Blah… I am finally updating, although I am not super pleased with how it ended up. Review! Gives me inspiration for writing more.

Warnings: OOC, general weirdness?, blah… Oh, and of course the lemon.

Chapter 2

"Show me!"

"Yes, My Lord." The demon bowed, smiling darkly at his master. He knew that Ciel had no clue whatsoever as to what he'd just agreed to and what it entailed. But in the end, Sebastian was a demon. He wasn't about to volunteer information that had not been requested.

He proceeded to remove his gloves, exposing the mark that echoed the pentacle on Ciel's eye, the evidence of their contract. The demon came closer still to the bed, discarding his butler jacket in the process and inwardly smiling at the commanding look on his master's face.

His now exposed hand gently caressed the soft skin of Ciel's face. It was a hand that could kill with little to no effort, but when it cupped Ciel's cheek, it was gentle. For some reason, Ciel didn't push him away, like he'd done so many times in the past. Instead, Ciel's voice trembled under its normal mask of cold arrogance.

"Sebastian, what do you think you're doing?"

The butler shushed the young earl with a finger. "Showing you, My Lord. Patience."

Ciel's automatic nod drew another smile from the demon. It was so unlike Ciel to act thusly that it was obvious that his master wasn't even aware of his own actions. The best thing to do was to maintain this attitude of uncertain shock, but without pushing Ciel away. He ever so gently brushed a kiss over Ciel's lips, slowly coaxing his master's mouth into surrender.

The kiss ended as gently as it began. The young aristocrat licked his lips, but made no other movement to acknowledge the demon's action. He seemed to be lost somewhere between shyness and the desire to meet Sebastian's challenge.

Still, there was something that could not be denied in Ciel's beautiful blue eyes. Despite the many things those eyes had seen, Ciel was still so very innocent in some respects. Something in that innocence called out Sebastian's demonic instincts. On the one side, he suddenly felt the need to pervert what was still immaculate in his master, but on the other, it was the same innocence he wanted to share, to feast on until he felt whole.

Even so, it would take a great degree of tactfulness for him to reach his goal. Despite the fact that his master had recklessly given him the opportunity to act on his desires, Ciel could at any time stop him with one word. He needed to captivate Ciel's body and mind, so that his master would lose the ability to focus on something else.

Luckily for the demon, this challenge meant nothing in front of his centuries of experience. Slowly, Sebastian proceeded to demolish the defenses Ciel had erected around himself. Gentle touches, soft kisses, soothing caresses worshipped the delicate features of Ciel's face. It was a slow torture for Sebastian, but it worked in that it kept his master from backing out. For now.

At the soft touches, Ciel's countenance flushed, his eyes wide and apprehensive. His entire countenance screamed confusion and anxiety, despite the fact that he was obviously trying to hide it. "Sebastian?" Ciel's inquiring was shy and uncertain, as if he was out of his depth and didn't know exactly what to think. It was a sweet and beautiful sound, and it pulled his demonic instincts further to the surface. He could feel his eyes already burning red, the excitement of devouring his prey feeding his inner beast.

Sebastian could no longer be satisfied with worshipping Ciel's beautiful face. Ever so slowly, he unbuttoned the boy's jacket and shirt, exposing patches of creamy white skin to his hungry gaze. His tongue traced Ciel's collarbone and toyed with his Adam's apple, while his hands stealthily moved to the boy's nipples. The young earl jumped in surprise at the touch and a startled gasp escaped his lips.

Before Ciel could even think about uttering a protest, Sebastian's talented tongue abandoned his neck and moved to torture the pebbled peaks of his master's nipples, tweaking and licking and nibbling until they were swollen and red. The alternating pleasure and pain seemed to drive Ciel crazy, his words having melted into incoherent moans.

Sebastian knew that his master's body was not used to sexual pleasure and therefore, he would not be able to resist the stimulus too much. He couldn't allow Ciel to come yet, not before he feasted in his master's innocence. Inwardly grinning, the demon briefly abandoned the slow torture of his master's body and lifted his gaze to Ciel's face. Ciel's blue eyes were wide, and he looked at Sebastian as if in a peculiar thrall, unable to move. Right then and there, Ciel reminded Sebastian of a frightened little lamb, facing the wolf, its muscles frozen in fear. Well, Sebastian wasn't a wolf, but rather a panther. He couldn't wait to sink his fangs into the warm flesh of the little lamb. And maybe not only his fangs…

Feeling impatient, the demon abandoned all pretense of gentleness and proceeded to remove every article of clothing that shielded Ciel's body from sight. The young earl's body trembled slightly and he practically jumped when Sebastian removed his pants and his undergarments. But the demon knew that at this point, it would be practically impossible for his master to tell him to stop. Ciel wanted him, the proof was right there, in his body. Everything Sebastian had wanted, from the very beginning. Ciel's soul and his body… He would have them both today.


Ciel trembled as the demon removed his clothes. Naturally, it wasn't the first time Sebastian had seen him naked, but this time it was different. It was different simply because of the lust he could read in Sebastian's gaze and in his touch. It was different because this time, Ciel couldn't seem to formulate scathing replies to Sebastian's smile. He suddenly felt very exposed, and somehow uncertain. He was no longer in control.

In confirmation of Ciel's frightened thoughts, the demon chuckled as he analyzed Ciel's nether regions critically. "My, my… It would seem that you're not only a prodigy in business dealings." The young aristocrat suppressed the urge to squirm. It irked him that he felt the need to please Sebastian; he prided himself on being indifferent as to what other people thought of him. The demon's chuckle was the last straw. How dare his butler mock him thusly? He could not allow it!

Snapping out of his pleasure induced trance, he glared at Sebastian and hissed, "You said you were going to show me! So show me already!"

The demon looked taken aback for a second, but then the expression of surprise disappeared entirely and his lips widened into a mysterious grin. "Yes, my Lord."

A mere second later, Ciel found himself flipped back on the bed on his stomach. The uncertainty and the fear of the unknown vanished as Sebastian talented touch turned his entire body into flame. The demon traced his spine with his tongue and his hands massaged Ciel's rear, seemingly attempting to coax Ciel's body to relax.

Ciel was suddenly aware that the light coming from the window had mysteriously disappeared; in fact, the window had disappeared altogether and he no longer was on his bed. He seemed to be floating, floating among shadows, surrounded by Sebastian's power.

"Frightened, my Lord?" The demon whispered almost mockingly in his ear.

Ciel half wanted to push Sebastian away, to order him to stop. But something inside him yearned for the demon's touch and he could not. Regardless of the shadows surrounding them, regardless of the danger he now acknowledged, he could not back down. Instead he chose to glare at his demon and barked at him. "Shut up! Just get on with it!"

Sebastian grinned, his crimson eyes sparkling with some unidentified emotion. In a blink of an eye, the rest of the butler outfit melted off Sebastian's body and Ciel found himself staring at a very nude demon. As if of their own accord, his eyes greedily took in Sebastian's form, and his body, already aroused from the demon's previous ministrations, turned to liquid flame.

It wasn't the first time he acknowledged a weird feeling at Sebastian's proximity. If Sebastian had known about it, he'd never made any comment, a fact for which Ciel was grateful. But right now, in this otherworldly place, where their reality disappeared, there could be no faking, no more pretending. For either one of them.

Their desire for each other was now out in the open and Sebastian's gentleness vanished as if it had never been as he crushed his lips against Ciel's, kissing him forcefully. The demon's power washed over him and everything started to be a blur. Nothing remained but the two of them, in this dark, forsaken place.

Ciel stiffened as he felt phantom fingers prod at his back entrance. He didn't know where they were coming from – for he was fairly certain Sebastian's hands were holding him down. But he couldn't be sure of anything now – his world had dimmed and he lost himself to sensation.

The fingers continued their shameful movement inside Ciel's body. It was a little uncomfortable at first, but Ciel found himself welcoming the peculiar sensation. But then everything changed.

Ciel gasped painfully as he felt the demon enter his body. He fought against the tears that were threatening to escape his eyes at the burning sensation in his passage. He felt skewered, the uncomfortable feeling of the fingers having been replaced with a terrible pain. His body seemed to want to repel Sebastian, but how could that be? He wanted this, he had wanted this for a long time, for longer than he had even acknowledged. But he was a virgin – or he had been at least – and Sebastian was so large…

"Shhh… Don't cry, my Ciel. It will be better, I promise."

The demon's soft whisper magically soothed Ciel. Sebastian always kept his promises. Sebastian was the only one that never lied to him. Yes, it would get better…It would get better because Sebastian would never disappoint him.

He suddenly felt warm inside as he realized his butler – no, his lover – had called him by his name. It was the first time the demon did that. It had always been young master or my lord, never Ciel.

Thoughts of understanding the demon disappeared when Sebastian took his mouth yet again, at the same time reaching for Ciel's own cock. It had softened because of the pain of the intrusion, but it swiftly recovered, obeying Sebastian's touch. Ciel's subsequent whimper was swallowed by Sebastian's mouth and he lost himself in the strength and passion the demon exuded.

It was only seconds later that he realized the pain had subsided entirely, melting into a pleasurable ache. Ciel remarked that the demon wasn't moving and he realized that his lover was giving him time to adjust. Sebastian was right, it was getting better.

Taking a deep breath, Ciel forced his body to relax and after a few seconds he nodded at the demon. "Now!" He attempted to recover his previously commanding tone, but his voice came out broken and small.

Obviously having caught on Ciel's feelings, the demon smiled and answered. "Yes, my Ciel." The young aristocrat would have been annoyed at the fact that Sebastian could read him so well if the demon hadn't chosen that particular moment for retreating from his body and thrusting inside again. Ciel let out a sound of surprise, only now realizing the intensity of having his body united with Sebastian's in the most intimate of manners.

Pathetic little mewls escaped the boy as the demon possessed him relentlessly, capturing his mind in a web of passion and confusion. With every thrust, Sebastian hit that special spot inside him, until the pleasure finally became too much. Ciel screamed the demon's name and came for the first in his life, a pleasure so perfect and amazing he almost lost the moment when Sebastian emptied himself inside him.

When he opened his eyes, Ciel realized he was again in his room, lying on his bed, the darkness having faded completely. For a brief, terrible moment, he thought it had been only a dream, a perfect, yet frightening dream. But the fear vanished when the demon hugged Ciel from behind and purred. "Feeling satisfied with the demonstration, Young Master?"

Ciel swallowed, and turned to face the demon. The movement was awkward, since despite the fact that he had already come, the demon was still hard and still inside of Ciel. Therefore, Ciel had to fight to keep a neutral tone when he answered. "Not really, no."

"Oh?" Sebastian arched a brow. "Then perhaps I should show you again."

Before Ciel could come up with a witty response, the demon thrust inside him again, over and over, manipulating his body and his mind. It was so much that he forgot everything else existed, he forgot his own name and the existence of the world. The only thing that remained was the demon possessing his body, feasting on his soul.


5 years later…

The memories of that first time and the pleasurable pains in his body caused by the encounter with Sebastian from this morning had put Ciel in a good mood. Alas, as the clock ticked by, the young aristocrat remembered that he had work to do. Ciel suppressed his grimace. In all reality, he was not looking forward to seeing the Spanish businessman. He would have preferred spending the day in bed with Sebastian, but alas, they both had duties to attend to.

By the time Mr. de Mornet had arrived, Sebastian had managed to fix all the disasters automatically caused by the presence of the other servants and Ciel had efficiently resumed analyzing yet again the contracts and proposals involved in the deal. He was planning to expand his businesses on the continent and Spain was only the first one to be targeted.

A rattling sound outside announced the arrival of the coach carrying de Mornet. Ciel waited for the other man in the study, a bored and indifferent expression on his face. He knew that the business man underestimated him, they always did. Surprisingly, the attitude had not disappeared despite the fact that he was older now. Ciel inwardly smirked. Their stubbornness and arrogance would ultimately work in his advantage.

Naturally, Sebastian was behind him and for a brief second, the young aristocrat was captivated by the sight of his butler and lover. In response, Sebastian's eyes flashed red, but his tone of voice showed nothing when he urged his guest inside.

"Young Master, Mr. de Mornet had arrived."

The Spanish businessman bowed briefly and crossed the room to meet Ciel. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lord…"

The words of the Spanish businessman were interrupted by a violent cough. Sebastian froze and turned from the door, his intention of leaving the room having for some reason vanished. Just then, Maylene entered the room, carrying a tray of tea. At the sight of Sebastian, she tripped, causing the demon to be unable to reach for de Mornet as he had obviously wanted.

Ciel was confused about Sebastian's peculiar behavior, but nevertheless he ignored it. Before the butler could protest, he directed the other man to sit down across him at the desk. However, this seemed to be a bad choice, because the fits of cough resumed and Ciel grimaced as he saw the man's saliva flying in his direction.

With a disgusted expression, he got up and moved away. He ignored the man's apology when he said. "I apologize, Lord Phantomhive. It seems that English weather does not agree with me."

"Let's just get down to business. I have neither the time, nor the patience to dawdle with weak and sickly people." He said brusquely.

"If I may be so bold, Young Master, perhaps it would be better for Mr. de Mornet to see a doctor." Sebastian intruded, causing Ciel's attention to shift in his direction. Sebastian was on his feet, having rescued both Maylene and the tray of tea, but for some reason, he seemed very tense. What was wrong with the demon? He never challenged Ciel's decisions or expressed his opinions with such vehemence when they were in the company of others.

Ciel suddenly felt furious at the demon. How dare Sebastian challenge his authority thusly? He was prepared to deny the butler's request, but then he met Sebastian's dark gaze and what he saw there unsettled him. "Very well. See that Mr. de Mornet is properly lodged in one of the guest rooms."

"Yes, My Lord." Sebastian nodded and bowed, sustaining the Spanish businessman and leading him to the door.

As the butler closed the door, Ciel couldn't help but wonder why Sebastian had behaved so weirdly. He had a suspicion that he wouldn't like the answer.