On Trees, Hot Chocolate and

Why Stop-Motion Christmas Specials Are Evil

Part III

DISCALIMER: Not mine. . . yet.

"I don't want to!" the little boy was vehemently declaring as loud as his lungs would allow. This was, all things considered, pretty loud for such a small child. He crossed his arms and met the gaze of his smiling mother figure's bright blue eyes with his own.

"Come on, everyone is waiting. Daddy, and Syaoran, and Sakura . . ."

"He's gonna be there! I don't want to see him! I hate him," the boy shrieked.

Fai sighed, and sat down on the floor in front of Watanuki, in spite of being dressed fully in winter gear and still holding his young son's coat, hat and gloves. "Don't you think that's a strong word, Kimi-chan?"

"No, I HATE him!"

"And why's that?" Fai asked trying to be cautious of the six year olds feelings- even if they were a complete mystery to him right now.

"He's annoying! He follows me around, and he's big and he never talks, and he ate all the cookies I helped make for Himawari! He's so stupid!"

Fai smiled fondly at the memory of Watanuki's 'help' with the cooking- it had really consisted of mixing the batter and licking the spoon- and at the boy's antics. "Awfully noisy about it. I think Kimi-chan might have a crush."

"NO!" Watanuki said, and turned to run from the room, Fai however was faster, snagging the struggling boy into his arms.

"I'm sorry, shh, I was just teasing you," Fai assured him, "Don't you want to go and pick out a tree?"

"No," the dark haired boy mumbled quietly. He really did take after both of his adoptive parents; he was a stubborn as his 'father', but more sensitive like his 'mother'.

"Oh, but we'll get to pick out a nice big tree at the fair, then we get to bring it home and decorate it! Doesn't that sound fun?"


"Tell you what," Fai said, getting a sudden idea for an activity the boy was unlikely to say no to, "If you can possibly put up with going to get the tree, you don't ever have to help decorate it when we get home. Daddy and Syaoran can do that. You and I can make cookies for everyone."

"I-I get the spoon?" the boy asked tremulously.

"You get the spoon," Fai promised. "Now, come on, Daddy isn't very patient you know."

Fai then set about getting the boy into the indigo coat he held, and buttoning him up. Once he was done with that, he had Watanuki put on his mittens and hat, and tied a scarf around his neck. He then clasped his son's hand and led him out into the garage, to the black SUV idling there. Fai took his seat in the front passenger side, after helping Watanuki into his booster seat.

"Oi, what took you so long?" Kurogane demanded.

Fai glanced at his red faced boy in the rear-view mirror, and decided to spare him the embarrassment in front of his twin Syaoran and Syaoran's best friend Sakura, "A dragon attacked the house. I had to use magic to defeat him, and Watanuki helped, right Kimi-chan?"

Sakura and Syaoran giggled, Watanuki at least conjured a smile and began the story of the 'dragon's' defeat.

"Dragon?" Kurogane asked, glancing at Fai. Fai found his husband's hand and squeezed it, hoping he understood the silent promise that he would tell him later.