This is my first attempt at: 1. writing fanfiction in a long time; 2. writing Twilight fanfiction, 3. writing a drabble; 4. writing a /series/ of drabbles; and 5. writing romance, no matter how slight or implied or whatever. Oh, and 6. writing angst. 'Cause there will be some angst in future chapters/drabbles. How can there not be, with Jacob/Sam/Leah/Emily/Nessie and all that lovely stuff?

So please pardon me if this completely sucks. Thanks.

They are running together.

Their paws pound the ground in perfect synchronization, creating a rhythmic thumping that stirs the hearts and souls of every living being in the vicinity. Their sleek, glossy fur shines in the sun as they continue at their pace, much too fast for mortal eyes to follow; their sharp teeth, bared in the slightest of snarls, gleam as they patrol.

Despite their size and speed, their identical movement is as silent as it is fluid. They make no sound; not out loud and not in their minds. It is peaceful here.

They both have their own issues; she is still slowly accepting the fact that Sam ditched her for Emily, despite the long time ago the particular event occurred, and the idea of leeches being friends, not to mention her newfound, hesitant, slightly horrifying but grudging affection towards her alpha. He is still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that he has imprinted, on a half-vampire baby; his past love's daughter, no less.

But none of these errant thoughts penetrate the calm that has been created here; they do not let emotions, thoughts, or feelings disturb them. For they are patrolling, and it is perfectly tranquil. There is no need for anything else.

They still have their issues, but right now, it is peaceful and calm and silent, and they are alone and together. The world is right.

And for now, that is enough.

Constructive criticism/reviews would be lovely. :)