Disclaimer: I own nothing. Not Kelsi or Ryan and not the song.

A/N: This is an incredibly long oneshot inspired by the song "All-American Girl" by Carrie Underwood. The idea hit me and I had to write it though I did a little tweaking. In the song, the girl falls for the football star but that doesn't work here. Y'all may need to see a dentist after you read this because this is basically a huge hunk of fluff. There's fluff, fluff and more fluff. I also added a little Christmas fluff at the end. The original version of this included a pretty cute little Christmas scene and I may post that as like a follow up to this. That part sort of goes away from the song, but oh well. Hope you all like it! If you review, you get a virtual candy cane in honor of the season. Best part about virtual food? No calories. :-D

Since the day he married his wife, Keith Nielson had been hoping and praying that someday the two of them would have a baby boy. Someone he could take fishing, throw a football around with – someone who could be his pride and joy. In fact, he could already see his son holding up a championship trophy and taking his team all the way to state. Now after nine long months, he stood beside his wife in the delivery room as she was giving birth to their first child. He and his wife had decided not to find out whether they were having a boy or a girl, as they wanted to be surprised. His wife, Karen, was convinced they were having a little girl, but he was still hoping for a boy. Just then a newborn's cry filled the room.

"Congratulations! You have a healthy baby girl!" The doctor announced. The nurses cleaned the baby, and then wrapped her in a soft pink blanket, handing her to Karen. Keith watched them as his dreams for a son slowly faded away.

"Oh she's beautiful...look at her, Keith!" Karen looked up at him with a grin, which faded into a small smile. "I know you had your heart set on a son, but...isn't she beautiful?" Keith gently reached out to his daughter, who instantly grabbed one of his fingers and held on tight. He felt his breath catch in his throat. With one touch, that little girl had him wrapped around her finger. With one touch, she became the center of his entire world.

"She's perfect." He decided.


Sixteen short years later, that same little baby was falling in love with one of the stars of the drama club. He may not have been the star of the football team, but he was a star in her eyes all the same. It had taken Ryan Evans another year to get up the courage to ask her out on a date, but once their romance started there was no turning back. Quite simply, Kelsi Nielson had taken hold of Ryan's heart and there were no signs that he'd be getting it back anytime soon. Luckily for him, she had given him her own in return.

All of a sudden, he was spending as much time with her as he could – even if it meant missing rehearsals with his sister for the spring musical every now and then. Of course, Sharpay was less than pleased about that and was constantly trying to get him to get back on track.

"Ryan! What is your problem?! I was all for you and Kelsi dating when you first started going out, but it's gotten ridiculous. Have you completely lost your mind? We have to make sure we practice. If we don't, you're going to lose your free ride to Juilliard! Are you even listening to me?" Sharpay was on one of her rants, but Ryan was too caught up watching Kelsi accompany Troy and Gabriella during one of their duets.

"Yeah, sure...Juilliard...good," he answered, clearly distracted. Sharpay looked between Ryan and Kelsi and let out an aggravated scream.

"Ryan! You're not listening at all!" she cried, moving to step directly in his line of vision.

"I'm sorry Sharpay, really. What were you saying?" he asked. She resisted the urge to strangle him.

"I was asking you if you had lost your mind! Even Daddy agrees with me. Ryan, you have to tell her goodbye," Sharpay said. Noticing the look that flashed on his face in response, she quickly added, "At least until the musical is over with."

"Sharpay, the musical will be great. Have some faith in your brother for once, okay?" Ryan asked. Sharpay softened.

"I do have faith in you, Ryan. I just..." she trailed off and then sighed. "You really love that girl, don't you?"

"I do," he confirmed. He glanced over at Zeke who happened to be standing there staring at Sharpay, his look remarkably similar to the one Ryan gave Kelsi. "About as much as Zeke loves you." Sharpay followed his gaze and smiled.

"Yeah, I guess," she said.

"Though heaven knows why." Ryan teased her. Sharpay whacked him in the arm.

"Because I'm fabulous, that's why!" she snapped back, though he could tell she was trying not to laugh. She gave a dramatic sigh. "Just go get your girl already." She ordered. He grinned and tipped his hat to her before walking over to join Kelsi at the piano.


"Honey?" Ryan Evans looked over at his pregnant wife. It had been four years since high school, two years since he proposed, and one year since their wedding day. They had both been surprised to find out that she had conceived so quickly, but were extremely excited all the same. Now she was well into her seventh month of pregnancy. Ryan instantly stood up and helped her to the couch.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? How's the baby?" Kelsi rolled her eyes good naturedly at his rapid fire questions. Ever since she had first conceived, Ryan had been worrying about her constantly. She often joked that she wasn't made out of delicate glass, but he couldn't help it.

"Nothing is wrong. Yes, I'm fine. The baby is doing the same as it was five minutes ago when you asked," she grinned as he sat down next to her. "And the same as the five minutes before that. And the five before that." He raised an eyebrow at her.

"I do not ask you how the baby is doing every five minutes," he objected.

"Okay, that's true," she agreed. "Sometimes it's every three," she giggled. He fought the urge to smile.

"Hey, I've never had a baby before," he said.

"Well technically speaking, you're not really having this one," she joked. She leaned towards him and added in a stage whisper, "That's kind of my job."

"Oh someone's feeling funny today," he muttered, his eyes twinkling. "I know I drive you crazy sometimes, but I can't help it. You're my wife and you're pregnant with our firstborn. Of course I'm going to want to take care of you." Her eyes softened.

"And I love you for that," she put her hand on his cheek and grew slightly more serious. "Be honest." She put his hand on her swollen belly. "Tell me what you want. A boy or a girl."

"Honey, you ought to know the answer to that. I want a sweet little beautiful," he gave her a soft kiss. "One just like you." Another quick kiss. "A beautiful, wonderful, perfect All-American girl."

A couple of months later on Christmas Eve.

"I hate you, Ryan Evans!" Kelsi screamed as she fought through yet another contraction. She had been in labor for a few hours by then, and Ryan had been shocked at some of the language that had come out of his normally polite wife. "You are never touching me again!"

"Aw Kelsi..." he started to brush a strand of hair out of her sweaty face, but stopped when she gave him a look that would have made Sharpay nervous. "It's almost over, just keep breathing."

"I. Hate. You!" She screeched. "This is all your fault!"

"Well Kelsi, you were kind of there too..." he said, hoping to lighten the mood. She glared at him again.

"Get out!" she ordered.

"What?" he asked, stunned.

"Get out! You no good..." Ryan felt his eyes bug out of his head at her most recent string of insults. "I don't want you here, get out!"

"Are you..." he started.

"OUT!" she yelled again.

"Well...maybe just a little break..." he said slowly, easing out of the delivery room. A few minutes later, a nurse stuck her head out.

"Your wife wants you back in there," she told him. At the look on his face, she laughed. "Don't worry, she doesn't want you in there to kill you." She gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder as he walked in the room. He slowly made his way to Kelsi's side. She looked completely exhausted as she reached out a hand for him.

"I'm sorry, Ryan. I'm just…it's been so long and I'm so tired," she said as she took a deep breath. "I can't do this anymore."

"Aw honey, you're doing great," he said soothingly. He gently stroked her hair with his free hand. "I'm so proud of you."

"You are?" she closed her eyes against his touch.

"Of course I am! You're about to have my baby." He kissed her forehead.

"If she ever gets here," Kelsi sighed and then winced as yet another contraction started.

"Another one?" She nodded and tightened her grip on his hand. "Want me to leave?" he asked.

"Don't you dare," she muttered. She screamed again and in the back of his mind, Ryan wondered if she was going to break his hand.

"Almost there Kelsi, we just need a few more pushes!" the doctor announced.

"I can't do it! I'm too tired," she shook her head. "It's too hard!" Ryan leaned closer so his mouth was right by her ear.

"You can do it, baby. I know you're hurting and I know you're tired, but you can do this. I know you can! Just think about how in a few more minutes, you'll finally be able to hold our baby in your arms. Our baby! The one we've been dying to meet ever since we knew you were pregnant. She's almost here, Kelsi. Just a few more pushes."

"A few more," she managed. "But that's it!" Ryan watched as his wife fought to deliver their child and finally, mercifully, the sound of a newborn's cry filled the room.

"Congratulations! It's a girl!" the doctor exclaimed. The nurses cleaned the baby and wrapped her in a soft pink blanket. As the baby was placed in Kelsi's arms, Ryan was struck by the picture the two of them made.

"Hi, sweetheart," Kelsi cooed at the baby. "We've been waiting a long time for you," she glanced at Ryan, her face glowing. "Look at her, Ryan!"

"She looks just like you, Kelsi. She's beautiful," he said softly.

"Wait until you hold her," Kelsi said, tears running down her face. "Come on." She managed to scoot herself over slightly so he could perch on the side of the hospital bed. In a somewhat awkward movement, Ryan managed to take his daughter in his arms.

"Hey, little one. I'm your Daddy and I'm going to take good care of you and your Mommy, I promise. You two are my whole world and I love you both very, very much," he ran a finger along his daughter's face. The baby managed to grab a hold of his finger.

"I think she likes you," Kelsi teased. "She's definitely going to be Daddy's little girl, isn't she?"

"What do you mean, going to be?" he shot a grin at his wife and then looked back at their child. "Just you wait, sweetheart. Someday Mommy will teach you how to play the piano and I'll teach you how to dance. We'll start with jazz squares." Kelsi laughed. Ryan took notice of the clock on the wall and smiled again. "Hey! It's after midnight. We had ourselves a Christmas baby."

"Seems fitting doesn't it?" Kelsi yawned. "Christmas is all about miracles and we just had one of the best miracles of all," she smiled at her daughter and then at her husband. "You do realize that there is no present in the world that you can give me today that'll top me having your baby on Christmas, right?" He laughed.

"You might have a point," he paused thoughtfully. "You know what's better than having one sweet little, beautiful, wonderful, all-American girl on Christmas?"

"What's that?" she asked.

"Having two," his smile softened. "Merry Christmas, Kelsi."