Author's Note: Hey Readers! If you clicked on this, Hurrah for you! Well, pretty much, I wanted to write a fic on Twilight that had a different character instead of Bella. Don't get me wrong, I love Bells, but I've always thought that she should've been spunkier and less...breakable. So, I'm going to try! ;) It'll mainly be in Edward's POV, Alice's POV, and Erika's POV.

Edward's POV

I always assumed that we'd have forever. As much as I hated the thought of changing her, I knew that I would, out of need. She said that she wanted me to, ever since James had bitten her. But I couldn't bear the thought of her doomed to a cold life as a monster. If I had known the pain of not having her by my side back then, I would have bitten her in a heartbeat. Well, in my non-existent heartbeat.

I know that pain now.

Images seem to flash throughout my mind every moment of each tireless day. Images of her: Bella laughing, Bella gazing up at me, Bella kissing me, Bella lying completely still in the forest, paler than she had ever been. Lifeless. And the forever haunting image of Victoria standing over her, my angel, laughing with triumph. She was still smiling when I ripped her head off.

"Edward?" someone asked tentatively. I turned my head slightly to the side, gazing lifelessly back at the person who brought me out of my broodings. Alice stared at me, her topaz eyes looking at me expectantly.

"Yes, Alice?" I sighed, not wanting to talk. Yes, it had been a year. A year full of grief and the eyes of my family looking at me like I was mad. I probably am.

"As you know, we start school today. Now, I know it's another high school like any other, but please, please try to look happier!"Alice commanded. She knew my pain, and felt it too. But not the same pain. Hers wasn't all consuming.

"If it's just another high school, then why should I be happier?" I said quietly.

"Well, for one, you've got Esme worried sick!" she ranted,"Two, because you look so depressing that you're going to scare all of the humans more than usual! Three, because if you don't I'll rip you to shreds and then-"

"Fine." I interrupted her."I'll look more human. But I make no promises of actually being happy." I felt terrible snapping at Alice, but I was disgruntled. Death would be more welcoming than this life. Far more welcoming.

Edward. You have to try to forget. Please, for our sake? We want to stay in this town, at least for a while.... Bella wouldn't want you to throw away your life... You know that. Alice thought at me. Her gaze was pleading.

"How do you know that?" I growled. "I'll never forget her, you know that! And I won't even try to! The point of my existence has extinguished, Alice! You know it as do I!" She looked shocked. It was probably the longest speech I had given since her death.

She quickly recovered."Edward Mason Cullen!" she glared at me. "I miss Bella as well, but you are going to stop groveling right this minute! If not for us, then for her!"

We glowered at each other for a moment, silent. Then I swung my back-pack over my shoulder and stalked out of our new house and climbed into my Volvo, waiting for the others to finish getting ready for school so I could start the first day of another torturous school.

Alice's POV

I rubbed my temple as my brother abruptly left our conversation. He had retreated into a state of depression and anger this past year. I missed him. I missed her... Throughout my life, I'd never had any real friends. When I was human, I had a few friends who tended to ignore my odd sense of future events before I was shipped off to the asylum. Well, I think I did. My human life is still so very foggy. There's Jasper, and he is so much more than just a friend. Still, Jasper is a guy, so it's not the same. Rosalie is my sister, but since we have only a few things in common, she and I have never clicked like girlfriends. Esme and I have a mother/daughter bond. Strong, but not the same.

And then, there was Bella.

The second I saw her in my vision, I knew that I was finally going to have a true friend. The feelings that flooded through me were... exuberant. It was perfect. Edward would have someone, and I would have a girl my "age" who accepted me. ME. I would've jumped up and started dancing, but my family was staring open-mouthed at Edward, so I contented myself with smiling smugly.

Ah. If only that had lasted. I can still see her sprawled out on the grass, as her eyes dimmed when Victoria stabbed her, right in the heart with a rusty dagger. Her death was fast, with no time for one of us to bite her and let her stay. I don't know what was worse: the sadness that overwhelmed me, or the look on Edward's face, shadowed in total anguish.

I stood up out of my chair with a small sigh. "JAZZ, EMMET, AND ROSE! HURRY IT UP!" I bellowed. They still would've heard if I had only whispered it, but shouting was so much more fun. Three blurs streaked down the stairs. Rosalie was as pretty as ever with tight blue jeans and a pale pink tang-top that was beaded along the top. Emmet was wearing khaki pants and a dark green polo, a mischievous grin on his face that meant that he was quite obviously plotting something that I would have to look into. And Jasper grinned at me consolingly, apparently he felt the tension, worry, and sadness in my feelings. He was wearing dark blue jeans and a bright blue sweater. I took his arm and dragged him into Edward's car with Rosalie and Emmet following. Esme and Carlisle appeared behind us, and Esme pecked each of our cheeks affectionantly."Have a good day." she told us in her soothing, maternal voice.

Carlisle smiled."Try not to make the teachers frustrated by your knowledge on the first day," he winked. We all laughed. All of the teachers we've ever had (and that's a lot of teachers) have gotten tired of our endless knowledge of high school courses by the end of the first week.

"Like that'll happen."Emmet snorted. "I could teach their classes blindfolded."

"Yes, you could," I teased, "But humans in America have laws against cruel and unusual punishment." He swatted at me playfully, but I ducked and continued towards the car. Esme looked over worriedly at Edward, and offered him a small wave. He nodded stiffly, expressionless. Claire de Lune was pouring out of the speakers. He didn't acknowledge us as we came in, until he cranked the car and sped off toward Ashwood High. I looked at him intently and sighed. This was going to be a very hard day.