Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to Fate/Stay Night, nor do I wish to be seen as someone who does. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.
Chapter 16: Ruin and Destruction
BGM: Breach - Fate/Stay Night Original Soundtrack
"Haa, haa, haa... Hah!"
Shirou and Rins' lungs were burning as they continued to run, along with Archer and Saber, towards the mountain temple.
All four of them had grim expressions on their faces. They knew what was waiting for them, and even though the odds were in their favor, numbers meant nothing when going up against a superior force such as Gilgamesh.
The original king of heroes, who possessed over one thousand treasures.
Saber had fought him in the last war, but could not claim victory over him. She managed to win by destroying the Holy Grail when she had been forced to by Kiritsugu.
Archer could defeat him, he knew it. But, Emiya Shirous' only magic is the ability to put shape to his mind, the curse of the Rule Breaker the one-armed version of himself had pierced him with was making it almost impossible to do so. Perhaps it hadn't been a complete copy of the Noble Phantasm, as it's ability nullified all magical contracts, and while most Servants would be significantly weakened after being cut off from their Master's supply of mana, the Archer class was supposed to be able to act in better form than most in that situation.
But than again, that would be true for most Servants, who were epic heroes. Emiya Shirou could not be considered one of them. He was a mere human who defied everything he could with his abilities, but without a supply he was no longer able to do so.
Merely existing was draining his internal mana, of which there was not much to begin with. Invoking his Reality Marble was beyond him now, and every use of Projection would hasten his eventual disappearance. The only use Servant Archer was to anyone now was to act as a wall for Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou when Gilgamesh turned his attention towards them.
They all knew the forthcoming result of any encounter with Gilgamesh. He would eventually push Saber into a corner, and defeat her. Than he would dispatch Archer's weakened attempts to fend him off, and finally, kill the two Masters before he completed the Grail into the weapon of ultimate destruction.
BGM: Wandering Shadow - Fate/Stay Night Original Soundtrack
That outcome would surely become something different, if Servant Caster had any will left to fight.
"Not...again...Not...again...Not...again..." she muttered the same two words over and over.
There were no physical wounds on her body, nor was her ability to use her magic impaired. The mental scars that had formed because of events similar to now had completely reopened.
Indeed, her form was certainly pathetic, down on her knees with her head buried in her hands, small cries of denial issuing forth from her over and over.
Truthfully, it was something she should have been able to brush off with no trouble at all. She should have recovered and set off for the temple with the others in order to end this conflict for good.
So than, why couldn't she move?
But she knew why.
Every time she began to think about getting up, that face appeared.
It was the face that had haunted her every night for over twenty years.
The face of Sakura, crying out in desperation for her to help her, and not being able to do anything about it.
Yes, Gilgamesh had certainly fled before she could do anything. Perhaps, had he had stayed she would not have become the gibbering wreck she was at the moment. But because he had fled, she had reverted back to being a broken child, convinced that for all the power she had at her command, she was powerless to attempt the one thing she had to do.
It was very much like a sniper who had been ordered to assassinate a target, but could not pull the trigger, even if his life was forfeit if he was not able to do it.
Now the only thing that ran through her mind were the memories that she had of when Gilgamesh had succeeded in her world.
A different voice was added to the soft wails of Caster, and while she heard the words, nothing registered.
"Hey, Caster!" Matou Shinji shouted at the sprawled woman as he quickly ran up.
BGM: Ever-present Feeling - Fate/Stay Night Original Soundtrack
Shinji took in the sight before him. This woman, whom he had met only a few days ago, was definitely not an ally to him. Indeed, on many of the occasions that she had spoken to him, she had threatened and bullied him every time.
Surprisingly, it did not bother him. Instead, the image before him brought a long forgotten memory to the forefront of his mind.
It had been about a year ago, on his way home from school after staying late at the archery club.
He was walking down the road when he saw the school idol staring longingly towards the direction of his home, with a strange look on her face. He wouldn't call it sorrow, remorse, or even concern. He didn't know exactly what that expression was, but it struck a chord deep within him.
That was the day that Matou Shinji truly fell for Tohsaka Rin.
And suddenly, a few things clicked into place for him, and he recalled a certain phrase the old man had left him to tell her. He knew now for sure that Caster was the one he was supposed to relay that sentence for.
And so he knelt by her side, and whispered it into her ear.
All of a sudden Casters' eyes fluttered open, and she lifted her head to lock her eyes with Shinji.
He nodded his head, as his mouth formed into a gentle smile.
"So, you ready to go?"
BGM: The Golden King - Fate/Stay Night Original Soundtrack
Saber bit her lip as blood fell from it, forcing her creaking legs to stand back up.
She had already been blown away by Gilgamesh's incredible sword twice. The power contained within the blade known as Ea was unfathomable. One blow should have been enough to destroy several blocks, but she had somehow survived not one but two attacks from the blade. That in itself was miraculous.
But she was at her limit. She could barely move anymore, and she would not be able to even defend herself if Gilgamesh tried to do anything more.
Across from her, the Golden King smiled ruthlessly. He knew as well that the fight was over, that he had won his prize.
Saber glowered her eyes at him and, incredibly, brought her sword to bear once more.
Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes in annoyance.
"What do you think you're doing, Saber? We both know who is superior here. I'm disappointed that the sword thought of as the greatest in human history couldnt even begin to compare with my mine, but it's only natural, of course. I just hope your body won't compare to that of your weapon when I make it mine as well," he said with a grin that was almost feral.
Saber did not say anything in response. She couldn't stop him anymore, everyone could see that. But, Archer still had not seemed to recover, so if she fell, there would be nothing to prevent Gilgamesh from finishing Archer, Rin and Shirou in a matter of seconds.
So, for that reason alone, she let out a cry of defiance and charged in again.
She never got near Gilgamesh. Correction. She wasn't even allowed room to move before her limbs were restrained by cold steel.
The chain known as Enkidu was wrapped around her so completely that she immediately lost her footing and toppled to the ground.
As she struggled, she could hear her opponent laughing aloud in victory.
After several agonizing seconds, he turned his attention away from Saber towards the other three.
"What's wrong, Faker? Why are you just standing there? Have you realized how futile it is to resist me, when I am the master of the originals?"
Archer had no response for him. He knew he still couldn't do anything to defend himself, let alone anyone else, and that fact alone was killing him. Twisted as he was, at the core he was still Emiya Shirou, and once again, he was powerless to do anything, not that he needed to be reminded of that fact. The only proof he needed was behind Gilgamesh.
The bloodied corpse of a doll with snowy hair lay on the ground; a flower of crimson seemed to have exploded out of its chest. The missing heart had already been forced into Sakura, whose wails of pain had gone beyond the threshold of sounding human. That amount of pain was inhuman itself.
"Hm? Nothing? Not that it would have mattered what you would have said anyhow. I don't care what a lowlife Faker such as you has to say. You can just disappear!" Gilgamesh shouted as he snapped his fingers, letting about thirty Noble Phantasms fly towards the three.
BGM Stop
Archer grunted in pain. He had to call it out. He had to!
"Rho Aius!"
The seven-petaled shield took form between himself and Gilgamesh.
And was quickly shattered after the first of the weapons struck it.
But that was to be expected. Because his mind could not focus on Projection, he could not utilize all eight steps of the process.
The rain of death approached, with nothing standing in the way now-
BGM: THIS ILLUSION (instrumental) - Fate/Stay Night Original Soundtrack
Than, a similar yet different shield formed in front of him again.
Archer balked in surprise, and finally realized the trick, and he let out a laugh.
"Heh. You certainly took your time getting here, Caster. Jeez, you're such a cheater."
"As if your one to talk, dumbass," she shot back at him with a matching smirk as she stood beside him.
"Now," she said as she focused her eyes on Gilgamesh, "I'll finish this."
The Golden King looked back at her, and burst out laughing once again.
"Ahahaha, hahahahahahahahaha!!! Again, another woman stands in my way?! Do you fools never learn?!" He shouted with what almost sounded like glee as numerous swords appeared from the Gate behind him.
Caster formed the Jeweled Sword in her hand before responding.
"Shut up. I don't care what a mongrol has to say to me."
Gilgamesh's eyes went bloodshot.
"You...impudent woman! I won't even leave the smallest piece of you behind!!" He roared out in a rage.
Caster merely smirked before adding a final barb.
"Impudent? Yeah, that does fit me. I never cared much for being tact anyhow. But you stole my line. You're the one who's not going to have even a single piece of himself left!"