New Story...tell me if you like it. i'm writing the next chapter right now... this is sort of the prologue
don't own twilight


One day sitting in my room, on a dark stormy night all alone, I heard something hitting my window. Quickly I stood up and looked out the window to see what was making all the commotion. Standing in my back yard was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen in my short life of 17 years; a god with messy bronze hair, and a very fit body, looking straight at me. His eyes caught mine, and my heart melted. He grimaced and then ran. For some odd reason, my heart was breaking inside; every fiber of my being was longing to go after the boy who was in my back yard, even though I didn't know a thing about him. Something inside of me told me what to do; I jumped out my window, and started chasing after him. It took me a while to find him, he ran so fast. Finally I could see him running through the forest.

"Wait!" I shouted towards him. He paused, and then continued running, so I picked up my speed. Somewhere deep inside of me told me that I had to follow this boy, I had to figure out why he was in my back yard, and most of all, I had to figure out why he grimaced at me, without even knowing me. Mentally thanking the track coach from my old school for making me go out for track, because I could now run really fast. Not paying attention, I ran into something that felt like a huge brick of granite, I fell backwards, and hit my head on a tree. I heard a sharp intake of breath, and then everything went black.

please review?