Yay first story. Not much to say, but enjoy it. Oh and please review as well, but no flames. If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it, but constructive criticism is welcomed. It's probably going to have three chapters, and it'll be updated in a week or less, promise! NaruSaku.

A girl sat on a small wooden stool, her emerald eyes concentrating on the boy that lay in the bed. Her eyes took a minute to look over at the monitors the sleeping boy was attached to, noting his heart rate and other necessities. Even though he was in a stable condition and would make a 100% recovery, she couldn't help but feel it was all her fault. She had been the one to make him promise to bring the dark haired boy home, and she knew he would try his hardest until he succeeded, even if it meant his life.

The girl just closed her eyes, biting back the tears that she wanted to release. She had to be strong for the two of them even though on the inside she was tearing herself up. Why did he insist on calling her a friend when she made him put his life at a risk over and over again? And why did she cling to him? He was her best friend, that was why, and more then that he was her family.

She brushed back a strand of her sakura blossom colored hair, clearing her face as she studied the boy before her again. He was bandaged heavily, and his eyes were closed. She felt the need to see them open, to see the cerulean eyes look at her, regard her as how he always did. She needed it, she was hurting to much. His gaze was like a pain killer, he just made everything seem alright even though she was the reason he sat in that bed.

She chocked on the air she was breathing, trying to suppress the sob that threatened to erupt. She reached one of her small slender hands to his hair and brushed a blond bang from his face. She let one tear escape her hold, but that was enough. Her heart was braking, ripping up. She was not worthy to be near him, why should she be? If it weren't for that stupid promise she had asked of him none of this would have happened. He wouldn't have come back nearly killed. He wouldn't be the one on the hospital bed covered from head to toe in bandages.

She heard a slight rustle that snapped her out of her mental ranting. She wiped away the trace of the one tear and looked at the bed. Slowly cerulean eyes opened, grogginess flashing through them as the boy yawned, reaching his hands up to stretch. He blinked a few times before his eyes rested on her. For a moment he looked confused before spotting the IV and other various monitors.

"Sakura-chan, how long have I been out?" he asked her. She just looked at a chart on a medical board, but she didn't have to. She had been with him the whole time, from the minute they had brought him in.

"You've been out for a day and a half Naruto," she didn't even deserve to say his name. She felt her sadness returning full force. Was that all she was meant for? To bring pain and hurt to all of the people she knew in love. She wasn't much help on missions, and she was virtually useless despite the training she had been undergoing with the Hokage. Yet she was still so weak, she hated it. How much longer would she let her precious people hurt themselves for her expense?

"Really, that's a while," he looked up at her face, saw the sadness that flooded it. His eyes widened with worry as he tried to figure out any answer that would cause her to make such a face. It pained him to see all the sadness she was showing, he was almost drowning in it. "Sakura! I promise next time ill bring him back, I swear!" he shouted out, immediately sitting up and starring at her, reaching for her hand. Sakuras eyes just widened as her mind cried out. He thought she was worried about their dark haired friend, oh how wrong he was, but she could tell why he would think that.

"It's not that Naruto, I'm fine," she said, trying to brighten up. She hesitated a second, but finally decided to ask. "Naruto please give up on brining Sasuke back," Sakura chocked out as she looked at the boy, still holding back her tears. He had to stop, or the next time could be even worse, he could end up dead, and if that happened it would kill her to. She'd rather die then see him die. He had a great future ahead of him, and what did she have. Nothing.

"What, no I gave you my word Sakura. I will bring him back, I promise," he said, smiling his trademark grin. Sakura just shook her head, finally letting her tears fall. She slammed her hands down on the bed, right next to his legs. He just sat there, startled as he looked at his crying teammate.

"No Naruto! Give up on bringing him back!" Sakura yelled as she bent her head foreword, clutching the blankets in her hand as she let her tears fall in heavy streams.

"Sakura!" Naruto yelled as he brought his hands to her head. He tried to lift her head up, but she just shook it loose, not wanting him to see her tears even though they fell and soaked the blankets beneath her. "Sakura I'm going to bring him back. I'm doing it for you and me. I gave my word, that is my ninja way," Naruto said, patting her head as she continued to cry. Sakura just shook her head once more. She couldn't let him get hurt, not again.

"Naruto," she whispered. Naruto just looked at her, his eyes full of sympathy, pain, and sadness. He hated to see her like this, she looked so fragile, like she would snap in to. "Will you make me a promise," she said in a low whisper.

"Anything Sakura. I promise I will do anything you want," he said, trying his hardest to make her feel better. He watched as she lifted her head. She put her hand on the silver tray that was near by. She fingered a syringe then dropped her hand.

"You have to do this before you bring back Sasuke. Promise me you wont go out and do something like this again until you fulfill this promise," Sakura said in a voice slightly higher then a whisper. She knew what she was about to request and do would hurt him, but she would rather hurt him like this then have him injured like this again, or possibly killed. It might have been selfish, but she didn't care. She loved him, and she would protect him.

"I promise Sakura," Naruto said, smiling at her as she looked at him. She smiled to, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. She rested a hand on one of his, before she spoke.

"Promise me that before you go and get Sasuke you have to save me first," she spoke in a whisper. He strained to hear her, but he did.

"Sakura what do you me…" he was cut off as he felt a slight pain in his thigh. He looked down to see the syringe from the tray, the liquid pushed into him. His eyes shot up to her face as he began to get drowsy. His vision began to blur, sleep taking over him. He looked at her face, disbelief evident in his eyes. He didn't understand. Save her first, unless.

"Sakura no," he slurred out in a weak voice, heavy with grogginess. Sakura just looked down at him and sadly smiled.

"I'm sorry Naruto, I hope you will forgive me some day. Remember your promise," she stood up, and Naruto tried his hardest to reach out to her, to grab her to make her stay. He couldn't have her leave. He grew desperate as he found he couldn't move a single inch of his body. His eyes snapped up to hers. She looked so beautiful, so sad. Sakura just bent down toward him, to where her lips were right next to his ear.

"I love you Naruto," she whispered. Those were that last words he heard before he slipped off into the darkness that was sleep, even though he fought with all his might to stay awake. He felt something on his brown, something soft, before he fully went under.

"Sakura, no," he whispered, just loud enough for her to hear. She turned to him and let her tears fall one last time. She would not cry, she had done this for him, for his safety. She left, jumping from the window. She ran to her house, and only stopped long enough to fill a pack with a few necessities, money, and last but not least a picture of her and her team. She packed it with ginger care before taking flight out of her window. She came to the large gates of her home, and passed through them quickly. She would leave and she would never come back. He had to keep his promise, that was his ninja way.

Narutos eyes snapped open, wide with the knowledge of what had happened. He bolted upright, looking around frantically for the pink haired medic. He felt his heart racing, heard the monitor to his left going off the charts. He had to find her, she couldn't leave. His eyes landed on his lap, and they tinted red oh so briefly. With shaky hands he picked up the objects. Her head protector and a note. Slowly unfolding the parchment he read the letter.


Maybe someday you will forgive me, but I truly am sorry. I cannot let you hurt yourself like that again. Remember your promise. Maybe we will see each other again. I love you.


Tears filled his eyes. She couldn't be gone, there was no way. She had to be here, absolutely had to. He felt the sadness in him building, heard the nurses running in to check on him. But he didn't care. All he could do was scream.