Chapter 9

A/N: Thank you for the reviews everyone! I hope you are enjoying my story so far, and of course Richelle Mead's characters are hers!

Rose, Lissa, and Christian got into the limo after they finished getting ready for the wake. Alexander was not his usual cheery fountain of information, but rather stared ahead at the road solemnly as he drove. Rose stared out the window in a daze as freezing rain drops beat upon the glass. Her mind was racing; this most recent vision felt much more real and was longer than the last.

How can I ever face Adrian, look him in the eye? All of those horrible things I said to him, all the times I take him for granted. All I do is take, and take, but never give.

Dimitri would never kill anyone, would he? They must be forcing him somehow, this isn't him. This can't be him. But what if the evil tempted him, that power. I could taste it, feel it, and oh how I wanted it. Is he really trying to set me up? Would he really hurt me, kill me, if he had the chance? Or does he want us to be together eternally?

"UGH!" Rose said out loud, and banged her first on the window. Lissa and Christian both jumped, startled by the sudden noise.

"Rose, talk to me. Something is seriously wrong, you aren't yourself," Lissa said softly, and slid over next to her.

"I just want them to stop…" Rose mumbled, with her face in her hands.

"What to stop?"

"These thoughts, these visions, these fears. I've never lost control like this before, I don't know what to think, what to feel, what I want."

"Rose, I love you and everything, but sometimes you are so stubborn. You have to realize that not everything is in your control, that every so often the tough badass Dhampir has to surrender and let fate work."

"I wish it was that easy…" Rose sighed, tilting her head back on the seat.

Lissa took her hand and said, "It never is."

"Aw, that is so cute, look at the two little BFFs," Christian said in a joking tone, causing the girls to smile.

"Very funny Ozera, now how would you like it if I came over there and collected your teeth for matching friendship bracelets?"

"I wouldn't recommend that Hathaway, considering I could light you like a candle and all," Christian quipped, and the three of them began to laugh, even Rose.

"We're here," Alexander said softly, interrupting the brief happy moment.

They all got out of the car, and walked into an old but still beautiful chapel. The seats facing the casket were filled with Moroi, Dhampirs, and Humans. Candles and flowers adorned the room, and silent sobs and prayers flooded the air. Rose tried to find Adrian, and spotted him in the front row, looking upon Irina's coffin. She could sense his anger, hurt, and grief, and so desperately wanted to help him. Alexander went over to him, and placed his hand on his shoulder for comfort. Adrian patted him on the back to thank him for his support, and Rose's heart sunk in her chest. She debated whether or not to approach Adrian just then, but before she could make up her mind she heard the church doors open. A man with beautiful blonde hair, green eyes, flawless skin, and a thin frame walked into the room. This guy was clearly a Moroi, possibly royal. He was wearing a very high end Dolce and Gabbana suit, and began to approach Irina's casket with flowers in his hands. Adrian looked up and noticed him, and immediately lunged.

"Master Adrian, please!" Alexander cried out, trying to restrain him. Adrian jumped on top of the man before Alexander could stop him, and began to punch him in the face.

"You bastard, how dare you show your face here! After all she has done for you, she loved you! And you abandoned her, and now you're sorry!" he raged, continuing his furious blows.

Alexander was finally able to pry Adrian off of the now bleeding and stunned man on the floor. He angrily shook himself from Alexander's grip and pushed his way out of the chapel. The mourners were completely stunned, and Rose ran outside after him. She found him leaning against the church wall, smoking one of his cigarettes and glaring angrily into the horizon.

"Adrian," Rose said softly, approaching him as if she were approaching a wild animal.

"You can come closer, Rose, I won't hurt you."

"I know, I'm just worried about you, you must really hate that man."

"Yes, I do. Did Irina ever tell you about him?"

Rose remembered the conversation at the mansion, and it instantly clicked. He was the Moroi that wouldn't marry her. The one that chose to walk out on her and save his reputation.

"Yes, she did, it's awful. He's the reason she stopped being a guardian."

"I've known her my whole life, Rose. She was closer to me than anyone, closer than family."

"Adrian, was she your guardian?"

He sighed. "Yes, until Gregory broke her heart. She made sure someone else took her place as guardian, and we remained close friends still, but it broke my heart when she left. I understand why though, and I don't hold it against her."

"I can't believe this is all happening. I can just feel it's going to get worse."

"It will unless we stop it. Unless we finally face the truth and fight it head on. Do you know why her casket is kept closed Rose?"


"The person who killed her maimed her so badly that they couldn't fix it. Her face, hell almost her whole head, was almost taken off. He showed her no mercy, and when I find him, I will show him none either."

"Dimitri!" Rose gasped.

"Yes, I know it was him. He's the only one who has the strength, skill, and the reason."

"What do you mean the reason!"

"Rose, I really didn't want to tell you these things. I hoped you would just abandon this stupid mission of yours, and realize that he is gone. I wanted to protect you because I know you still love him, but you need to know the truth. Dimitri is the leader of a Strigoi faction, the most powerful one in Siberia, hell probably most of the world. They call themselves the Order of the Serpent because they are quick but deadly. He's calling you to him because he probably wants you to join, he knows your strength. He's playing you, Rose, he's not the same Dimitri. And you know it your heart you will not, and cannot kill him, so just go home before you suffer any longer."

Rose didn't know what to say, she didn't know how to process everything Adrian was saying.

"That can't be, they must have forced him somehow!" she finally said after a moment.

"They didn't force him, he was enticed by evil, and submitted to it. The Strigoi wanted him because he was strong and a good fighter, but it was his choice to become a leader and continue it."

"I have to kill him, it's the only way to free him from this. I have to uphold my promise, he would want me to do it."

"He's not going to go down without a fight, especially because of all of the power he has. He's too far gone to be saved Rose, he won't let you kill him, and I don't want him to hurt you."

He walked over to Rose and hugged her against his chest.

"I'm sorry I was so mad at you, I just don't want to lose you Rose. You are one of the only things I have left, and I promise to you that I will always be in your life, no matter how you want me," Adrian whispered in her ear. They stayed in the embrace for a few minutes, and then finally walked back into the chapel.

Helena and Alexander sat with their arms around each other, each wearing a look of pain on their faces. A priest was now speaking to the group, so Adrian and Rose found their seats quietly.

"Irina was a beautiful woman, inside and out. She always helped out the local school, the church, anyone in need. She would give you the shirt off of her back if you needed it, and never expected anything in return," the priest said. Many in the crowd nodded their heads in agreement.

"We must remember the charity in her life, and follow her ex-"

Before the priest could finish his sentence, something burst through the stained glass window and tackled him to the ground. In one quick motion, the priest's throat was ripped out and the creature was drinking his blood. Three more came in through the windows, and faced the crowd with evil grins on their faces.

"Fucking Strigoi," Adrian muttered under his breath as the crowd began to panic and tried leaving the room.

"Well, well, nice to see we aren't too late for the services," the female Strigoi sneered, and her cohorts laughed along.

"Can't you degenerates show any respect for one goddamn day?" Helena said angrily.

"Nice to see you too, Helena. It's been a while," a very muscular Strigoi said.

"Shame this will be our last meeting then."

The Strigoi smirked, and then sped towards the hunter in full fury. Helena quickly dodged the attack and pulled out a silver stake. Alexander took three out of his coat pocket, and tossed one to Adrian and one to Rose. They caught the weapons, and were ready to attack their enemies.