"Who are you going with?"



"Because…because you told me to go with him only. Only him 'cause he'll keep me safe for you."

"Good. Now promise me you will stay here and wait for them."

"Yes mo- I mean- Max," the dirt stained little four year old girl, with black brown hair and dark eyes, nodded.

"Ok good, no please be good for him and the other ok? And remember if he isn't here by tomorrow where do you go," asked a 19 year old Maximum Ride.

"To Mrs. Mar-Marinez."

"Martinez," Max corrected absentmindedly, before kissing her on the forehead and turning away to leave.

"Wait," the small girl cried out, silent tears forming in her large eyes, "Don't leave."

She reached out grabbing Max's dirty shirt.

"Hey, now, don't cry," Max wiped away the tears falling down her pretty face.

"You'll see me again. I promise and when I come back I won't ever leave you. Never again."

Solemnly nodding, she released her grip on the shirt.

"'Member our little secret," Max reminded her.

"No telling," she repeated dutifully.

Max grabbed the small girl in a fierce hug.

"I love you, so much. Don't ever forget that," she whispered into the child's knotted and tangled hair.

Max let go of her, stood stretched her wings and flew away. Not looking back, knowing that if she did she wouldn't be able to leave.

The girl silently cried for Max; hoping with all her might that she would return soon. Scrubbing the tears away from her eyes, she grabbed her small pack and clutched to it hoping Max's friend would arrive soon.

Sitting up ramrod straight, the girl froze as she heard the sounds of voices. She looked up into the sky realizing that she had been sitting in the tree Max had left her at for a few hours. Cautiously she snuck toward the voices; praying they were Max's friends. She peered between the branches and looked for the feature that would tell her it was okay to reveal herself. It was a group of 5; 3 boys and 2 girls.

There were 2 boys with blonde hair and blue eyes. The shortest of the boys looked similar to one of the girls who had curly blonde hair; all three of them had fair skin. The last girl, the taller of the two, had dark brown skin with wild curly hair. That left the last boy; he wasn't talking leaning against a tree, with his eyes closed. His hair black and skin dark but not like the dark girls more like an olive color.

The girl sighed, it must be him, he looks just like what Max said. But where are they? Where are their wings?

Suddenly the group stopped talking and spread apart, she saw the olive skinned boy murmur something before wings unfurled from behind all of their backs. They began flapping and started to fly away before the girl cried out.


The olive skinned boy whipped his head in her direction; before rushing up to her and snatching her out of the tree. She squealed at the sudden movement, but didn't struggle. He flew to the ground and released her but kept a firm grip on her wrist.

"Who are you," he asked gruffly, searching her face.

"I can't tell you that, unless you tell me your first," she searched the boy- no man's face.

"I can't do that," he spoke softly. To Fang there was something about this girl…that made him want to protect her from the world; she looked very familiar.

"Well…what if I guess your name."

He paused, there's no way she know my name, before nodding.

"Um…is your name," her face screwed up in concentration.

"Oh I know, " her expression brightened, "…Fang."

Shocked, fang let go of his hold on her arm, but moved his face closer to hers.


"I'm like you," she whispered.

Slowly she unfurled her very own pair of wings; about 6 ft across and black, speckled tawny. Fang back away, studying her.

"How do you know me," he asked suddenly.

"I don't…but Max does," she replied; tucking her wings back.

"Max," he breathed.

"She's been gone for four years. Where is she?"

"I don't know," the child spoke fondly, but sadly, "she left me here and told me to you a note."

The girl sat down on the forest floor and began digging in her pack.

"Here it is," she pulled out a piece of folded paper with Fang's name on it.

He took it, reading it slowly:

Dear Fang,

I know this is kinda short notice and all but I desperately need you to keep Her safe for me. I need you to look out for Her and help her grow up…'cause I kinda can't right now. It's to dangerous for Her to be with me…and I don't know what I would do without Her. Just keep Her safe please.

Love Forever,

Maximum Ride U&A

Fang looked at the child warily. He knew he would take her in, Max had asked him to and he could never deny her. He also knew that she wasn't an imposter because Max had written in their secret code for messages. And then there was just something about the girl that made him want to shield her from the world; regardless of Max's request.

"Come on then. Let's go meet the others," he beckoned her forward.

"Guys, come on out."

Immediately the rest of the flock landed and introduced themselves.

"Hey my names Iggy. I'm 19, blind and the best cook around," the shaggy blonde, blue eyed boy said.

"I'm Gasman, aka Gazzy. Um I'm 13 and I love pullin pranks with Ig over there. I can also do mimicry," spoke the curly blonde boy.

"Hi I'm Nudge. I'm 16 and a computer hacker. It'smyspecialtyalsoilovetotalkawholelotsometimestheycallmemotormouth-," the dark skinned girl was cutoff by the pretty blonde girl.

"Jeez, Nudge tone it down. Hi I'm Angel. I'm 11, Gaz over there is my brother and I'm a telepath. What's your name?"

"Fate, my name is Fate," the newest member smiled; already loving her new family