Here's chapter two!

By the way, thank you to everyone who reviewed! You guys made my day.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


Why in the hell is V's light on…? Evey thought. Even though she'd never been in his room (she'd always been afraid to go in it anyway, even after his death) she was sure that he wasn't the kind of man who left his lights on before he went somewhere.

She crept slowly towards the room, making sure she made as little noise as possible. What if someone broke in? Fingermen ? The police? She tried to shake those thoughts out of her head while reaching for one of V's conveniently placed marble busts. It didn't work though, because she couldn't lift it. Guess I'll have to settle with my fists. She had made it to V's door.

Holding her breath, she twisted the knob and opened it.


No one.

Astonished, she looked around the room. It looked like a tornado had just blown right through it. Papers were scattered on the ground, there were two large dents in the wall, and bits of broken furniture littered the floor.

She even noticed that his mirror was broken..., But how? After muttering a few obscenities, she began to pick up the bits of wood and glass. As she reached for some debris she noticed her hands were shaking.

His room truly was (or would have been, before someone trashed it) elegant. She couldn't find any fabric that wasn't silk or velvet. She was actually starting to wonder where he got all his money from...

She was only about halfway through cleaning the mess when her cell phone rang. She sighed and answered it.


"Ms. Hammond?"

"Yes, Mr. Finch?"

"I am calling to talk about..., about Parliament...," his voice was shaky, almost as if he were nervous.

"Have you found anything?" Evey blurted.

"Well, that's the thing. We haven't. Clothes..., bits of the mask..., things we would normally find are just not there, Ms. Hammond."

Even though she didn't particularly want to see bits of the burnt mask, Evey was curious as to how there were no traces of him even being there. Then, the idea dawned on her. He could be alive, she thought, he could be alive...

"Ms. Hammond?"

"Oh, ah…I'm sorry, Mr. Finch, but I'm going to have to let you go..."

"Is something wrong?"

"No, it's just that I-" she didn't get to finish.

"I understand. I'll leave you alone with your thoughts."

"Well..., Goodbye, Mr. Finch."

"Goodbye, Ms. Hammond."

Thank god that was over.

Turning back to the mess she'd been cleaning up, she sighed heavily.

Her senses told her it was getting late, and V's bed was starting to look especially welcoming...

She sat down on it. Comfortable enough, she mused. But then again, it is V's..., Her eyes grew heavy, and she laid down, curling up into a ball.

Faintly, very faintly, she could hear her phone ring. No way am I going to answer that bloody thing..


No way.




Evey was too far gone to even think, her face relaxing as she drifted into a deep sleep. She was so asleep, in fact, that she didn't even notice the gloved hands reaching over her tiny form and placing a silken blanket over her.