A/N: This is a series of drabbles and one-shots written for various drabble challenges for Livejournal and the new Broken Compass forum challenges. Features an array of pairings.


Pairing: Jack, Will
Word Count: 113
Prompt: Captain

A Matter of Perspective


Jack Sparrow's eyes grew wide, mouth aghast. His breath escaped him, like a fugitive seeking refuge that could no longer be attained in his distraught state of mind. The fingers that had tightly gripped the shattered cutlass with purpose grew numb and weak in the unyielding rain, yet he forced himself to watch William Turner's days suddenly come to an end. A grand battle waged within him, but his ambition and pride didn't stand a chance; for his heart and mind were now fighting on the same side of the battlefield.

Cruel was, indeed, a matter of perspective.

'The Dutchman must have a captain…'

And it shall have its rightful captain.