Ok, just as another warning- SLASH!!! This story contains slash; if relationships of the same sex nature offend you don't read this story.

'I love you'

These three words can make such a difference, a life changing difference. I loved him, more than anything, but at the same time I hated him. I hated the way he shamelessly threw himself at any random queen when he was worthy of much more. The way he degraded himself, by fucking anything that moved. I hated that he didn't love me back.

He had asked me to meet him at his human's house; he said that he needed to talk. I walked up his drive and saw his perfect silhouette against the frozen moon. I walked up to him as casually as possible. He grinned as I approached him; I stood in front of him, waiting for him to speak. He pulled me close and kissed me…

'Wake Up! C'mon Misto, I want to play!'

Pouncival bounced around tugging at my tail trying to pull me off the bonnet of the car.

'Go away'

Etcetera pounced on me thumping her paws on my chest

'Please, me and Pounce are really bored'

'Pounce and I'

'No, not you Misto, me and pounce'

I sighed and rose to my feet, the sun shone high in the sky, illuminating the junkyard.

'We are gonna play a game Misto, you count we'll hide '

'We wanna play too!'

Tumblebrutus, Electra and Jemima bounced up to me.

Great, more kittens to find

'Okay okay 1…2…3…4…5…'

Later That Day

I had been looking for the kittens all day, I couldn't find them anywhere. I heard young feminine giggling. Aha! I had found them. I crept over to the spot were the giggle were emitting, and saw him , gyrating at them , why the hell does he do that , there kittens , they don't understand , at least I hope they don't…anyway.

'What in Heaviside are you doing you paedophile'

'Shut Your Mouth'

'And why should I, I'm not obliged to do it'

'Pffft , I'm the disobliging one , if Straps came up to you now I bet you would do whatever he asked you to'

A smirk spread across his face, as realisation hit. I'm so glad the kittens didn't understand that joke because when Tugger erupted with laughter they all glanced at him nervously.

'Bast! Grow up Tugger; you're a stupid pompous prick who'll screw anything with an oraphis.'

'I beg your pardon???' Tugger queried

'A HOLE!!!'

'Quaxo, don't talk such filth around the kittens, what would you uncle say'

Jenny scowled at me before escorting the kittens away.

Tugger and I stood there, in awkward, tensed silence.

'So Twinkletoes, whadda you wanna do?'

'As long as it doesn't involve you, anything'

'Oooh, someone's bitchy today'

'Piss Off'

'And why should I do that, im not obliged to do it' Tugger mimicked my voice rather annoyingly accurately.

Again, there was an awkward silence. Tugger swaggered past me, brushing me ever so slightly, sending tingles down my spine. He leant casually against a pile of junk.

'So, what's with you and that Victoria Chick?'

'We're just friends'


'Tugger , you can have a perfectly normal and friendly relationship with a queen , not everything revolves around sex you know.'

'Of course it doesn't' Tugger scoffed 'It revolves around moi '

'I don't know why I waste my time talking to you' I turned around on my haunches at set off towards the centre of the junkyard.

'Whatever Misto , you know you love me really'

I span back round

'W-w-what did you just say'

'Calm down I was only joking Misto , its not like your gay , I know you're not actually in love with me , anyway , about you and Victoria , I reckon you could score , it aint that hard , you just walk up to them and say what they wanna hear and their all yours'As he was syain this Tugger walked ofward and draped his arm over my shoulder , my breath began to quicken , rattling in side my ribcage.

'Bloddy hell Misto , are you all right'

'Y-yeah , im fine , why would you say that?'

'Just your breathings a bit heavy'

'oh sorry I ju…'

'Hey! Bombi's back from the vets , godda dash , and I know you'll be fine with Victoria'

And then he was gone.

Why couldn't he understand, that I didn't like Victoria in that way, I was so caught up in my thought I almost walked into Victoria herself.

'Hi Misto' her voice was like a thousand bells, I suppose I was mildly attracted to Victoria, but it not something that would progress.

'Plato walked up and pulled Victoria close, he obviously got the impression I had some infatuation with Victoria as well.

'You wasn't planning on touching my mate where you?'

'Wouldn't dream of it'

Victoria batted Plato's arm playfully 'I was just saying hi, Plato'

'That's all right then'

The happy couple walked off and again I was alone.

I was beginning to feel tired , and decided to head home , a kind old lady had taken me in after her granddaughter had found me after a car accident , as I approached the bungalow , a smelt a familiar scent , it was husky and rich ,masculine and just plain sexy , it was the scent of the one and only Tugger , what was he doing round here , his owners lived on the other side of town , matter fact , they lived pretty much in the centre of London , as I turned the corner I saw Tugger waiting outside the front door.

So what do you think , please review the next chapter will be up soon!

Oh yeah , i need a better name for the story , the person who comes up with the name i choose will get the story dedicated to them!