Hello All! This is my first attempt of writing, so if you have any suggestions please share! I'm open to constructive criticism, so don't be shy. I don't really know exactly where I'm headed with this story, but I kind of have an idea. Let me give you some information on our lead character here...

Name: Raine Lefevre

Age: 17

Hometown: Somewhere in Texas (the town isn't that important. Use your imagination.)

Hair: Dark brown and falls a little past the shoulders

Eyes: blue

Height: 5 ft. 7 in. (not that it's important)

I don't own the Chronicles of Narnia (unfortunately) or any of the characters you will recognize from the wonderful works of C.S. Lewis.

I hope you enjoy my first chapter! Please review and let me know what you think!

My Saving Raine

Chapter 1- Crash

Boring. As. Hell.

These words were droning through my mind as I stared down at my algebra homework. I was at a loss for what to do next in the problem. The silence in the house was deafening, and I just couldn't figure out the math for the life of me. I sure as hell didn't need any distractions. But of course, the one thing you don't want always happens.

My mom's boyfriend had come home early from a trip to his son's place. Yes, my mom's scum-of-the-earth boyfriend lives with us. And his kids were more than twice my age. I was the only one at home, since my mom wasn't yet back from work. It was around six 'o clock on a cool November day, and the sun had retreated below the horizon, leaving the Earth to wait for night to take the next watch. I was in my bedroom, glaring at that same algebra problem that I had been trying to solve for an hour. When I heard the heavy oak door opening, I knew he was home. When I heard the loud, slurred curses, I knew he was drunk. I didn't even bother to wonder why he was intoxicated after returning from a two and a half hour drive.

The last thing I needed was to have to babysit him when I was doing algebra. Selfish, I know. But it's freaking algebra. I suck at it, and I don't want to have to focus on anything else when I'm trying to do it. So I got up to close my door, but before I could, he threw it back open. I totally wasn't expecting that, so I stumbled backwards, landing on my bed. He must have taken that as an invitation to act, because what happened next was hardly desired by both parties.

He threw himself against me, letting his hands wander freely over my body. One look in his eyes told me that I had to get out of there. Fast. Since he was heavily intoxicated, it wasn't difficult to shove him off of me. He stumbled into my desk, allowing me a minute to dart to the door. I made a mad dash out the front door. I didn't have any idea of where I was going, but I had to put as much distance between myself and Eddie as possible. I was running straight across our front yard when I heard a gunshot.

"Shit," I hissed, crouching to the ground as I continued to run. I thought he fired it into the air to scare me, but I wasn't taking any chances. That crazy bastard probably would try to kill me. I realized he wasn't just trying to scare me as I felt a bullet whiz past my ear. I started running faster, making for the woods on the other side of the road that lead to our house. In there, I could at least weave between the trees and lose him…if he was crazy enough to follow me in. But I never made it to the treeline.

I didn't see the headlights or hear the angry blaring of the horn. Not until it was too late. I had been in such haste to get away from my mom's raving mad boyfriend that I had run into the road, directly in the path of a quickly advancing car. The car hit me, going at what had to be seventy mph, and I felt my body roll over the hood and over the back of the car. I crashed onto the road behind it as I heard brakes squeal to a stop. I could feel pain throbbing through my body, and something sticky was oozing down the side of my face. I couldn't move, much less speak. My eyes fell shut and darkness took over, and the last thing I heard was Eddie's voice yelling at the driver who had hit me.