Disclaimer : I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters in any way ,

Note ; suggestion would be to listen to a sad song and put it on repeat, or get a playlist while reading. For this chapter, I listened to Detective Daughter - Emily Haines and Si Deus Me Relinquit - Kurojitsuji . REALLY highly suggested ! Anyway, please enjoy !

Sesshoumaru turned in his large, auburn colored bed. He turned his face over on the soft pillow and slowly fluttered his eyes open. Silvery eyes with hints of blue looked around the room slowly, gathering his bearings. Sesshoumaru leaned forward and rubbed his forehead, blinking away the fatigue. He slowly swung his feet over the bed and slipped his feet into his grey slippers. They were worn and old, but were more comfortable than any other pair you could find. He reached over to the side of the bed and pulled his robe off of the hanger. As he tied the sash on his waist, he pushed the curtains open with the other hand. Sunshine bled into the room, soaking the walls with an exuberant yellow. He blinked at the harshness of the bare sun, but felt himself smiling through the pain.

As Sesshoumaru walked towards the kitchen, he could already smell the delicious aroma of an omlet being made. He walked over to the coffee machine and picked up his fresh mug. He glanced over at the young woman at the stove and smiled. He yawned quietly to himself, then walked over to the young woman.

"Good morning Kagome." He said, kissing her on the head.

"Good morning." She replied, smiling up at him. Her smile reminded him of the sun. Harsh and brash and untainted. It had never known true sadness, and he hoped to keep it that way.

Sesshoumaru ate with her, their meal lacking any form of conversation. They both knew they didnt need to even say a word. They knew what day it was, and they knew exactly where they were going.

After eating, Sesshoumaru quickly returned to his room and opened up his armoir. He looked thoughtfully at the suit that hung, waiting for him every time he needed it. He reached down into the little cabnet under the the hanging clothes and pulled out a small shoe box. The shoe box contained the same shoes he had worn on that day for nearly 16 years. He sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror. Wrinkles creased his once perfect face, only creating definition and character. His silver hair had grown longer, and his once full, vibrant silver eyes faded and showed the smallest slivers of blues and greens. Only she would notice this though, only she would really look.

When Sesshoumaru returned to the kitchen, he found Kagome waiting for him, dressed in the same, sleek black dress she always wore. She wore a small sun hat, with a bright yellow bow tied to it. Her hair was long and flowing, draping over her shoulders and falling over her back. She smiled at the man that stood before her and gestured to the door.

"Its hot today."

As they drove to their destination, there was no conversation. There was no need. It was a day of celebration, the day when it had officially been 16 years since that horrible month in the hospital. 16 years since all of the tears, all of the relatives. It had been 16 years since, and now, they were going out to celebrate. Out to celebrate life.

Sesshoumaru held Kagome's hand as they drove. He looked over at her and noticed she was crying. He put his hand on her shoulder and faced the road.

"I remember when she was in the hospital, we used to sit together and just watch the sky. Do you remember that day? No, no theres no way you could. But, that was a day for tearsm today is not such."

She nodded and wiped away her tears, returning her gaze to the road. As they turned into the driveway, Sesshoumaru looked over at Kagome and held her hand tightly.

"Are you ready? I know it's your birthday, if you dont want to go here today, we dont have to."

Kagome nodded, smiling through her still running tears.

"I'm ready, father. I was born and adopted on this day, the day that mother gave her life, and her name to me. There isnt anything i'd rather do."

Sesshoumaru grinned, opening his door. "These are the times when I see her strength reflecting in your eyes."

They walked across the hill, hand in hand. The hill was steep, but not impossible for the aging man. Sesshoumaru was quite fit for someone of his age. While other men were wasting away, he kept himself strong, feeling forever young. Kagome walked on beside him, holding his hand tightly. As they reached the top of the hill, they stopped and smiled. The way the sun shined down on them was amazing. The cherry blosoms blew around them, coating the ground in pink petals. Kagome pulled a blanket out of her basket and pointed to the tree. Sesshoumaru nodded and Kagome walked over to the tree, about to prepare their little picnic under the tree.

Sesshoumaru stood, looking down at a small hedge stone. He knelt down to it and touched the top of it softly. The rock was smooth and warm, being heated by the morning sun. He ran his hand around the sides of it, feeling the stone get colder as his hand went lower, closer to the body of soil that held her body close. He ran his fingers along the words, the name that was written so neatly on the stone. He ran his hand over every letter spelling her beautiful name. He could feel her hand on his cheek, the sound of her voice, almost as if he were will him then. He smiled, and finally spoke.

"Good morning Kagome, my love."

AH ! Thats really the end ! I really hope you guys enjoyed this fic ! If you didnt understand what happened in this chapter, i have a little explination below, so please do check that out ! I loved writing this fic, and i'm happy that there were so many people who read it ! If you liked this, please do check out my next fic to be completed, Kioku, Memory. its about Kagome and Sesshoumaru in modern time, only this time, Kagome's getting married to Inuyasha! But when Kagome wakes up late on her own wedding day and rushes down the street, who could stop her from arriving ? anyway, please do read ! it'd mean a ot ! ill link it below ~ anyway, im going to go now, thank you so much again for having read this fic !

Explination ;

Kagome died on the last day of the month she was supposed to die in. On that same day, Sesshoumaru found a baby that was to have been put up for adoption and adopted her. He named her Kagome, because it was the same day Kagome had died. Each year, the pair wore the same outfits and visited Kagome's grave, along with having a picnic under the cherry blossom tree .

Link to Kioku Memory ;
