Well here it is, the last chapter! Thank you everyone who has read the story, and thank you very much to those who have reviewed so far. Enjoy the ending, i hope its to everyones satisfaction. And don't forget to review as well, i wanna know what you all thought about it, but remember no flames, just constructive criticism. Enjoy!

"Stop Sakura, it's me!" someone yelled. She turned, more like was forcefully turned, and her eyes locked with brown. She gasped as she stumbled back, eyes wide with disbelief. She slowly turned, watching as their disguise's faded away, her jutsu subsiding and releasing them. There in front of her were six people she had thought she would never see again.

"Kiba," she fell to her knees, her mind racing as she comprehended everything. "No, no, not happening," she shook her head, clutching it. She felt hands drag her up, and then a few more bone crushing hugs.

"We thought you were dead," She turned to see Lee looking at her, sadness in his eyes. It was he who had asked her to talk, she could tell, his emotions he had held hidden engulfing her. Sakura reached a hand up to his face, but she yanked it back, pain crossing her face.

"You can't be here," she said in a whisper, barely heard.

"Didn't you hear him, we thought you were dead!" Kiba yelled. Sakura just stood there her eyes closed and her head bowed. She just remained silent as she tried to will them away. They couldn't bring her back, she couldn't return to him.

"Sakura, why? He never explained," it was Shikamaru, his hair still in its trademark pineapple shape. Sakura shook her head. After all these years, it couldn't be happening. She had to get away.

"I had to save him," she whispered. She bolted for the trees, but her emotions made her to slow, to wrapped up to completely focus. In seconds Lee was holding her left arm and Choji was holding her right. She looked at the chip eating boy, now made man. She looked at them all. They were taller, more built, but they were still the people she remembered, still her friends. Part of her wished it was Naruto in that group, but she couldn't allow it.

"Save him?" it was Shino who asked this, his glasses hiding the curious look she knew he had on. She didn't answer his question, just stood there silent. The last one to speak was Neji, his brows knit together just like the genius on the other side of her. They were figuring out what to do.

"Well obviously you must come back," Neji said, his pearl eyes locked onto her, onto her horrified expression. She shook her head no, she couldn't go back.

"No," she looked at them, her eyes defiant as her arms were refused to be released. She started to yank on them, to get away. Lee and Choji just continued to hold her hands, not budging an inch much to her anger.

"You're coming back with us," it was Lee, his voice was so quiet and sad, Sakura felt her heart aching. It was so unlike Lee to be like this.

"I can't, I cant," Sakura whispered, she tired once again to struggle against their hold on her, but she barely put up a fight, her mind was too much in a rampage.

"Why not?" it was Kiba again, he sounded slightly angered. "You expect us to just leave you when we finally found you!" he looked at her, anger flowing through is face, flaring in his eyes as they made them appear more animal like.

"Yes," Sakura whispered, her voice so low that they had to strain their ears to hear it.

"Well to bad. You're coming back with us, weather as a prisoner or a friend," Kiba growled in a deadly low voice. "Naruto is there, he'll be glad to see you. He was a wreck when you left, you know," Kiba said as he turned away from her. Sakura felt her heart breaking even more.

"Come on," Shino said as he began to walk off. Choji let his hands slide from her arms, releasing his grip, but Lee just lightened his. He still held on to her as they walked off, he wouldn't lose her again.

"We are meeting up at the dock. It's only an hour walk from here. Naruto should be back from his part of the mission," Neji said mostly to her. Sakura felt her heart flutter for a second. She would see him again, but then it stopped, her chest almost felt hollow.

"Who thought we would have had to cross an ocean to find her," it was Choji, he was trying to lighten the gloomy atmosphere, but his attempt failed. They passed the rest of the walk in silence.

She noticed the silent glances she was given, the sparks of emotion in the eyes of the boys when she caught their eyes with hers. It just made her sadder. She had hurt them so much, but she had had to do it, and now she had to find some way to leave. She cursed to herself as she tried anything to get away, but to her dilemma Lee never let her gain any advantage, his grasp on her arm was firm. She continued to worry as they grew closer and closer to their destination, soon they would be at the city, she had to do something to escape.

Sakura could see the port city. It wasn't much, mostly a place where a lot of trading and shopping went on. She could see the market place, bustling in the morning as people went from stall to stall doing their shopping for the day. You could get anything from food for the day all the way to expensive jewels and silks. Sakura had bought her favorite kimono from there, a blue kimono with a light blue obi that had a fox print.

She could see the white sails in the distance, ships coming in from long days of travel over the vast sea; others were just simple fishing boats coming in with their latest catch to sell in the market. She could see some other travelers on the same road as them, heavy baskets on their backs. They planned to set up their own stalls in the busy city.

"Over there," it was Neji, and he pointed to a fairly sized boat docked in the harbor. Even though it was far off she could see the scurrying people on it, and subconsciously she found herself looking for him, the blond hair that would give him away instantly. She spotted a ninja or two, but none of them was him.

"Why were you here?" Sakura asked, trying to keep her mind from the subject, that fact that what she had worked so hard to protect was coming to an end.

"We came as bodyguards for a prince that lived a ways off from here. He had been sent to Konoha when threats on his life were made a few months ago. We ran into some pretty bad ninja, but nothing we couldn't handle," she thought she had heard something about a prince, but she hadn't paid any mind to it. Her mind then switched to the poison, about to ask them how that had happened, but her mind drifted to another question. "Naruto and Kakashi were sent to another village a half days run to deliver some scrolls," Sakura looked up at him, shock evident on her face as he answered the question she had just been thinking off, but slowly a mental picture of her old sensei filled her head. She had missed him to.

"Kakashi is here?" she asked. Neji nodded, his only reply. Sakura felt her heart swell again.

They made their way through the busy streets, a few people even called greetings to her before looking at her companions. She waved at them with her free arm, smiling her reassurance as she was pulled towards the boat. She felt almost frozen in front of it, if Lee hadn't been holding her she would have never made it on the ramp up to it. She dragged her feet, trying to prolong the inevitable, making Lee fall back behind the others, almost at a dead stop.

"Hey guys you made it back in one piece!" that voice, it filled her ears, made her heart flutter. She could see him in her mind. The small boy she had left in the hospital, his sparkling cerulean eyes, unruly blond hair.

"Yeah, glad to see you are in one piece. We ran into some trouble, Lee got poisoned, but it turned out to be a good thing," Kiba barked out a laugh.

"How is that good? Where is he?" she heard the worry in his voice. Sakura slammed her hills down, refusing to move. She had to get away.

"He's coming up, over there," Shikamaru said as he nodded his head towards the ramp that they had walked up on. He grinned when he saw Lee's head appear over the edge, he was pulling Sakura now, dragging her up to the boat. Naruto stood up to walk over to Lee to greet the boy and get details when he froze, disbelief filling him. Lee had succeeded in getting Sakura up on the ship, and now she stood there, starring at Naruto.

"Sakura," he said it so softly, as if he had said it any louder she would have disappeared. He couldn't believe it. After ten years, she couldn't be there in front of him. He felt his feet move on their own towards her, but he didn't try to stop them. It was a dream, it had to be. "Sakura," it was another whisper. Sakura felt all of her emotions just flow over her at that moment, feelings long suppressed exploded in her. He was there in front of her, starring at her. She felt like crying, she had never realized how lonely she had felt, even with the townspeople she lived near, they never could have made her feel like this.

He stood in front of her starring down at her, hands hovering at his side. He felt like pinching himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming, how many times had he dreamed of seeing her again. He slowly brought his hand up to her face, touching her cheek. When he felt her cheek, felt the warmth and solidness, he embraced her, clutching her to him like she was his lifeline. For a moment it felt like they were back in Konoha, before she had left them all. He looked at her, and he could see the girl in the hospital room, it almost seemed like it had never happened, but slowly his mind wound back down to reality.

"So long, I thought…..," he broke off, burying his face in her hair. Sakura slowly brought her own hands up, and gently locked them behind his back. She almost lost herself in his embrace, but stopped. Enhancing her hands with her chakra, she pushed him away. He looked shocked, startled, but most of all hurt. She winced; the look in his eyes was like a physical blow to her.

"Sakura?" he looked at her in such a way she felt her heart aching even more. Sakura just bowed her head, letting her tears fall that had built up over the last ten years.

"You aren't supposed to be here," she chocked out. She felt a hand on her chin that slowly pulled her face up. She looked into his cerulean eyes; she noticed the unshed tears he held back as hers fell down her face in streams.

"Sakura I thought….." he trailed off, his hands stroking her cheek. "We all thought you were dead. I looked desperately for years, but I could never find you," she noticed his hands were slightly shaking, trembling. She refrained from touching them, even though it continued to rip her in two, she couldn't get carried away. She had to get away from him.

"I did what I had to do to keep you safe," she murmured, her eyes downcast.

"Sasuke is back," Naruto whispered to her. Her eyes snapped straight to his, wide.

"But you promised," Sakura almost growled out. She felt her tears stopping, being forced back by the anger of their broken promise.

"I kept my promise! He came back on his own, Sakura. Orochimaru is dead," Sakura just looked at him, more shock visible on her face. He had come back on his own; Naruto had been safe the whole time. Sakura just nodded, lowering her head as she tried to sort through everything. She could go home! But she had disappeared, she had left them, did they want her back. She couldn't go home, she had lost it when she had left. Who would forgive her?

"And now I am going to keep my other promise, I am going to save you," Naruto whispered to her. Her head shot up, and she nearly cried out with a new set of tears. He was smiling at her; he was looking at her with such love, so much forgiveness. She felt all the sadness she had ever felt melt away as he crushed her to him, his strong arms embracing her, making sure she was there and there to stay. She cried into his chest, he was saving her. She looked around at the others from her position; saw the same look on all of their faces.

"We could never hate you Sakura," they answered her unsaid question. She let more tears spill, tears of happiness. She could go home, she could pick up were she had left off.

"I'm so sorry," she mumbled through tears. Naruto just cooed at her, shushing her. He tilted her face up, and he did the one thing he should have done years ago. He kissed her, softly and lightly. There would be time for more in the future. He had found her, and he wouldn't be giving her up, he would not let her disappear again. She had saved him then, and now he had saved her. All debts were repaid, the slates were wiped clean.

"I can't wait to see what everyone will look like when we bring her back," it was Kiba again. She just chuckled to herself, tears still falling as Naruto wiped them away. She couldn't wait to see them either.

"Naruto, make me a promise," she looked up at him, her eyes red with all of her crying.

"Anything Sakura," he whispered to her, bringing his face closer to hers. She could feel his hot breath on her, making her senses tingle.

"Promise me that you will never leave," she said to him, bringing her face closer to his, starring into his cerulean eyes. Those eyes that she had missed, that she had left for, that she had yearned for.

"I promise Sakura, I don't think I could anyways," he whispered before he captured her lips a second time. She gasped, breathless from the kiss. She looked at Naruto, his eyes full of mischief, just like the old times.

"Because that is my ninja way."