A Stupid Pointless Survey

Written by: Adventure-Seeking-Juliet

When: Listening to a song by Three Days Grace

Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars.

A/N Star Wars characters answer a dumb survey like the ones you see on Myspace. All importamt and semi important characters from the first six movies, and maybe Mara Jade...Please read and review.


What is your full name? Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith.

Is the name you put down your real name? No.

If it's not, then what is your real name? That is an unimportant question, ask me another dumb question, and you will feel the true power of the Dark Side.

Have you ever been in love? I warned you...

Are you evil? Yes I am.

Do you regret past decisions? Yes.

Do you have children? I have a so...I mean no.

Are you an important person? The Most Important...

Where were you born? The outer rim planet, Tatooine. If you remind me again, I'll kill you.

What is your favorite color? Black.

What's your mother's name? Shimi Skywalker *mentally wishes to Force choke this insiginficant machine*

Your father's name? I don't have a father.

Do you anger easily? What do you think? *kills unimportant man beside me*

Who is your best friend? My personally modified TIE fighter ship.

Who do you hate most? Since I killed Kenobi...Emperor Palpatine

What were you doing this time two weeks ago? I was fighting my...Luke Skywalker on Bespin.

Do you like to fly? Most certainly.

Are you lonely? I hate you.

Who do you miss the most? Padme...*sighs*

Where's your favorite place in the Universe? Naboo.

What is your current mood? Angry, as usual.

What's one dream you wish had come true, that didn't? That Padme and I raised our son together.

Do you rebel against authority? I AM authority.

Are you a rebel? No, rebels are irrelevant scum.

Are you famous? I am imfamous.

Are you a hero? At one time, but I find it much more enjoyable being the Villian( I think.)

Do you know of a rising hero? Luke Skywalker, my so..

Are you power hungry? I AM power.

Have you lost the love of your life? This question is of no consequence, You are on your way to death vile computer.

Are you alone? Yes.

Do you like pie? It depends on the kind.

Did you enjoy this survey? You are wasting my time *Force crushes computer screen*

A/N Next up is Luke Skywalker!