A/N—The chapter is pure BMWW fluff. You have been warned. Thanks to my beta Hepburn who helped make this story so much better. Please read and enjoy.


Disclaimer—I don't own Justice League or any characters in the DC Universe and I don't own the lyrics to "In My Life" and am making no money from this story.

There are places I'll remember

All my life though some have changed

Some forever not for better

Some have gone and some remain

All these places have their moments

With lovers and friends I still can recall

Some are dead and some are living

In my life I've loved them all

But of all these friends and lovers

There is no one compares with you

And these memories lose their meaning

When I think of love as something new

Though I know I'll never lose affection

For people and things that went before

I know I'll often stop and think about them

In my life I love you more

Though I know I'll never lose affection

For people and things that went before

I know I'll often stop and think about them

In my life I love you more

In my life I love you more-In My Life by The Beatles

Chapter 28-In My Life

The sun shone brightly through the colorful leaves of the trees in the small woods by the cozy four-bedroom cottage in the Berkshires. The day was approaching the magical hour of twilight turning everything golden and beautiful. The crisp air was pungent with the smell of burning leaves and sweet with the smell of apples from the cider house nearby.

The cottage was over two hundred years old but had been renovated by Bruce's parents about five years before their deaths. Though Bruce had not been back to it since their deaths the house had been impeccably maintained and occasionally used by Wayne Enterprises' executives and their families. It was white painted brick with a dark wood shake gable roof. There were two stories with the four bedrooms and two bathrooms upstairs and the large kitchen and dining room on one side of the central staircase and a large living room with a huge fireplace and small study on the other. There was a large covered porch along the entire front of the house that contained a wrought iron table and chairs on one side of the large red front door and a large but cozy porch swing on the other side. It was there that the two lovers sat snuggling, drinking hot-spiced cider and reading the newspaper.

They had arrived last night by helicopter. Alfred had arranged for the house to be cleaned and the refrigerator stocked. A fire was burning in the fireplace when they arrived. Diana found drawers full of clothes in her size upstairs in the master bedroom. Everything had been perfect for the beginning of their romantic getaway.

Bruce had awakened this morning to the sight of Diana sitting in the window seat gazing out of the window at the beautiful view of the woods and small creek. "This place is amazing Bruce. I have never been to any place like it. I love all the colors of the leaves and how the sun sparkles on the water in the creek. I grew up in paradise but I like this place just as much. It's strange but I feel at home here and it is nothing like the place I grew-up and lived in for over a thousand years."

Bruce got out of the bed, walked over to her, wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. "I'm glad you like it. I never thought I would want to come back here, it was just too painful and lonely but with you here it seems right again."

Diana looked up at him with tears in her eyes. "I love you," she whispered and Bruce kissed her passionately and they became lost in each other again.

Afterwards they showered and went downstairs for breakfast. Diana made apple pancakes much to Bruce's surprise, and they were just as good as Alfred's. Then they went for a long walk in the woods, quietly holding hands and enjoying the sounds of nature. When they returned they climbed into the small SUV parked in the garage and drove into Williamstown. They had a late lunch at Colonial Pizza where Diana ate the most fabulous cheesecake. They explored the quaint little town and picked up a few newspapers including the Daily Planet. On the way home they stopped at the local cider house for some delicious cider.

Diana turned to the gossip column in the Daily Planet. "Oh there is a picture of us kissing at Lois and Clark's wedding next to Cat Grant's column!" She showed Bruce the picture and the story.

Bruce read in his best Entertainment Tonight voice, "So is Diana Prince another conquest for the Prince of Gotham? Will she last longer than the limo ride home? And just who is this beautiful nobody?"

"We made the gossip columns in all the major papers. The Planet was lucky enough to get a picture because most of their staff was at the wedding." Diana added with a smile at Bruce's burst of whimsy.

"Well we should go on some very public dates at some upscale places in Gotham so that the paparazzi can get photos of me being scandalous with you. That should make Diana Prince front and center as Bruce Wayne's new girlfriend and help me lose my male Paris Hilton image in the process." Bruce surmised with a bit of humour.

"Do you think my identity will hold up to the scrutiny?" Diana wondered.

"Well it helps that you have been using the identity for almost four years now. You have a real history and I have made sure that all the fake history is airtight. The government could run a check on Diana Prince and she would check out. The rest is up to you. You just need to convince everyone that you're crazy about Bruce Wayne. Do you think you are up to that task?"

He smiled at her teasingly and she leaned over and kissed him. "I don't think that will be a problem." she said as she snuggled into his chest. He smelled of apples, the woods and his own unique smell and Diana felt intoxicated by him. She never wanted this moment to end. Suddenly she felt a buzzing in her pocket. She pulled out her Blackberry. Barbara Gordon had insisted that Diana and Donna get them after Donna's abduction. She had taught them how to text so that they would be able to check in with each other without disturbing the others day. She had also set up a calendar so that both of them were aware of each other schedules. They could keep tabs on each other more easily and Donna had another way of contacting Diana if she had a problem.

"If that is the League, tell them you are busy. I am not ending our trip even for the end of the world!" Bruce smirked.

"It is just Donna checking in. We do that now after everything that happened with Talia and Vandal Savage. Hmm…she says she went on patrol in Bludhaven with Nightwing last night. She claims that Dick thinks she needs training handling real criminals. They stopped three muggings, a rape and broke up a drug lab. I guess that is experience." Diana looked up at Bruce who also looked a little surprised.

"I guess he is right. She hasn't been on any combat missions lately and this would give her practice. Still, it is strange. Dick doesn't usually like help outside the Batclan. He would never let Kory help him patrol the city." Bruce stated.

"Do you think Dick is attracted to Donna?" Diana asked.

"I think that ninety percent of the straight male population is attracted to Donna. I suppose Dick is no different but he hasn't said anything to me about her. Not that we have heart to hearts about our love lives. Do you think Donna is attracted to him?"

"She hasn't said anything to me that would indicate that she is but I do know she loves to mess with him. The only guy she seems remotely interested in dating is Roy Harper. They have gone out once or twice I think, mostly on double-dates with Wally and Linda."

Bruce face became a bit stony, "I don't know if Roy is the best guy for Donna to be dating, he kind of takes after Ollie as being a bit of a womanizer. Well how Ollie used to be before he met Dinah. Let's just say that Roy doesn't have the best reputation when it comes to his girlfriends."

"I don't think we have much to worry about with regards to Donna. I think she likes having fun with Roy but I don't think she has strong feelings for him." Diana replied looking down at her Blackberry again and pressing a button.

"Oh, we made TMZ, Donna sent me a link. They found pictures of me from a swimsuit layout I did years ago." She said as she showed Bruce the picture.

"Mmm nice! Diana Prince sure looks incredible in a bikini. So how would Diana Prince like to live at the Manor permanently?" Bruce whispered.

Diana looked up at him confused, "What do you mean?"

"I know that Princess Diana of Themyscira has to maintain the embassy, and I know you can't always be there but I would like for you to think of the Manor as your home. You don't need an invitation to be there. You can pick some rooms and decorate them anyway you like, put your mark on the place. Though you will be sleeping in the master bedroom with me, on that I will not budge." he added smiling. "This way when I'm an ass and I try to push you away I'll have a reminder that you belong there."

"Are you sure Bruce? That's a big step." Diana looked into his eyes to see if she saw any hesitation. She was overjoyed when she saw none.

"Diana, I like knowing you'll be there often if not always. I look forward to coming home to you, but most of all I love needing you and needing anyone or anything scares me but needing you makes me feel…Right." he said softly and he felt his heart race at the idea of her living with him permanently. He just hoped he could keep his fears from messing up the best thing in his life.

"Yes!" She said as she kissed him and then snuggled into his chest. "I can't wait to make a grotto in the cave. Imagine all the light and flowers, and a Koi pond! And there is this lovely fountain on Themyscira that I know my mother will give me. It has Eros in his baby form spouting water from his lips. And Donna bought me a soothing sounds of the jungle CD we could play for ambience! What do you think, won't that be lovely?" Diana swallowed hard to keep from laughing when she felt Bruce's body stiffen under her cheek.

"Princess," he said in a careful voice. "I don't know about a grotto in the Cave."

Diana looked up at him with the most innocence face she could manage. Bruce had faced down the Joker and his goons being out numbered 20 to 1 but Diana's suggestions were fear incarnate to him. "You don't like my ideas for our Cave? You said I could put my mark on the place!" She said in her most indignant princess royal voice.

Diana could see the look of fear flicker in Bruce's eyes and nearly dissolved into laughter. She couldn't stand the idea of a grotto in the Cave anymore than Bruce. It was just too ridiculous, but seeing him panic was just too fun.

"I meant the Manor not the Cave," he reasoned as if he was talking to a lunatic. She could see beads of sweat forming on his brow.

Diana couldn't take it any longer and started laughing. Bruce facial expression went from fear to annoyance in seconds.

"Not funny, Princess!" He said irritably, glaring at her.

"Come on Bruce, that was just too easy!" Diana gasped out between giggles.

Bruce had never met anyone who charmed him the way she did. He gave into the urge and kissed her, pulling her across his body and holding her close.

They continued to sit close whiling away the hours basking in the joy of being in love. They watched the sunset in this place that was now their place and special to them both.

The End (for now)

A/N—This is the last chapter but not the end. I am planning on writing a sequel but I would like your input. Please go to my profile and vote for who you would like to see Donna end up with in the sequel. I have also posted some summaries of pending stories that I am working on if you're interested. Thanks to all of you who have stuck it out until the end with this story and I hope you received as much enjoyment reading it as I did writing it.