Clark covered his mouth, maybe he had scared the girl off, who was he to tell her what to do? To forget her life, forget everything she knew to live with him… Lana's eyes glittered in the moonlight and she nodded smiling softly.
"I…would like that," she spoke quietly, it was if they were both ten year olds again, anxiously letting their fingers brush close and then pulling them away in their moment of fear that the feeling of love would not be returned… It did not matter though, Clark was thrilled, a beautiful girl was coming to stay with him. Should he bouncing off the balls in delight, screaming in happiness like small child that was sprayed by a hose? No, Clark Kent should be happy for once, his parents would be back in town not now but in a couple of weeks, they would approve- right? Wrong, and Clark knew it, but for once, he was not going to listen to the paranoia that filled his ever so fragile mind, he was going to be like Pete; suck it up, embrace it and move on!
Chapter Seven- First night and surprises too!
Clark and Lana rang through the massive cornfields towards his house up in the distance, light up brightly that could only mean one thing… Lois Lane. Chloe, Clark's best friend since middle school, had once let slip that her rambunctious, razor sharp, problematic filled cousin needed a place to stay. Clark being Clark agreed only to find that his new house-guest was particularly nosey, rude and very, very bossy! Clark entered the fly-wire door to his house as usual, and found Lois leaning over a bubbling pot cooking up a storm- literally! Clark could not help but laugh as Lois flashed him one of her where have you been smiles. He retaliated with one of his, oh no, I don't want to eat crap again for tonight's dinner smiles. It was their normal brother and sister arguments, Lana just smiled politely, this girl must have known where she stood because Lois always turned up her nose at Clark's friends, particularly strangers.
"Clark, where have you been? Your soup is getting cold!" Lois asked winging, Clark rolled his eyes, took the soup filled bowl and set it down on the table.
"Out, besides, I thought we were getting take out?" Clark asked as he stirred the bowl wondering what this food was going to taste like. Lois smiled at him cunningly, set down another bowl near Clark motioning for Lana to sit.
"Well, I though you and your friend," she looked at Lana and smiled heartily, "…would be hungry,"
Lana eyed the food, took the spoon and daintily tasted the soup. Lois looked at Lana's perfect white teeth as she tasted the soup. Lois would call it famous, but really the company Campbell's was famous, not Lois.
"You know," Lana paused swallowing the warm mush, "If you added a little more spice to this, it will have more of a kick," Lana got up from her seat and headed to Mrs. Kent's assorted spices on the spice rack.
"Hmmm, a little bit of garlic will do nicely," she shook the garlic shaker and perfectly coated Lois' mush. "There," She said triumphantly, Clark looked at Lana impressed, he got up off the stool and took bite of the new improved soup.
"What do you know?" Clark paused to look at Lois, his smile tugging at the corners of his lips, "This makes Lois' cooking taste good!" Clark shot Lois a teasing glance, Lois was not amused!