Ok, my friends! This is my first fanfic ever; I normally only write originals, but I really could not resist. It may not be very good. Anyway, read, enjoy and please review!

Disclaimer: All characters belong to Yana Toboso. I am just playing a bit with them.

Warnings: Yaoi (m/m intimacy), het (m/f intimacy), OOC

Chapter 1

It was a beautiful day in the outskirts of London. Strikingly enough, the sky was clear, almost cloudless, the normally omnipresent fog having somehow disappeared in the late morning. The entire estate was silent and through the window of his office, the young head of the Phantomhive family examined his domain, reveling in the silence.

A knock at his door announced the arrival of his butler, Sebastian.

Ciel urged the butler inside with a cool, indifferent voice. "Yes, Sebastian?"

The butler bowed as he entered the room. "Young Master, Mr. de Mornet will be arriving from Spain to discuss the issue of the shared ownership of his factory."

Ciel arched a brow. "I know that, Sebastian. You've already told me the entire schedule this morning."

"Yes, of course, my Lord. My apologies."

The 17-year old gave his butler an amused look. He abandoned his chair and circled the desk, smiling knowingly. "Why don't you tell me what you really want, Sebastian?"

A small grin appeared on Sebastian's lips. "Young Master, I don't know what you mean."

Ciel hummed, as if considering the truthfulness of his butler's words. After a few seconds of deep concentration, he abandoned his position and he stepped forward, closing in on the door and Sebastian's position. "Really now?" He whispered, toying with the butler's cravat.

The eyes of the demon flamed red and Ciel felt the familiar surge of excitement as the Sebastian suddenly took possession of his mouth. The young aristocrat moaned, wrapping his arms around Sebastian neck. The strong arms of the dark-haired man trapped him against the door, cutting all possibility of escape. Not that Ciel wanted to escape. Still, the forcefulness excited him, freed him somehow, eliminated the tension and lifted the weight of his responsibilities from his shoulders.

When their mouths finally separated, Ciel looked into the demon's eyes, needing the connection as much as the physical intimacy. Suddenly, a distant memory appeared and he smirked, making an attempt to push the demon away.

Just as Ciel had expected, Sebastian made no move to respect his apparent wish. "What is it, young master?" He whispered.

"Nothing. Just remembering something." The youth said, giving his butler and lover an enigmatic smile.

Sebastian arched a brow. "What can you possibly be remembering at such a time? Are my talents boring you? Perhaps I should try harder…"

A talented tongue traced Ciel's collarbone and the youth sighed in pleasure, his answer almost lost into incoherence. "Mmm… Just that day, 5 years ago…"

The demon's chuckle sent ripples of pleasure across Ciel's skin. "Why don't we make some new memories, eh?"

5 years before…

Ciel was hungry. He was hungry and annoyed. Alas, Sebastian was out, delivering a message to one of aristocrat's business partners. Perhaps it was better. Ciel had been in the mood for cake and the butler tended to restrict his access to sweets. Technically speaking, he was supposed to be revising an important contract, but upon careful consideration, he decided that he could at least take advantage of the demon's absence and indulge in a tasty treat.

Ciel shook the bell, summoning Maylene, already anticipating the bliss of tasting the delicious chocolate and cream swirling in a symphony of fruity aromas.

However, much to Ciel's annoyance, his calls remained unanswered. Feeling more and more furious by the second, the young aristocrat shook the bell violently, inwardly cursing his useless staff. Distantly, it occurred to Ciel that Sebastian would advise him against using foul words. He could practically hear the demon in his head, "Young Master, such language is not befit for one of your class and position."

Well, Sebastian wasn't here right now and those servants needed to be taught their place. Furious, Ciel stalked out of his office, inspecting the mansion as to the location of the servants. The rooms, the hallway, the receiving room, they all seemed to be empty. Where the hell was that maid? Why wasn't she working?

Ciel's anger increased exponentially as he inspected the mansion. When he got hold of those useless creatures, they'd be sorry. Truly, couldn't they b trusted to serve their master for two hours while Sebastian was away?

He heard sounds in the kitchen. The young aristocrat headed in that direction and burst inside to room. His eyes went wide as he took in the scene in front of him.

Maylene was stretched out on the kitchen table, her maid outfit ravished, her ample breasts at the mercy of Bard's mouth. As the cook lifted her skirt, she arched her back and moaned. From his position, Ciel could easily see the way she eagerly spread her legs for the cook, her excitement and arousal. Luckily, the maid's eyes were closed and she could not see him; mewls of passion echoed off the kitchen walls as the man got rid of her undergarments and proceeded to pleasure her with his tongue. Both servants were obviously completely oblivious to the presence of their master.

Ciel watched in frozen fascination as Bard desperately worked his pants, revealing his swollen manhood. When he buried himself in one thrust inside of her welcoming body, the maid screamed and sank her nails into his shoulders. It was obviously a pleasure induced instinct and Ciel's eyes nearly burst out of their sockets as he watched the fascinating scene, the way Maylene's moaning and panting increased with each of the man's thrust. "Please.." She begged desperately, oblivious to the shameful display she was presenting to her master.

"Young Master, what are you…?"

Sebastian's voice behind him broke the trance that had held Ciel trapped in the kitchen. The two servants were obviously in the same situation. Both Maylene and Bard froze as they heard Sebastian and it was then that they finally noticed Ciel standing in the doorway.

Luckily, Sebastian saved him from the embarrassment of admitting he'd been a voyeur when he came in and took notice of the situation. "What... What the hell is going on in here?"

The two servants desperately tried to cover themselves, their eyes oscillating from the young Phantomhive to the butler in despair.

Ciel didn't know what to say. He wanted to find something, anything, to cover his shock, his awe and shame, but nothing would come out. Despite the fact that he wasn't actually an ordinary child, this was the first time he'd actually witnessed a sexual act. It was… incredible.

Fortunately for the young aristocrat, Sebastian was, as always, by his side. The butler pulled him from the kitchen and taking him in his arms, he swiftly moved to the dormitory. Carefully placing the small body of his master on the bed, the butler smiled and said. "If you will give me a moment, Young Master…"

Ciel nodded numbly, but his one blue eye followed the butler as the demon exited the room.


Sebastian abandoned the room of his master, feeling furious and apprehensive. Could these humans be more idiotic? He was gone two hours, two hours, and they single-handedly managed to destroy the kitchen and pervert Ciel's mind.

The young aristocrat had a very grown-up mind, for his age, but Sebastian knew better. He saw what Ciel kept hidden, the vulnerability, the loneliness, the hurt. It was buried so deep, Ciel himself was not aware of it sometimes. But Ciel was also an innocent in intimate matters. Taking into account his age, it was normal. Somehow, Sebastian had hoped this would remain the case for quite a while. The young aristocrat was already too mature for his own good. He didn't need the added complication of understanding sexual relationship.

Further more, Ciel's witnessing of the indiscretion of the servants was possible to have an effect on Sebastian himself. Intimate connections would only cause trouble, taking account their contract. The demon wasn't worried about Elizabeth; the girl only seemed to cause exasperation for his master. But still… Sometimes the demon wondered what would happen if Ciel fell in love one day, considering that the soul of the young aristocrat was not his own to give.

Shaking his head, the demon entered the kitchen, his fury palpable in the air. "Well, explain yourselves!" He barked out.

Bard and Maylene squirmed, obviously intimidated by his anger.

"Tanaka didn't feel well this morning, so we told Finny to take care of him temporarily." Bard choked out.

"And I care about that because…? I didn't ask about Finny or Tamaka. What do you think you are doing, engaging in private endeavors during working hours?"

"Sebastian-san, we're very sorry." The maid was looking down, her face flushed and her nervousness and embarrassment more than evident.

Bard nodded. "It was totally an accident. You'd never believe it. Maylene came in the kitchen to ask me something, but she slipped on the carpet and collapsed on top of me. It's actually kind of funny. And then one thing led to another and you know how it is…"

Sebastian directed a death glare to the servants, causing them both to pale and tremble in fear.

"Funny? It's funny? Do you call it funny that the young master witnessed you in such a shameful situation? Have you any idea of the extent of your idiocy?" The demon boomed.

Bard's eyes widened and tears started flowing on the cheeks of the maid. Even if the servants often made mistakes, Sebastian had never truly lost his temper with them. Yes, he yelled at them from time to time, but never like this. Right now, Sebastian was well and truly furious and it was dangerous to anger a demon.

Fearing that if he remained in the presence of the two idiots any longer, he would cause significant damage to both of them, the butler took a deep breath and indicated, "Get going! To your duties!"

"Y-yes, Sebastian-san!" The two servants stammered and scrambled to their posts, obviously relieved that they hadn't been reprimanded further.

The butler sighed in annoyance, knowing that this was somehow bound to affect him. Yet again, he would have to do damage control, because of the stupidity of the Ciel's staff. And the demon knew that what his young master had seen would have repercussions, on both of them.


As Sebastian left the room, Ciel leaned against the pillows, gathering his knees to his chest. He felt strange. The scene in the kitchen had by no means been scary or traumatizing. One would think that nothing could shock Ciel anymore, especially since he'd witnessed his aunt's death.

And yet, he was shocked. There was something inside of him, and he didn't think quite the same, the same person he'd been when he'd abandoned his office to find his useless servants and forage for a piece of cake.

Ciel didn't understand why the images of Bard and Maylene kept coming back to him. After all, it was the servants own business if they chose to be involved with each other. Naturally, they would have to be sanctioned for neglecting their duties thusly and disrespecting his house. After all, a sexual interlude was an insolence towards him, as the head of the Phantomhive family. But in the end, this wasn't about them, it wasn't about them at all.

What Ciel kept thinking of was the pleasure on Maylene's face, the way the bodies of the two servants had been united, the passion between them. Could he have that? Did he want that? What did he want? He didn't even understand it.

A knock sounded at the door. It was probably Sebastian. "Come in." The young aristocrat said in his most regal voice.

The butler entered the room, carrying a tray with a generous piece of chocolate cake a parfait, and a steaming cup of tea. Ciel inwardly smiled, realizing that Sebastian was probably trying to take his mind off what he'd seen. He wondered why that was.

"Young Master, I brought you some tea. It's from the last batch of Zhen Zhu Nai Cha. Would you like some chocolate cake with that or perhaps a strawberry parfait mix?

Sebastian looked as cool and collected as he explained the virtues of the tea and the cakes. For once, Ciel disregarded the butler's explanation entirely.

Sipping his tea, he interrupted the demon. "Sebastian?"

"Yes, My Lord?"

"Tell me what happened in the kitchen!"

The butler smirked, a glint of mirth in his black eyes. "Maylene and Bard seemed to have had a small accident. They have been reprimanded and will be sanctioned at your discretion."

Ciel sipped his tea and let out a thoughtful sound. "I wasn't referring to that. What happened before, Sebastian, what I saw…"

"Young Master, it's not appropriate to…"

Ciel scowled at his butler and dropped the tea cup on the tray. "Sebastian! Tell me! NOW!"

The dark haired man blinked, but then his lips twisted into a smirk. "They were engaged in a sexual episode."

"I know that!" Ciel hissed. "That's not what I was asking!"

"I'm sorry, Young Master. If you would please tell me exactly what you want to know…"

Ciel blushed at the thought of expressing his thoughts in front of the butler. It would be so embarrassing. But what the hell? Why would he be embarrassed? According to the contract, Sebastian was bound to do whatever Ciel wanted and he had to answer whatever Ciel asked. "I want to know how he was feeling; how she was feeling; why they were like that. Can that happen to anyone?"

Sebastian gave Ciel an unfathomable look. "Yes, actually, it can happen, to almost everybody. As, for your other questions, young master, I'm afraid I cannot answer them. I can only show you."

Ciel's eyes widened, but then he saw the challenge in the butler's eyes. His blood started burning in his veins and he gave Sebastian a defiant look. "Show me then!"

"Is that an order, My Lord?" Sebastian asked, the smirk growing in an almost predatory smile.

Ignoring the obvious danger, Ciel removed the eye patch. The pentagram that marked their contract came alive as the young aristocrat opened his right eye. "It is! I order you! Show me!"