May 9th, 1998
I was giving the dog-things—MA-39s the papers call them—their injections earlier when one of them somehow slipped out of its muzzle and nearly bit my goddamn hand off. After reporting the incident, I learned those dogs have been pulling a lot of Houdini acts recently: two somehow got out of their cages and ran all the way to the edge of the facility before a U.B.C.S guy "neutralized" them.
I knew there looked to be less of them than last time I checked.
My hand's been itching like crazy ever since the thing bit me, but they're making me do my rounds anyway.
Robert came back to life today, it seems. I told you how he was observing the biotope with those zombie gorilla things when he suddenly just dropped dead?
Yeah, well he stood up today, walked out of the morgue, scared the hell out of everyone in the infirmary (including me, I was in for my hand), and then got shot in the head.
It was kind of funny, seeing him. Half of his lips were rotted away and rigor mortis had frozen his facial muscles so he looked like he was grinning stupidly.
Bob… Bob the happy zombie.
Also, the living quarters are starting to smell like a slaughterhouse again.
June 18th, 1998
Ferret City—Yesterday, two hikers, Justin Thompson and Jack Beaumont, emerged winded and horrified from the Raccoon Woods, apparently the only surviving members of their initial party of five.
The hikers, aged 16 and 17 respectively, headed into the forest four days ago, along with Jack's 19-year-old brother and two other friends. Each member of the group was reported missing on the following day, having promised their parents that they would return within a few hours. This led the RPD to do a comprehensive sweep of the area which lasted for two days before being deemed fruitless, much to the horror of the parents.
Miraculously, the two boys managed to find their own way back into the city. The other three were less fortunate.
After calming down enough to comment on their experience, both boys described being ambushed by several unknown assailants who proceeded to eat the other three boys, identifying their attackers as "zombies."
They went on to add details to support this claim, notably the awkward movements and "dead eyes" of their attackers, in addition to the cannibalism.
It is theorized that they were merely suffering from exhaustion and post-traumatic stress.
July 12th, 1998
Koehler Lake Research Facility
Tyrant T-101 type N
The combat functionality of the T-101N has been confirmed to be 5% higher than that of the T-002, and 1.3% higher than that of the prototypal T-103s.
Further mutation has occurred since the last log, but alteration of the vocal folds has been minimal.
Additionally, cognitive testing shows that it has retained the ability to make common associations based on aural stimuli, and thus may be capable of understanding human speech. It is a possibility that we may soon have a Tyrant that can be programmed to communicate its task.
A recent combat test between the T-101N and lesser BOWs resulted in the discovery of the Tyrant's ability to assimilate other T-Virus infected humanoids. This will warrant further observation.
July 26, 1998
I filed a report yesterday detailing the events at the Spencer Estate, the creatures and Wesker's betrayal and all. It went on to talk about Umbrella's involvement. I gave several very good reasons why I think the mansion is connected to the murders in that area.
I even enclosed a document which mentioned bio-organic weapons.
The report went through the usual screenings, and I ended up being called to the office of Chief Irons himself.
He told me the report was "interesting," which probably meant "how the hell did she come up with this crazy stuff?" He looked at it for a couple more seconds before changing his descriptor to "ridiculous" and dismissing me.
I'm going to find some way to convince that fat bastard that this is serious. I'm sure the other remaining S.T.A.R.S will back me up, if they haven't file reports of their own already. Barry's using up his vacation days to stay with his family, and Chris seems like he's going to do his own investigation into Umbrella and the murders.
July 30th, 1998
That headline pretty much says it all. In a week, we're going into the Koehler Woods to check out a new string of killings. The general FPD's calling them "copycat murders," solely based on the fact that they also involve cannibalism, but there's been word among the S.T.A.R.S teams that all of the Arklay Mountain murders are part of something much bigger involving some kind of biological experiments, so these could just be a sign that there's another lab or something in the Koehler Woods.
The Professor's been talking to his friend (girlfriend? make note to ask) Jill about it, but she told him not to say too much to anybody. They say that she's one of the top officers in the Raccoon branch, but she sounds kinda paranoid.
She might have the right to be, seeing as she's one of the only officers to come back alive from their investigation.
I'm sure that with me, Carrick, the Professor, and the captain going on this one, we'll be safe enough.
August 5th, 1998
Ferret City—A recent excursion into the Arklay Mountain Woods proved to be very eventful for the members of Raccoon's Special Tactics and Rescue Service (S.T.A.R.S), resulting in the tragic deaths of many team members as well as the discovery of startling new evidence regarding the cannibalistic murders reported in that area.
The S.T.A.R.S Research and Intelligence Department, based on information gathered by field medic Rebecca Chambers, have traced to source of the killings to an outbreak of a rare virus in the area surrounding Raccoon. It is speculated that the virus is synthetic, having been developed for use in biological warfare.
Symptoms exhibited by those infected include severe itching, swelling, necrosis, decrease in cognitive activity, and, most disturbingly, a desire to eat the flesh of other humans.
If you exhibit any of these symptoms, it is advised that you seek immediate medical attention.
Rumours linking the outbreak to the demolition of the abandoned Spencer Estate cannot be substantiated and should be regarded as misinformation…