Sorry it's been so long since i updated, but i have so many stories i need to do, that and school work, but please enjoy this chapter!

Disclaimer: i do not own legion of superheroes

Mommy! Daddy don't leave me! Xandra screamed, reaching out for her parents rapidly disappearing forms as something black and icky consumed her lower half in darkness.

They're dead Xandra, they arent' coming back. Aaron's voice was hollow and unfeeling, as he pushed her farther into the darkness, before stepping i himself.

Xandra struggled and kicked, shaking her head disbelievingly, No! No you're wrong! Mom and dad can't die! They are coming back, we have to keep believing that or we'll both be lost!It's too late. was the last thing Aaron said, before Xandra's world went permanently black.

The young red head screamed and lurched awake in her pink bed covers, breathing hard and feeling tears run down her cheeks.

She looked around taking in the familiar surroundings of stuffed toys and glitter, the typical 11 year old room for a little girl. Nothing black and icky, no possessed Aaron, no dead parents. The sun shimmered outside as the birth of a new day emerged in New Metropolis.

Xandra took one last moment to bring the stuffed poodle monkey her auntie Ayla had given her for her fifth birthday to her chest, nuzzling the downy fur. She breathed in the familiar scent of the legion headquarters, her home, then placed in gently down and patted it lovingly.

Alright, another day of being miss American hero! She leapt out of her bed, being careful not to think about her nightmare that much, getting dressed, and ripping a brush through her hair quickly, pulling it up into it's normal ponytail with her twin Saturn bobble elastics. She struck a pose in front of her vanity mirror and stuck out her tongue goofily, giggling to herself then rushing out the door. Her flight ring vibrated reassuringly against her Ring finger as she activated it's powers, she darted between hallway plants and passersby as she flew lighting fast to the lounge room.

That is, until, she saw the faimliar red hair and black uniform of her father. Xandra grinned, soemithgn in her melting in relief despite her determination to ignore the nightmare, and she barreled towards him.

"Good morning daddy!" She cried out, reaching as she grew closer for him.

Beginning to get used to this, Lighting Lad darted around to face her and held out his arms so he could successfully catch her. The sheer force of her impact, however, was still enough to make him stumble as she buried herself into his strong chest.

"Good morning Spit- fire." He said, patting her wild hair and giving her a fond but wary look. This kid just bounced off the walls worse than Bouncing Boy.

Xandra giggled at the nickname, whether he realized it or not, Lighting Lad and his older self both called her that.

"Are you meeting mommy for breakfast?"

Lighting lad smirked, and squeezed her in a one armed hug, "Why don't you come with me and find out?

In response, the girl clung to her father's leg as he walked down the hallway, enjoying the bumpy ride and laughing hysterically past a few of the newer legionaires visiting.

Once they got there, Xandra was delighted to see her mom, safe and sound, helping Aaron read the menu int he legion cafeteria tot he kitchen bot. Poor Aaron was blushing in embarrassment as Saturn girl read his choices out loud, allbeit quietly, to save him the frustration.

Lighting lad shook his leg a little above the bench so Xandra would plop onto her butt and he could take a seat himself.

The young red head paid it no mind however, she merely latched onto Saturn girls side with affection, Mornin mommy!

Saturn girl laughed, wrapping her arms around her younger child, "Good morning little one."

Aaron was about to comment on why she was suddenly so perky, when a force suddenly piled itself onto his shoulders and his head was forced to an abrupt marriage with the table. Sarah had just woken up...barley.

"Mornin loser." She mumbled, sagging her head next to his ear, unaware of the effect it was having on her best friend.

Saturn girl and lighting Lad smiled knowingly when they saw a scarlet blush cross thie son's face.

"Sarah, get off and go get some coffee."

Sarah agreed rather quickly, but not before tugging on some of his hair playfully before she dragged herself away.

Aaron rubbed the top of his head, which was now sore, "Geez, girl's like a freakin zombie in the morning."

Xandra giggled, and swung her legs under her chair as the kitchen bot came out with the food. It didn't need to get her order, because she ordered the same thing everyday.

"Um, Xandra, sweetheart." Saturn girl mentioned, as lighting lad looked at his daughters plate in mild disgust and confusion, "Did you ask for those eggs raw?"

Xandra nodded, rubbing her hands together,Yup! this is my favorite part!

"You're kidding."Lighting lad said in disbelief.

Before her parents could say anything else, Xandra closed an eye and aimed with her pointer finger at the two round egg's spreading on her plate. Then there was a-



Well, the eggs were cooked now, the lighting bolt courtesy of the youngest Ranzz had everyone's breakfast cooked extra well, as well as their hair frizzing on their heads from the static. Aaron face palmed.

"Every morning, every sprockin morning."

Thanks for coming on patrol with me mommy! Xandra chirrped, dancing on her tiptoes across the rooftops of New Metropolis while her flight ring worked to balance her. Saturn girl was hovering nearby, keeping a close but genlte eye on her daughter.

Of course i'd come with you, that's the whole reason i'm here after all, i need to help you.

Xandra laughed, then stopped. Her finger tips tingled in the way they only would if vast amounts of electricity was nearby, such as a thunder storm or power plant...or even,

"Scavengers."She whispered, glancing farther to the east as Saturn girl took her hint and sent out a mind prob.

They think i'm still off planet, they aren't defending against the prob, The blonde said, glancing at her daughter, Perhaps it would be better if you went to get help, there's a lot of them down there.

Xandra took pity on her mother for maybe a split second, then her face broke into her trademark grin, Nah, that's the fun part, TALLY-HOE! With that, she went speeding downwards, leaving her concerned mother in the dust.

She aimed a well placed lighting blast at the wall of the beaten up factory the scavengers were using as their hide out. Several of them shrieked as he placed her hands on her hips in the normal heroic pose, hovering dramatically in the hole she created.

Motor oil and the smell of lead filled her senses, the feeling in her finger tips growing stronger with all the electricity around.

It's that brat Dawn Lighting! shoot her down boys! the lead scavenger shouted, and they drew out their newly upgraded guns. Xandra pretend to be bored, faking a yawn and everything, before effortlessly dodging several blasts, laughing at their futility.

"Can't catch me guys!" she blew a raspberry right into the leader's face, and sprung away when he made to grab her.

She glanced around as she teased them, and noticed all of the illegal weaponry they were developing. They could really hurt people. Couldn't have that could we?

Her back arched and her limbs spread as she drew as much electrical power from around her as she could, the air was thick with tension as it built in her hands. She was concentrating so hard, that she didn't notice one of the scavengers sneak behind her and aim for her head with his gun.

"Xandra, watch out!"

Xandra gasped at the urgent and angry sounding voice of her mother, and the power she had been building burst forth awkwardly. It took out the weapons, but also half of the building and the one next to it.

She said winced, the science police were gonna be maaaaad.

Xandra heard a cry behind her, and whipped around to see her mother struggling to hold the gun the scavenger had out of aim of her.

Imposter, you can't be Saturn girl, unless Saturn girl went back in time twenty years. the scavenger shot and barely missed her mother's shoulder as she flew in front of Xandra.

Xandra saw red. they would NOT take her mommy away.

she roared, surprising all of them and hurling bolts of electricity at the man. He was blown along outside like some sick game of skipping rocks.

Oh, well that was convenient, there's a science police car waiting right outside. Xandra gave one last ill tempered bolt for the scavenger's rear as he ran willingly and ducked into the car. It wasn't long until his friends were caught, and the girls were left to fly away and have a little

"Mommy, are you okay?" Xandra asked, glancing at the senior heroes shoulder. The ray had torn her uniform, but it hadn't broken the skin. Saturn girl narrowed her eyes, and placed a stern hand on her daughter's shoulder.

I'm fine Xandra, because i have been fighting the scavengers for much longer than you have. What on earth did you think you were doing, charging in there like that? you could have been hurt, or worse. Her voice was low, as she refused to raise her voice to the already guilty looking child. But she still heard a whimper erupt from the young girls throat.

"I-I know.." Xandra rotated her foot as if there was dirt under her to draw it in, "I wasn't thinking like a hero was I?"

By my standards no, but your father on the other hand.. Saturn Girl trailed off, this was obviously his fault, he had given Xandra his stubbor and overconfident genes, You are very powerful Xandra, especially for someone your age, but you have to think before you use them. Now i want you to promise me that you won't go charging into a battle unless you know you have the proper precautions.

Xandra looked confused, What if it's an emergency?

Saturn girl shook her head, Being able to handle something on your own will come with time, as will the ability to tell the difference between a diar emergency, or something that takes patience to complete.

Xandra hovered, thinking and mulling this new idea over, before she nodded.

"I promise Mommy."

Well, there's some combat, and a whole chapter for Xandra and her family, hope you liked it!