Day 13

Today I had a serious talk with Pink then learned just how awesome Pink can be. I hate to admit this... but she pretty much saved my life. I don't remember much of what happened, but Pink filled me in on it.

We met up earlier and spend the day at the Golden Saucer, playing different games until it started to get dark. Pink asked me to walk her home and I said yes. We held hands and headed to the train station. Every so often, she'd kiss my cheek or I'd kiss hers. I know that PDA is looked down on in Japan, but I didn't care. Along the way, I told her the truth about Light and how he was Kira. She looked surprised, but understood why I was telling her. She told me that she slyly let her friends know to call her Pink whenever they have a guest at her place. When we got to the station, we were ambushed by Viral X. The bastard got a cheap shot in and knocked me out. I heard Pink screaming then nothing. The next thing I remember was my head laying in Pink's lap and her looking down at me with tears in her eyes. After I fully woke up, she told me what happened.

"After he knocked you out, I screamed. I seriously thought he had killed you. Then he turned to me saying 'I will teach you and your heratic lover what happens to those who oppose Kira.' I got scared but then I realized I had to make sure I protected you like you had always protected me. I thought about how to beat him and I decided I should try to fight like my favorite Soul Calibur fighter, Ivy. I used my belt like a whip and managed to get the upperhand. Then I switched over to a street fighting style that TK showed me and kicked his sorry ass. The people who saw me called for paramedics to look at you and the police for him. Once the paramedics said you'd be okay, I sat down and laid your head in my lap. I rubbed your hair until you woke up."

I decided not to tell Mel about this because he would have teased me about having my ass saved by a girl... which if he did, I would have mention how he looks the part of a girl just to make him mad.

... An e-mail from Pink? ... Viral X died in police custody... from a heart attack. Wait, does that mean Light was there and saw the fight...? Or maybe there's more than one Kira to deal with.

Signing out,
