Hermione was brought back to sit beside the Malfoys. Derek was on her right while Draco was on her left. As Kingsley strode up to his seat, Hermione leaned closer to Derek.

"I have a favour to ask you," she said.

"Anything," he whispered back. Hermione started to whisper to him in a very low voice so no one would hear, as Kingsley stood by his seat.

"It is up to the Wizengamot to decide what becomes of Hermione Granger Riddle. We have heard her story, as well as those around her. First I must ask Molly, what do you think should come of the girl?"

Mrs. Weasley, red and swollen eyed, stood up and gazed at the girl she had once considered a daughter. "I d-don't kn-know," she said over her sibs. "I kn-know she committed te-terrible crimes but a part of me d-doesn't want her to go to Azkaban."

"Rubbish!" Ron roared from beside his mother. Standing up he glared at Hermione. "She killed my best mate, she killed my sister, she killed my brothers and my father! She deserves to be sent to Azkaban!"

"Ron," Hermione whispered, her voice breaking slightly as she bowed her head. "I'm sorry,"

"Bloody hell you are!"

Hermione stared at Derek and whispered, "Please." Derek looked at her, not knowing what to think of her offer, but knowing if he did it… more then one person would be involved. Slowly he nodded his head.

"Witches and Wizards of the Wizengamot, we have heard their stories, we have suggestions as to the fate of Hermione, now let us vote.

"Those in favour of simply letting her go?" Very, very few people lifted their hands, maybe ten of the hundreds there. "Why would you let her go?" Kingsley asked curiously.

"She feels remorse," one woman said, "I can see it in her eyes. Terrible things she has done, yes, but I can tell she's sorry."

Kingsley nodded his head. "Those in favour of a life time imprisonment?" About half of them raised their hands.

"She had done to much to simply let her off," explained a man.

"Those in favour of the Death Sentence?" The remaining member lifted their hands. Not enough to get her out of the life in Azkaban though.

"Hermione Jean Granger Riddle, the decision has been made. I sentence you to life in Azkaban, no visitors, in a foul proof cell so as to not escape again." He looked at three Aurors who were standing there, and nodded at them. They nodded back and walked towards her,

Hermione started to struggle.

"NO!" she yelled, "I told you what I want Kingsley!"

"And I told you it will not be done," he replied calmly. "We have spoken. Take her away!"

"No Minister!" Derek said "That is not an option."

"Take your seat Mr. Zabini!" Kingsley said.

"I won't let you take her against her will!"

"That is not your choice to make,"

"No, but it is my responsibility to fulfill her wishes." With a snap of his fingers, the Aurors let Hermione go, as if burned. He flicked his wrist and Hermione went stumbling towards him. He grabbed her, held her waist and whispered in her ear. "I shall be joining you soon. I love you," then he kissed her.

Thoughts escaped Hermione during the kiss and when they broke apart, Derek was chanting something. He raised his arms over his head and then lowered them, looked at Hermione and clapped his hands. In seconds, Hermione screamed, collapsed to the floor, and was dead, while everyone else around her flew backwards.

Narcissa, Lucius and Draco looked alarmed. Narcissa saw Hermione's dead body and rounded on Derek.

"What have you done?" she screamed.

"it was her last wish Narcissa," Derek replied and then he started chanting again but this time when he clapped his hands, it was he who landed on the floor dead, lying next to Hermione's body, while the Malfoy's were thrown backwards.

It took several moments for anyone to realize what exactly had happened and when they did, it was Ron who spoke first.

"Bloody hell," he said quietly, "I- I didn't want her to die!" His face was white and he swayed where he stood. Molly was crying again. "I still loved her mum, even after everything she did… I still loved her."

"She loved you as well," Kingsley said quietly, "she told me in that room that she still loved you. She was a confused woman, had gone through too much in a short period of time."

Ron, Kingsley, Molly and the Malfoys, who had struggled to their feet, gazed down at Hermione's dead body. Narcissa and Lucius held hands and Draco looked around the room with fury.

"It's all of your fault she did all this!" he said sharply. "You couldn't leave her could you?"

"Draco," Lucius said but Draco cut him off, "Hermione was a good witch, if you had just let her be, none of this would have happened."

"Many more would be dead if we had done that!" snapped Kingsley. Draco just shook his head.

After a few moments, Kingsley had the two bodies removed and all the Death Eaters sent to Azkaban, including Draco, Lucius and Narcissa. A small funeral was held, in which they were aloud to attend in honour of Hermione and Derek, however they were heavily supervised and magically bound so not to escape.

Very few people attended Derek' funeral, except his family, the Malfoys and a few Death Eaters. Hermione's drew a crowd, if only to honour the good part of her, or to see her finally gone from the world, which could maybe now live without fear.

As her funeral ended and everyone cleared out, Ron stayed, gazing down at her coffin. He didn't know what to say, instead he lay a single red rose on it and walked away from the one woman he had ever loved, and he promised himself he would never love another woman the same again.

A/N: Well this is the end! I have spent the entire school year, or at least from October to now, writing this story (mind you I only really wrote it before first bell so that gave me like 15 min a day lol)! Can you believe it! It's finally finished! I am very proud of the way it turned out, even if the ending is a little sappy lol. I'd like to thank all my readers and my reviewers, especially tfobmv18, and Alexxis T. Swan (who gave me the idea of Hermione's ending… thank you :D) They have been with me since like the start of thank you guys! So please tell me what you thought of the ending, and no there won't be another story since, well, obviously Hermione's dead lol. But thank you to all who have read and reviewed, and please stay tuned for more stories, even if they aren't as dark and scary as this one lol. Thanks again everyone :D