Disclaimer- I still do not own Final Fantasy

Last Christmas

Chapter 5

A year ago, Aerith would have accepted this kiss without hesitation. She would have kissed Zack back and relished his embrace. A year ago, Aerith was in love with Zack Fair and now he was kissing her. She dreamt of this for so long, wanting it so bad that it hurt. Her body trembled, as his hands gripped her to him. Zack broke the kiss, abruptly when he felt Aerith pushing at the wall of his chest.

Tears flooded her eyes. All of a sudden, the girl was confused, unsure what to make of what just happened. Just moments ago, she was so sure of herself that this would end everything and bring her feelings for him to an end. Now, instead, he did something so unexpected. Was he not with Cissnei? They were a couple! Why was he kissing her? This was terrible. How could Zack do something like this when he was with someone?

He could not look her in the eyes. Instead, he held her against him refusing to let her go. Her face was in his chest reluctantly. He arms wrapped around her, the muscles in his arms tightening. Aerith had her arms at her side, unable to move from him. Zack was as strong as he looked, if not stronger.

"Aerith," Zack whispered. "I do love you."

When those words reached her ears, Aerith's eyes widened. A gasp slipped through her lips. Why was he saying this now? He was with Cissnei!

Zack slid his hands to her shoulders, holding her at arms length. His grip was gentle but firm. He was not going to let her go. Aerith looked at him, threatening to cry. She shook her head furiously at him, her lips trembling.

"Why are you saying this?" she sobbed. "You can't love me; you just can't!"

"I do," Zack said seriously.

Aerith hiccuped. Her sobs were the only sound other than the wind causing the snowflakes to drift over them, covering the two. The lights from the Christmas lights reflected off their hair and skin, creating a heavenly glow. Zack pulled her into him again, burying his face in her hair. His body was so warm even with the lack of warm clothing on. This was not making sense at all. This was not supposed to happen. Why was this happening to her now? What was this a joke?

Aerith began to struggle, wriggling wildly in attempt to get away. She pushed at him but it did nothing. It was a feeble attempt. Zack remained quiet as she cried out at him. His face was expressionless.

"Zack," Aerith cried. "Let me go!"

"No," he replied.

"Let me go! You cannot do this. You have a girlfriend; I am not going to be the cause of a breakup!"

"It's too late. I already broke up with her."

Aerith froze. She looked up at Zack his face may had been expressionless but his eyes held such sadness that it was heartbreaking. He bent his head, resting it on top of hers. He slid one around her waist, pulling her against him again.

"But…. Why?" Aerith choked out.

"Because," Zack said calmly. "I don't love her anymore. I love you."

"LIAR!" Aerith snapped. "You are a liar. Last Christmas I told you I loved you and then the next day you went back to Cissnei. I saw you, and you didn't even have the courage to tell me you didn't love me. You left me there to cry, remember? You took my present gave it to Cissnei. You could have returned it to me at least."

Aerith began sobbing uncontrollably. The anger within her rose up. The pain she felt that day hurt so much. It was like a slap in the face seeing her scarf around his, well, ex-girlfriend. In a way that scarf symbolized her love for him. He gave it away without a care.

"I'm sorry." Zack said.

"Sorry… that was a year ago and all you can say is sorry? Then you come out here and kiss me? What do you want from me Zack? Stop confusing me!"

Zack gripped her tighter.

"I want you as my girlfriend." He declared. "Last year when I got your present and that note, I did not know how to react at first. I realized though you were always there for me and I appreciated that. I did have an answer for you that day. I went to the park to meet you but the wind caught my scarf and blew it away. I chased after it when someone… Cissnei, caught it."

"I was shocked to see her, but she returned because she was still in love with me. She came back for me and wanted to resume being a couple. I was so confused at that point. I thought I wanted her and that is why I left with her. I did see you there. Afterwards you never spoke to me and each time I saw you at school… I wanted to hear your voice. I wanted us to go back to the way things were. I knew then, each passing day that I wanted to be with you. I'm sorry for hurting you and I thought… I thought you never wanted see me again. Yet, what could I say to you that would have made sense for my actions?"

Aerith felt her legs trembling, threatening to collapse on her, and they did. Zack supported her tiny frame easily. Her mind was a mess. None of this made sense, and yet it made perfect sense. Zack thought he wanted to be with Cissnei, the girl he had been pining for months after their breakup. Yet, somehow, he fell out of love with Cissnei and in love with her. So, that was why she was so miserable at the party.

Her emerald orbs, with tears flowing freely looked up into Zack's. Those perfect blue eyes filled with the same sadness that she felt for months. Misunderstandings, uncertainties, poor choices were the cause of this mess.

"I was also… jealous when I saw you that day at the restaurant with the new kid. Then everyday afterward I saw you with him and I saw you smiling how you use to smile… for me. It made me angry because I wanted to make you smile. I realize that now and I had to breakup with Cissnei. Aerith, my answer was… is yes. I love you. I really do. I want to be with you now."

Zack brought his hands to her face, touching her tear stained cheeks. His thumbs feathered across her skin, wiping the tears gently. His eyes stared into hers, warm and loving. He did love her. He really truly did. Everything about Zack was how she dreamt him to be if he was her boyfriend, warm and gentle. He could still be.

Zack smiled that signature grin that had once made her heart melt and butterflies to flutter in her stomach. He leaned toward her, his eyes closing. He was going to kiss her again. Aerith closed her eyes, stopping her tears from leaking out. As Zack neared her, she turned her head away, causing Zack to miss. He opened his eyes and saw her looking away.

"I'm sorry Zack," Aerith murmured.

She took his hands and pulled herself free from his grasp. Zack stared at her as Aerith stood up. She took a step back and shook her head at him.

"I don't love you anymore."

Zack got up, towering over her, his eyes pleading with her to reconsider. Aerith turned around. With her back to him, she looked up at the sky wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

Zack touched her shoulder. He was reluctant to let her go, not wanting this to happen. Aerith placed her hand over his and slowly slid it off. Had the circumstances been different ,maybe it would be his touch she wanted, his warmth against her. If it were different, maybe then she would have gladly welcomed him, gazed into his eyes and even kissed him. However, it was not his touch she wanted. She did not want to feel his gentle hands, gaze into his eyes, or kiss him.

Cloud, she wanted Cloud. Every moment with Zack proved that. She only saw Cloud's face flash through her mind when he kissed her, proving that Zack was not who she wanted. Coming here did put her feelings for Zack to rest. She truly did fall in love with Cloud, and wanted to see his blue eyes looking at her. She wanted that warm contact when they held hands. Everything she had once wished to do with Zack, she wanted with Cloud, and only him.

Aerith smiled, her back still to him. "My heart belongs to someone special now."

"Are you sure you love him?" Zack asked feebly, knowing he was defeated.

"Yes, I do… goodbye Zack."

Aerith ran off, smiling happily, as she ran through the cold streets. She wanted to tell Cloud. She wanted to be his girlfriend. Hoping that it was not too late, she ran to her home first, wanting to get the present she so stupidly left on the counter.

After getting the box, Elmyra protested against Aerith leaving. It was, after all, cold, dark, and dangerous for a girl to go out in the middle of the night. However, her daughter was determined and ignored her mother's protests. With the box of cookies in hand, she hurried back to Tifa's party. She only hoped Cloud had not left.

The walk back was quick. Luckily for Aerith, she did not slip on the ice. She hurried up the steps to the bar. She took a deep breath and gathered all her courage. No longer, would she would she be afraid of her feelings. She would go inside, in front of everyone if she had to, and tell Cloud how she felt. Opening the door, she put her best smile on her face and…

Aerith felt her heart stop in her chest. She stepped back from the door, a cry escaping her. She fled from the door, bolting down the steps two at a time. The door slammed loudly behind her but she ignored it. Her mind was weeping. This was not happening, not again!

No, not again, please not again! This cannot be happening!

Aerith blindly ran through the streets, all common sense thrown to the wind: she did not care that she was crossing streets without looking, nor did she care that she was nearly slipping across sleek ice. She did not care it was dark and dangerous. What she cared about was running away. Not to the safety of her home, but somewhere she could be alone.

Somehow, the young girl found herself in the city park. The ice rink was closed, as well as the concession stand. Of course, it was most likely well past midnight. Nothing would be open now. Aerith was alone here. Who would come here on Christmas? Everyone would be safe at home with his or her families. She trudged through the snow, staring at the disappearing footprints that people had left, ones filling up slowly from the drifting snow. The only light came from the Christmas tree and the lights that the city put up. Yet, the light brought no comfort with it. It was not until she felt her cold legs give out on her that she felt a cold blow to her already horrible mood. She hit the snow, dropping the box of cookies. The box tumbled in the snow away from her.

Crying, Aerith got to her knees, crawling to the box. She grabbed the cookies, hugging them to her. She did not bother to get up from the snow; instead, she sat there, sobbing with her head leaning against the box.

"I'm such an idiot!" she wept aloud. "Why didn't I tell him? If I weren't so indecisive and stupid, this wouldn't have happened again. It's just not fair… it's… just not… fair."

The scene at the party burned itself into Aerith's mind. The image she saw repeated in her head, like a slideshow of the same picture over and over again, bringing more tears to her eyes. The last time Aerith cried this much was last year. Now she was here, sitting in the snow, reliving that day.

The image she saw opening the door was everyone at the party surrounding Cloud AND Cissnei. The beautiful girl was in Cloud's arms, where she thought she would be. What had happened since she left? Did Cloud and Cissnei come together after being rejected? How could Cloud's feelings change so suddenly? Aerith could not understand. She did not want to understand. What did it matter anyway?

Her heart ached. It hurt more than the cold whipping at her tiny frame. What did she care if she froze out here? It would not stop that terrible pain in her chest. The pain of feeling her heart shattering was unbearable the first time. Yet, the second time it hurt worse. She had been so sure and instead she was wrong, again. She was wrong about both Zack and Cloud.

The wind whipped violently at her. A heavy excess of snow fell on her, covering and burying her body. She blinked several times and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. Her body was shivering; she could even hear her teeth chattering. Her hands were numb and as well her feet, and her clothes were wet from the snow. Still, she clutched her stupid box of cookies to her. She put her whole heart into these and now it was pointless. She put her whole heart into make Zack's scarf and the result was similar.

"I guess… I'm not meant to be in love…" she heard herself, her voice so faint.

She closed her eyes, her head still against the cookie box. Cold and tired, Aerith just wanted to sleep and forget everything. She did not want to feel anything either. She just wanted to forget.


Was that the wind? Aerith thought. I'm delusional now.


Just leave me alone.


Aerith opened her eyes. Someone else was here. She lifted her head and looked behind her. Standing across the distance was someone. Aerith squinted. It was dark and the falling snow had made its way onto her eyelashes. It was hard to tell who was there.

Whoever it was was was coming towards her. She stared as the figure came closer. The light from the Christmas lights illuminated the person but Aerith found her vision getting fuzzy. Who was it? Everything was going dark. Aerith slumped forward, losing consciousness briefly.

"Aerith! Aerith! Wake up, please wake up!"

Aerith opened her eyes, her eyes incredibly heavy. A person with beautiful blue eyes and glowing skin was holding her from falling into the snow.

"An angel…" she whispered weakly.

"Aerith, don't talk like that!" the voice snapped. "Your skin is so cold, like ice!"

The next thing Aerith felt was a heavy, but warm coat wrap around her. She let out a soft moan, blinking several times. She could see who it was. His blonde spiky hair was all too familiar.


"Are you stupid?" he snapped again. "What are you doing out here sitting in the snow? Are you trying to kill yourself?"

Cloud stared at her, rubbing her body over his coat to warm her up. She looked so weak and fragile, clutching that box to her. Cloud wished she would drop it so he could cover her hands. They looked as if they were going to turn blue in any second.

Aerith felt something warm on her cheeks. Something that was warm but also wet. It was not snow. Snow was cold. Was she crying? No, she could not cry even if she wanted to. She looked up. Cloud's face scrunched up as several uncharacteristic tears slipped down and landed on her cheek.

"Why are you crying?" she asked, her voice straining.

"Are you insane? What if I didn't find you out here?"

"Cloud… let me die… I can't take it anymore."

"WHAT!" Cloud shouted.

"I don't want to feel this pain… it hurts so much."

Cloud panicked. Was she injured in some way? He had been so worried for her that he did not even think she could possibly be hurt.

"Did you slip on ice? Did you fall into a hole the snow covered up? Where does it hurt?"

Aerith's ice-cold hand took his warm, very warm hand and placed it over her heart.

"My heart…" she breathed. "Cloud, here you go. It is my Christmas present… to you. I put… my… whole heart into them. You and Cissnei can… have them… she'll make you happy…"

"Don't talk like that. I don't care about Cissnei."

Aerith laughed weakly, smiling up at Cloud. She reached up and touched his face. She moved her head and kissed his lips. He was so warm compared to her ice-cold body.

"Cloud… I…"

Aerith felt her body become heavy again, her eyes failing to stay open. Cloud screamed her name but she could not hear anything after that. When she regained consciousness, the young girl found herself warm, incredibly warm. It felt so good and comfortable. She almost did not want to wake up. Maybe this was heaven. If it was heaven, then she did not mind not waking up.

She could hear something. It sounded like a drum. No, perhaps not a drum but it was a steady beat. It was comfortable as well. She wondered what it could be. She forced her eyes open. They were fuzzy for a moment but after she blinked a few times, she saw… flesh?

Aerith got up and noticed she was not in heaven but in a bed… with someone else. Aerith jumped up, the blankets and sheets around her falling. Aerith looked down and saw her body discarded of the clothing she had been wearing and replaced with a large navy shirt. The shirt clearly belonged to a man! Aerith wanted to scream but found her voice hoarse. She coughed several times, gaining the attention of the sleeping person next to her.

Cloud sat up in his bed. Sighing, he looked over at Aerith, who had the look of disbelief etched onto her face. Cloud was shirtless; every muscle well defined on his chest and arms. Aerith's face became tomato red at the sight. She backed away from him, scared when she felt her arms find dead space. Aerith let out her scratchy scream as she fell backwards from the bed. In a flash, Cloud was there holding her from falling off the bed.

"Calm down," he said.

He pulled her back onto his bed, laying her back down. He looked down at her, his blue eyes filled with concern. He touched her forehead and her cheeks before sighing with relief.

"Aerith… would you please stop scaring me like that? I don't think I'm going to live through another of your near death experiences."

"What…?" she croaked.

"Last night, if I didn't run out to look for you, you would have frozen. Luckily, your footprints were fresh in the snow. You were so cold… I thought I was going to lose you. Thank god my apartment is close to the park."

"What about Cissnei?"

"What about her? Zack broke up with her; that was why she was so upset."

"She was hugging you…"

"You saw her hugging me? She bawled her eyes out at the party and caused a huge scene. I was the closest person to her so she clutched onto me, which is when… you saw us isn't it? You thought… you thought I liked her? Aerith, if I liked her I wouldn't have told you I liked you!"

Aerith lowered her gaze. Therefore, it was just another misunderstanding. She felt herself become embarrassed. She clutched the sheets to her and suddenly she jumped back up.

"MOM!" she croaked.

"She thinks you're at Tifa's for the night." Cloud explained. "When I brought you here I was able to warm you up and you were fine. I did not want to give your mom a heart attack. If you want to explain it to her, you can."

Aerith sighed with relief. The last thing she wanted was to worry her mom. Her mom was already a worrywart. Cloud pushed her back down gently when she suddenly jumped up again, clutching the sheets to her. Her face was beat red.

"M-my clothes, why am I… you didn't… I didn't … we didn't do anything…"

Cloud shook his head. He turned slightly red at the thought. "I would never do something like that to you. I had to take your clothes off. If you stayed in them you would have frozen."

"Then… why are…"

Cloud removed the covers from his lower half to show her he had on pants. She could even see his boxers slightly. Clearly, nothing inappropriate happened last night.

"I had to get you warm fast… sorry…"

Aerith fell back down. Her head was swimming, trying to take in everything. She thought he was with Cissnei, but that was all a misunderstanding. She ran out into the snow and nearly froze. Cloud found her, and Cloud had saved her life, again! Realization hit her like a freight train.

Aerith jumped back up, startling Cloud. She took his hands into her own. This was her chance. She wanted to tell him so much. She had another chance. Taking her hands into his, she was determined to tell him now.

"Cloud, I love you!" she declared. "I don't want to be 'just friends' with you. I was scared that… I was scared to give you my heart. I was afraid of getting my heart broken. I'm sorry! If you don't want to be with me then I understand but… Cloud, I love you. I really, truly, love you!"

Cloud stared her quietly. She looked at him, gripping his hand tightly. Cloud said nothing for the longest time, before he leaned forward and kissed her. Aerith was shocked at first but soon found herself kissing him back. Cloud pulled away briefly and smiled. Aerith looked at him as his hand reached up to touch her cheek.

"I love you too."

Happily, he then pulled her closer, kissing her deeper. Aerith felt her body grow weak in his embrace. She wrapped her arms around him, using him for support. He pulled her onto his lap, holding her to him as if afraid to let her go. Truthfully, he was afraid. After last night's scare, he never ever wanted to let her go.

Aerith never wanted to leave Cloud's embrace either. She wanted to stay like this forever. She could have kissed him forever. She ignored the embarrassment of being nearly naked in front of him for the moment and his half-naked body against hers. Who could be embarrassed now?

Cloud pulled away again, staring at her. Those perfect blue eyes staring into her deep emerald ones. She blushed furiously and turned away. Cloud turned her to look at him. She looked past him and noticed that the present she had for him was sitting on his dresser. The box looked beat up, since she did drop it. Cloud looked back, wondering what caught her eye. Upon realizing what it was, he felt his curiosity pique.

"Can I open my present now?"

Cloud did not give her time to respond. He snatched the box and opened it up. He plunged his hand inside and pulled out a decapitated ginger bread man. Cloud looked into the box, pulling out another piece of a cookie. Aerith peeked in to see her cookies in pieces. Cloud picked through the pieces until he found the head of one. He examined it closely before reaching up to touch his blonde locks. It took him a second to realize who the gingerbread man was supposed to be.

The young girl stared between the cookie and Cloud. Cloud remained quiet for the longest time causing Aerith to rethink her idea of actually being a good one. Then a small smirk appeared on his face. Cloud tried hard to not laugh, but found himself laughing anyway. Embarrassed, Aerith began smacking Cloud in attempt to get him to stop. When he would not stop, Aerith tackled him but lost her balance and went sailing to the floor. Aerith wailed but instead of landing on the floor, she was caught by Cloud, whose laughter died. Instead of allowing her to fall, he fell backwards onto the floor with her allowing her to land on him.

"You… you jerk. I worked hard on those cookies!" she cried but more seriously, she asked, "Are you hurt?"

"Just my back." He replied.

"Why didn't you just let me fall?"

Cloud reached up and stroked her cheek gently, his thumb feathered over her quivering lip. He smiled at her.

"Because, I would never let you fall. Merry Christmas, Aerith."

Cloud wrapped his arms around her, holding her to him. Aerith let out a laugh and wrapped her arms around him, kissing him at the same time. She loved kissing him. She loved holding him. She loved everything about him! Even in such a short amount time, she grew intense feelings for this man even when she doubted she could ever love again. Cloud Strife was someone special and deserved her heart, a heart he healed.

"Merry Christmas, Cloud." She said between a kiss. "I love you so much!"

The End

X, X, X,

Author Note- A short story for the holidays. I'm glad you took the time out to read this and I hope you enjoyed it. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and take care. Thank you!


Edit- Thanks to MidnightSchemer13 for editing the story.