"This is wrong," Leah repeated, backing away until she hit the wall.

He stepped forward, stopped, and ran a tired hand through his hair, causing a few dark strands of it stuck up in the air. "I thought you wanted this," he snapped.

"I do." She glared at him, then bit her lip.


She remained silent.

"You can tell me." He took her hands in his, and she didn't push him away.

"How do I know you're not going to leave me for her?"

Jacob sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you I'm not going to?"

Leah threw her hands up in the air in exasperation. How could he not see it? "You may say that now. What about in ten years, or six years, or two years, or however the fuck long it takes her to grow up? She's going to look like a freaking supermodel or something and you'll suddenly realize you belong with her and not me! Hell, you're always going to be fucking thinking about her!"

"Yes!" he snarled, suddenly furious. "I'm always going to be thinking about her, and that's not healthy! You're going to have to help me stop that!"

"But you love her," she pointed out, weakly.

"Yes, but not like that!"

"She's your imprint!"

"Wow, I didn't know that before! Thanks for telling me!" His tone dripped sarcasm. She was rubbing off on him.

"So she's like your center of the universe, isn't she? Gravity! You said so yourself! The quote, only thing keeping you down on the earth, end quote!" She stopped talking then; she didn't want him to hear her voice crack.

To her surprise, he suddenly smiled. What the fuck?

"Gravity is overrated," he said, and then he stepped closer to her. She couldn't back away any further; he had her pinned against the wall. He brought his mouth to her ear, and she shivered.

"Who needs it, anyway? Let's fly."

Blackwater goodness. Whoo~

I suppose float would be more technically correct than fly, but fly sounds better, so whatever.

I'll give anonymous review replies some other time; I have to go now. Yeah.

Review, 'kay? Thanks. Bye.