A/N: Sorry for not updating in ages! I've been feeling really lazy and yes I know this is super short but I'm having writer's block. PLUS, the amount of reviews I got for the last chapter was so disappointing :( Soooo REVIEW MORE AND MAKEE ME HAPPY please. Ideas are appreciated.

I didn't cry. Not a single tear ran down my cheeks on the way back home. Home – whatever that meant. The house Jasper and I lived in certainly couldn't be defined as a home for much longer. The multitude of flowers that surrounded our house came into view, along with Jasper who was nervously pacing around the garden. I smiled grimly at the sight, slowing down to a hurried walk, still panting.


At the sound of my house, he crushed me towards him in a hug. I didn't return it, leaving my arms limp at my sides. The fear of losing the man I loved was far too much for me to take.

"What's wrong?" His voice was kind, gentle, caring. I shook my head, shooting him a feeble, fake smile. Breaking down wasn't an option, especially not now.

"Nothing. Just thinking."

"I don't believe you. Come on Al, you can tell me." He assured, cupping my face in his hands, angling it upwards to look at him. Pure concern shaded his eyes, and it killed me that I couldn't tell him that everything would eventually be alright. That this was only the beginning of the mess I had created for us.

"Seriously Jazz, it's really nothing. Can we go inside now?" I didn't dare look him in the eye, knowing that if I did, he would understand everything. He could read me like an open book, and I couldn't allow him to do that. I couldn't allow him to get involved in my problems.

"Where were you last night?" A question for a question. I could have laughed. He knew that I loathed it when people did that.

I shrugged, dodging his words by attempting to walk past his statuesque form. His arm immediately shot out, curling steadily over my stomach and dragging me back towards him in the process.

"Where. Were. You? And why are you all hunched over?" He growled quietly. The truth was at the brink of bursting past my traitor mouth right then, until the memory of James threats echoed in my head repeatedly. I would just have to go through with it, one way or the other. I knew I would have to hurt Jasper in order to save him.

"Taking a walk around the woods. I couldn't sleep, and I just needed some air. I fell on some vines and I think you know the rest of the story." I twisted up the sides of my lips, my lie sounding perfectly believable to my ears. He sighed, sliding his fingers beneath my shirt and lightly brushing his fingers across my back. My eyes involuntarily closed, the cool touch feeling like bliss against my sore body.

"Come on." He muttered, slinging an arm around my neck and we walked into the house. I eyed the scene warily. Sunlight streamed through the white sheer curtains, the table was lined with a lacy white tablecloth and there sat a stack of blueberry pancakes. My favorite kind. It reminded me of a fairytale. A fairytale I wouldn't get to be a part of anymore.

Better appreciate it since this might be the last time.

The meal was appreciated in silence. How I managed to finish my food? I had no idea. The knot of fear in my stomach was worse than ever, making my heart thump so wildly I could practically hear it beating. I couldn't delay the truth any longer.

"There's something I have to tell you." I said, watching him clean the dishes. He turned his head slightly; flashing me a smile was so glorious I literally heard my heart shatter into pieces. He thought I was about to tell him something good. Shows how much he knew.

It's either you or him. I reminded myself.

"I've been thinking… a-and… I- I don't think we should be together anymore." The words barely a whisper, yet he still heard me. I could tell by the way his head abruptly snapped up and the plate he was holding dropped to the floor, emitting a loud crash. I didn't dare look at him then, focusing my eyes on the clock on one of the walls.

"You're not joking." He finally choked out, bewildered. I shook my head again, slowly, sadly, wishing I was stuck in one of the warped dreams I usually had. Wishing I could take my words back. Or that the kidnapping had happened in an alternate universe.

"I'm sorry. I'll always love you. I do love you. No matter what happens, I always will. This is just something I have to do for myself." Then the tears started, the hot, salty tears sliding down my face faster than rainfall. I looked up at him, his expression was imperturbable, startled at the most.

"You can't. Alice, no. You cannot be doing this." He protested, pulling me into a strong embrace. I cried against him, my head buried in his chest. I inhaled the cotton deeply, hoping to commit his smell to memory, before I finally let go.

"Just… please… Think of me once a while." I turned on my heel, only to be stopped with the feel of his icy hand gripping my wrist. In a split second I was spun around to be engaged in the most passionate, heartbreaking, kiss of my entire life. He angrily pushed me up against the wall, his hand running roughly through my hair while I attempted to push him away. He tightened his grip around my back, and I stopped resisting the feel of his body against mine, entwining my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, pushing him closer as I desperately searched his mouth with mine one last time.

"Don't leave" He said, between frantic kisses. I could only cry , the salty tears ending where my mouth was, for he kissed them all away. Using all my will, I pushed him back with one final shove, and I knew that this time he was allowing me to do it because he was so much stronger then me.

He was letting me go.

"Goodbye Jasper." I whispered, before I grabbed my jacket and headed out into the afternoon.

I had no clue where I was headed to, the only thing James had told me was to walk out of the house and he would find me in the forest. Mid-day had melted into twilight; the forest was now nothing but an eerie shade of darkness, and I was getting scared. I finally stopped pacing around to sit on the grass, waiting for James to come find me.

"There you are." His voice hissed. He threw his arms beneath my legs and forced me up onto his shoulders. I drew my eyes shut, a habit that I had picked up whenever Jasper carried me. A few minutes later, we had stopped, and I angrily extricated myself from his grip. We were standing in front of a small hut, the one that I presumed he had kidnapped me in. There wasn't really much to see during the night like this, except for the wooden stilts that were doing a really bad job of holding the house up.

"Get in." He growled impatiently, kicking me in my stomach which made me double over in pain. A string of expletives were muttered under my breath as I slowly dragged my aching body through the door. The dirty hand that was resting on the small of my back aided no comfort, only making me feel even more repulsed by him.

The interior was as unrecognizable as the exterior. The otherwise dark room was illuminated by a small oil lamp that was perched on one of the dusty tables. The furniture only consisted of an uncomfortable looking single bed, a worn out couch, two tables, one which was broken, and a wooden chair. James hovered over me as I pulled myself onto the small bed that I suspected to be white but was now a color that made my stomach lurch.

I tried not to think what had been on it before I had.

"What are you going to do with me?"

A slow grin spread on his inhuman face as he pulled out something silver and sharp. It gleamed in the weak light, and only then could I decipher that he was holding out a knife. He was going to kill me. I was surprised that I didn't feel fear. Maybe because death was the only thing I had expected anyway.

"Oh no honey, I ain't gonna kill you… not yet. I'm going have some fun with you first. Why would I wanna kill you when I could just hear you scream?" He leered at me, grinning sadistically. I tried to escape by sidestepping his path, but he was faster. In a flash, the knife connected with my arm, the scream already tearing past my throat at the intact. I felt the warm blood leak down my arm.

Think of Jasper. Think of Jasper. Think of Jasper. You're doing this for him.

"Screw. You. James." I bit out, my breathing ragged. I curled into a ball on the bed, facing my face to the wall. I tried to ignore the pain that was spreading through my body and closed my eyes. Sleep would provide an escape from my warped reality even if it was just for a few hours.

"Sleepy already? But I thought we were going to have some fun!" James whined mockingly, lying down on the bed beside me.

"Get the hell off the bed, James." I snapped indignantly, my patience wearing off. He could do whatever the hell he wanted with me. Hurt me, kill me, whatever. But there was no way I would allow him to invade my space like that. No way in hell.

"Come on, Alice. Don't tell me you haven't slept with Jasper yet, you little whore. I'm sure I'll give Jasper a run for his money." He taunted. I felt my blood run cold, and hot as my anger begin to rise again.

"You're a bastard. Even if you were the last person in this entire world, I still wouldn't want to sleep with you. I'd rather kill myself." I smirked, fully aware that he would inflict pain on me again. I was right. And this time, when he raised the knife up to take a strike at me, it was my turn to kick him in the gut.

The knife cluttered to the ground, and I seized the opportunity to run. By the time I reached the door, he was already obscuring it. He grabbed my hand angrily and twisted it, the loud crack echoing off the four walls I was trapped in. There was a loud scream, which I realized was mine, and I bit the hand that was clenching mine, my eyes darting around the house for some form of escape.