Author's Note: Have tissues ready! And this is the last chapter, for sure. ^_^ I hope you have enjoyed The Untold Story-The Revealed Story, I had a joy and a pleasure writing them for all to see, but it has come to an end and I hope you all do enjoy this ending of the journey...

Power Rangers & It's characters (C) Saban/Disney
Amber Oliver, May Park and This Story (C) Me

It was the day of Adam and Amber's wedding; Adam was in the room where the groom, groomsman and best man were getting ready while Amber was in the back where the bride, bridesmaids and maid of honor were getting ready.

There were a few familiar faces at the wedding like: Rocky, Jason, and Kimberly.

Rocky and Jason were in the back, getting ready with the others while Kimberly had just walked into where the bride was.

"Kimmy!" Amber exclaimed, in an amazing beautiful white dress that had flower designs all over it, it graced the floor nicely but didn't have her vale on yet, running toward Kimberly who held out her arms, hugging Amber tightly, "It's so good to see you after all these years," she said softly.

"I know, it's good to see you too, Kim," Amber smiled, hugging tighter before letting go of Kimberly, holding her hands, looking at her, "It's nice to be able to see you in person instead of talking over the phone,"

Kimberly nodded, "Yeah, it is," she smiled, before looking around, "Where's all your bridesmaids?" she asked curiously.

Amber shrugged her shoulder, "I only have Kira, Hayley and…" she smiled, "you,"

Kimberly blinked, "Bu-But I don't have a bridesmaid dress," she felt bad because she couldn't do the wedding without one.

Amber let go of Kimberly's hands before walking over to a dress that hung on the wall, "I kind of… took the liberty of getting you one," she picked it up off the rack and laid it over gently in Kimberly's arms who was astonished, "Are you sure it's my size?" she asked.

Amber nodded, "I had to ask around, but I got your dress size," she smiled.

Kimberly blinked, looking at Amber, "Who gave it to you?"

Amber rubbed the back of her neck, "Erm… Tommy,"

Kimberly blinked again, "Do-does he know I'm here?" she hadn't spoke or seen Tommy since Divatox, but even then, they didn't really talk much.

Amber looked at her, shaking her head, "No, he doesn't. I thought I would surprise him," she nodded.

Kimberly suddenly hugged Amber tightly, "Th-thank you," she was sort of crying on Amber's naked shoulder.

Amber held her, "What's wrong?" she asked in a gentle voice.

Kimberly looked into Amber's eyes, tears were falling, "I've missed Tommy so much…" she let go of Amber.

Amber smiled, "I'm pretty sure that he has too…" she said softly.

Kimberly looked at the dress, "I never wanted to truly break-up with him… after the letter was sent, I realized it was too late," she said softly, head down.

Amber lifted Kimberly's chin up with her index finger, "It's never too late," she promised.

In the Groom's Room

Adam was so nervous that he messed up his bowtie and Tommy walked over, fixing it for him, "There you go," he said in a gentle voice.

Jason was fixing his from behind Adam, "You know, you need to learn how to do bowties," he pointed out, messing around with him.

Rocky looked at them, "This is a circus, not a wedding," he said, having a silly looking bowtie that was rainbow colored.

They turned to look, snickering, "Nice bowtie, Rocky," Adam said.

"Ha-ha, very funny," Rocky immediately took it off and said, "I'm going without one then, I am not wearing that ridiculous thing,"

Tommy shook his head with a slight smile, walking over, "Here," he handed the bowtie to Rocky who thanked Tommy and put it on.

Adam was holding the ring, looking at it; "…" he was lost in his own mind, wondering about things.

Jason walked over next to Adam, both were in front of the mirror, "You aren't getting cold feet, are you?" he asked, still fixing his bowtie.

Adam looked at himself in the mirror, "No. It's just… I've waited so long for this day and now, it's finally here… I wonder if I can make her happy," he said in a worried tone.

Jason slapped Adam's back, "You'll do fine," he said, "She wouldn't have said yes if she didn't think you could,"

Adam smiled, looking at Jason, "Thanks,"

Jason smiled, "Anytime,"

In The Church

After a couple more minutes, the wedding was starting. Adam, Rocky, Jason and Tommy walked over to the side, waiting for Hayley, Kira, the surprise – Kimberly, and the bride… Amber.

The little flower girl came out first, passing out petals as the bridesmaids walked down. First, it was Kira in a royal blue dress, second was Hayley in the same colored dress but different design, and the surprising Kimberly who smiled big.

Tommy's heart was thumping real hard, "Surprise," whispered Jason who knew about Kimberly coming because Amber asked him what Kimberly's dress size was, not Tommy. Amber only said that to give Kimberly the confidence to go down the aisle to see Tommy.

Tommy smiled slowly, "Thanks, Jase," he thanked.

"Don't thank me, thank Amber. She's the one who thought of it," Jason whispered.

Tommy almost got emotional at that, but then… Everyone stood up and there was Amber at the end of the aisle with her father on her arm, walking her down it as the wedding march played.

Adam's face lit up, thinking of how beautiful that his bride is as she walked down the aisle with her father, she looked into Adam's eyes, sort of crying underneath the vale and then once at the alter, her father turned her to face him, lifted up her vale and kissed her cheek, before placing it back down, handing her over to Adam and whispered in his ear, "She's yours now. Take care of her,"

Adam looked into her eyes, "I promise, I always have and I always will," he promised in a sincere tone of affection.

Mr. Oliver stepped down, walking over to his wife, holding her hand, "I like him," he said, smiling.

The Priest put his hands up then slowly put them down to have everyone sit down, but as soon as they did, he spoke: "Dearly Beloved, we are gather her today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony," his voice dulled a bit to Amber.

Amber was staring at Adam from underneath her vale and him at her, but something in her eyes was off and he could see it, before telling the priest in a soft voice to wait a moment.

He lifted up the vale a bit before putting his head underneath it, looking at her face, "What's wrong?" he asked.

Amber balled, crying as she held onto Adam, leaning her forehead onto his, her eyes closed, "I remembered everything last night…" she whispered.

Adam held her face, "That wasn't you, that was Starlla," he whispered.

Tommy was about to walk over, but knew that it was now Adam's job to take care of Amber's needs, so he stepped back unless called, he won't go over there.

Amber looked into Adam's eyes, "It's my fault that Tommy, you and the other Rangers got hurt…" she was about to leave but Adam held her close, "I forgive you," he said in a soothing voice.

Amber cried, "How can you forgive a monster…?" she held onto him, laying her head on his shoulder.

Adam whispered, "How can you forgive someone who didn't fight hard enough to free you before it could occur?" he was trying to make a point.

Amber closed her eyes, "You're right… it's not my fault," she whispered.

Adam nodded, "That's right, it's not my fault, not Tommy's fault, but Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa and Mesogog's fault, no one else's," he rubbed her back.

Amber nodded softly, "Alright," she smiled once more as they held each other's hands.

Adam nodded to the Priest, who nodded, continuing: "Their love has proved to be strong through all odds; even though so many years have passed… time has its ways of bringing the person you love back to your arms. Even though, this is rare, but true love never fails," he looked toward the people, "If you have any reason, these two shall not be joined together, speak now or forever hold your peace," he waited.

Adam and Amber looked at each other, smiling widely, "Objection!" Amber laughed.

"Okay, the bride's objection is overruled," Adam said in a soft voice, laughing a bit.

Everyone laughed in the church before the Priest asked, "Do you have the rings?"

Amber turned around, getting the ring from Kimberly while Adam turned around, getting his ring from Tommy, both turning back around to each other.

The Priest looked toward Amber, "Do you, Amber Oliver, take Adam Park to be your lawful wedded husband in sickness, in health, for better, for worse till death due you part?"

Amber smiled, "I do," Adam slipped the ring on her finger as she almost squealed.

Adam chuckled a bit as she took his hand, "Do you, Adam Park, take Amber Oliver to be your lawful wedded husband in sickness, in health, for better, for worse till death due you part?" he asked.

Adam smiled, "No. I take her forever, never shall I love another, only her," he said softly as Amber's eyes spilt tears, slipping the ring on his finger.

The Priest smiled, "I now pronounce you, husband and wife, you may kiss the bride," he backed up.

Amber looked into Adam's eyes, placing her hands on his upper arms as his arms went around her waist, "To us," she whispered, as their lips were planted on each other's, kissing passionately, not letting go.

Everyone clapped and there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

"I now pronounce you, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Park," said the priest as Amber and Adam stood in front of everyone, waving.

Tommy and Kimberly walked to each other, "Is there a place where we could talk?" both said at the same time, before smiling, "Yes," Tommy replied, as both left to the room where the grooms were getting ready earlier.

"Amber is so happy," Kimberly said softly, "Although, it was touch and go there for a minute when she broke down in front of Adam,"

Tommy nodded, "Yeah, but he knows how to get her back on her feet. I can't think of anyone better suited for her than Adam,"

Kimberly nodded, "Yeah,"

There was silence for a moment before Kimberly spoke up, "Tommy, I can't be without you, this is driving me crazy. All this time, all these years, I've missed you so much that I can't-"

Tommy placed his hand over her mouth, "I know," he said softly, pulling his hand down.

Kimberly's eyes watered, "Tommy, do you forgive me?" she asked with a sniffle or two.

"Yes," Tommy answered, before they held one another and kissed so deeply.

A kiss that was long overdue…

The wedding went by smoothly and wonderful, crack jokes here and there, no more sadness that day. That day was filled with happiness and joy, everyone got a happy ending.

Tommy and Kimberly later on got married that year. Jason and Rocky did their own thing, still bachelors. Kira and Trent got together… everything is still running smoothly…

However, for Adam and Amber…

Amber got pregnant on their honeymoon, their first child and after nine months, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and they named her, May Park.

Adam went back to teaching at his dojo; Amber became a Daycare caretaker which she would take care of May there, as well, as other children.

Amber often felt the side effects of Starlla but every time that it would happen, Adam was there to calm it and overtime, Adam gave Amber free martial arts lesson to help her contain her emotions and after that… the Starlla side effects went away.

Adam and Amber now reside in Angel Grove with their daughter, May Park, where their life runs smoothly and happily.

Even though, Adam left for a short time to help the Overdrive Rangers but Amber stayed behind with their daughter to watch over her and stayed safe like Adam asked, even though, Amber had tried to convince him to let her come too, but he convinced her with his sweet words to stay.

When Adam came back, Amber and May, who is now four years old, gave him a surprise party which turned to be his birthday party, but when they surprise Adam, they almost blew a circuit out of Alpha but other than that, it was just the four of them. As a family and friend.

The End