the dull throb throughout her body, was she getting better? She gasped in pain once again when the fire directed its flames to where her heart was, was that possible for her heart to be on fire?

"Kagome?!" a voice shouted at her, she ignored it and concentrated on her rapidly beating heart. It was an odd feeling; it was a new sort of pain after so long of the excruciating pain she had to deal with. Her body seemed almost stronger, like the power of the flames healing her muscles going into the flesh of her body and using their power to support her.

A new thing happened as well, her beating heart seemed to be beating excessively; as the dull of her body wore off she could feel the intense pounding of her heart, that was until it took one last beat, then all was silent in her body. The only sounds she heard were the far away creatures that lingered in the forest. The pattering of their feet along the dirt floor echoed in her ears. No more extreme pain, no more fire, and no more thumping of her heart.

Was she dead?

"Kagome!" A voice yelled next to her. If she was dead why was it she could hear all these things?

The voice shouted again "Don't you die on me! You're not dead!" at this moment arms wrapped around her, snapping her from her thoughts. She realized for the first time there was a new ache in her body; she was thirsty. Painfully thirsty.

Using her quick agility and strength she broke from the half-demon's grasp and lunged away from him, her eyes opening to show her blood crimson eyes. She watched the white haired demon. Things looked different somehow; sharper, maybe clearer, her eyesight was virtually perfect regardless of how it was starting to grow dark. Colors combined in a way that she didn't think was possible swirling together to make a mixing rainbow. She studied the demon in front of her for a moment longer; he had a look of shock written across his face.

She bared her teeth when he took a step near her, crouching low waiting for his next advancement.

"Kagome it's me" he spoke taking another step towards her; she gave a deep throat growl in warning "It's me Inuyasha".

Kagome paused for a moment, she knew him. Looking at him again, she remembered Inuyasha, she took an unnecessary breath of air, and he smelled odd the…. aroma, it filled her senses; she needed to get away from him. She needed something to drink the sting in her throat had increased even more so. "Get away!" she growled running in the other direction not knowing where she was headed but letting her senses take over.

She sped through the trees and dodging each one effortlessly. Once again she took a breath in, smelling the moss that covered the aged trees among the forest. Something else smelled sweet to her, it tickled her senses as she stopped to change directions. Something was near.

She stopped suddenly in a new clearing, allowing her new eyesight to examine the new place. Her senses locked onto a few men staring at her, smirks placed upon their faces.

"Hey beautiful" one casually spoke reaching for his sword and walked towards her.

She looked to the other three men who were behind the one. They looked like bandits, way too stupid. She lost control when the first man was a mere few feet from her. Kagome rushed forward and attached her mouth to his shoulder; she felt the man's blood enter her mouth and travel smoothly down her throat. Slowly but steadily her thirst was being quenched. The man stopped fighting in her arms allowing her to hold him easily while she finished. Dropping him to the ground she looked back to the rest of the men.

They took that opportunity to run for their lives turning on their heels and ran as fast as they could. Kagome just sought out her next victim chasing after the next man and finishing him off like his previous companion.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled running into the area when she dropped her victim

She looked down to the man's horrified face; her thirst was better. It wasn't completely gone, but a dull ache that was barely noticeable lingered in the back of her throat. "Inuyasha?" she asked uncertainly.

He took a cautious step forward "What the hell is happening?" Inuyasha asked her, when he was a few steps away. He glanced to the two dead men that were dropped onto the ground. When he was close enough he reached for her hand he grasped it; she was freezing. Ignoring it he led her away from the campsite of the now dead men.

Walking down the path Inuyasha spoke again "What happened?" he asked.

Kagome was silent, just tilting her head to the ground watching her feet walk. "Their dead… I killed them" she spoke softly.

"Kagome..." Inuyasha trailed off, he stopped walking and forced her to look at him "What happened?" he asked again.

She just sighed and turned away to look back to where they walked from, she could still smell the blood. It made the ache more intense but she ignored it for now. She reached up with her pale hand and hold onto a piece of glossy black hair. "I went home" she started with her explanation "I hopped out of the well in my time; I did what I always did. I went to go see my family…" her voice broke slightly. "They were dead, some man was there," she mentioned turning to look back at Inuyasha, "a man with red eyes, pale skin. Handsome actually."

Kagome leaned against a tree that was slightly behind her "I was scared he was going to kill me as well, so I ran" Kagome's eyes looked into almost nothingness as she tried to remember exactly what happened next. "I was trying to get to the well. I almost made it too," she said. "The man grabbed me, he was fast, like a demon; he was so cold…" Kagome trailed off at this point looking to Inuyasha. "He bit me…. here" she motioned for him with her hand, placing it above her left shoulder. "After that I just remember falling into the well, somehow making it up then… just pain". She finished her explanation.

Inuyasha stayed quiet for a few moments thinking over what she said, "You came back three days ago; then… your heart stopped beating" He told her. "I was the only one here, the rest left for Sango's village… to pay respects".

Kagome only nodded, happy that her friend's didn't have to see her like that. "I have a theory" she announced her thoughts. At his stare she took that to continue, "in my time… there are legends, tales of creatures that are basically the undead…" Kagome took another breath, it was getting uncomfortable holding her breath so long, and the smell of blood reached her once again making her head snap to the previously occupied clearing.

"Kagome" Inuyasha responded, almost in a warning.

She looked back to him, a sheepish smile gracing her lips "Sorry" she spoke, thinking back to what she was talking about she started once again. "They are creatures that drink blood to stay alive, can only go out at night, and they sleep in coffins during the day" Kagome told the tale from what she remembered. "They have fangs to bite into the victim" she brought her hand up to her mouth and felt her teeth "I don't have any though" she commented lightly.

"They can change humans if they please, to what they are, people would call these creatures vampires". She paused a moment to allow him to take in this new information "I think I might have been changed into a vampire" she spoke looking to him.

"It's a story though, how can it possibly be real stupid?" he insulted her.

Getting a dry look from her he quieted down "Yeah and a time traveling priestess is so much more believable" she criticized him. Gently she sat down on the ground. "What else could it be? How many things do you know that drink… blood?" she asked uncertain.

"How should I know?" he told her. He leaned against the tree and watched her. "All I know is your supposed to be dead, but your up and walking around" He told her.

She nodded and glanced to her hands, a few shades lighter than her normal skin color. "I don't know what to do" she responded, everything hitting her at full force. Her family was gone; she was a monster that drank blood. "I don't know what I am; how to live" she rambled on "I can't keep killing people Inuyasha! What should I do?" she asked him.

He just stared at her; he didn't know what to tell her. Never in his life had he experienced something like this before. "We will go on as before, focus on killing Naraku" he told her. "We will learn to deal with everything along the way".

She buried her head in her arms. She needed to control herself or she might end up killing her friends. Inuyasha could probably stop her if need be, he was so strong. Miroku, Sango, and Shippo, she wasn't so sure if they could defend themselves from her.

"You will help right?" she asked him.

He only nodded his head, still looking at her, both not knowing what else to say about the whole experience.

Japan (1503 A.D)

"What the hell was that?!" Inuyasha yelled at her across the field, the demon that was running in front of her had stopped and slowly was purified from the inside out.

"How the heck should I know?" she yelled back at the half demon. Suddenly she caught a scent and turned in that direction. Kagome mentally groaned as she held her breath, Miroku was injured, nothing serious but blood was drawn. It was getting easier to avoid human blood; she usually fed off of demons that roamed around the campsite at night that was enough to sustain her thirst.

That was something else she found out that was unique about her. She never needed sleep.

"Hey hey hey, it's not eating time!" Inuyasha yelled at her when he noticed her look.

Miroku who noticed the situation carefully covered his wound and stepped back a little so he wouldn't tempt Kagome. "I actually wouldn't mind if she fed off of me" he spoke in casually, earning a hit from Sango.

Her friends actually accepted her new… change pretty easily, though Sango and Miroku were slightly nervous in the beginning. Almost a year later she grew to ignore some of the burning from her thirst. Inuyasha still joked with her about some things… like for example anytime she stepped in the sunlight. He had way too much fun when he got to witness that ordeal.

"I wasn't going to feed, technically I can't eat blood anyway!" she yelled at him "You drink it stupid". At this time Inuyasha walked right up to her and continued with the fight.

"So what the hell did you do?" He asked her again, this time annoyed at the whole thing.

Kagome casually looked to where her friends were, Sango picking up Kirara then sitting with Miroku and Shippo by a tree.

"How should I know?" she replied after a moment of thinking. "All I know was that the demon was charging, and I focused some of my energy at it. Then it kind of purified itself I guess" Kagome spoke crossing her arms glaring at Inuyasha.

"Maybe when Kagome was changed, of course her senses, agility, strength, and stamina increased. Her priestess powers could have carried over, maybe even enhanced." Sango spoke up voicing her thoughts. "It would be the only explanation as to why a demon would magically be purified".

Kagome saw Miroku think over what Sango had said, "It could be possible" he said agreeing.

She turned back to Inuyasha "There you go!" she said loudly bring her arm out to point to where her friends sat.

If that were the case then it would make life much easier. The purification powers were never even noticed until it was too late for the demon. It was a major step up from an average priestess who could shoot arrows and all that. She could just purify a demon basically with her mind.

Inuyasha thought a moment before breaking out in a smile, very unconventional for him. "That is something new we can use against Naraku, he wont even see it coming!" he replied excitedly.

The rest of the group only rolled their eyes ignoring how Inuyasha was acting.

"How about we get you guys something to eat?" Kagome asked her friends; though she never ate food she still prepared it for them.

"Sounds good Kagome!" Shippo chirped in running towards their campsite in another direction.

Kagome only laughed at how carefree Shippo was, Miroku and Sango got up walking next to each other as they followed after Shippo. "And we need that wound cleaned up Miroku" she replied at the smirking monk.

"Of course" he told her walking past her alongside Sango.

"Inuyasha race you!" she shouted to the half demon taking off running, another plus was that she was much faster than Inuyasha was. It automatically gave her bragging rights when she beat him.

"Hey! Guys?!" He yelled after the group, before himself taking after Kagome at full speed.