After the long, exhausting week of final exams had at last passed, the students at Hogwarts were permitted to spend their last week at school simply lounging around the grounds.

"Fred, you are going to get yourself killed," Alanna warned Fred as he approached the lake with a stick in one hand and a chicken leg from lunch in the other.

"I just want to see it up close," Fred said.

"What if the giant squid doesn't fancy cold chicken?" Alexandra asked, amused.

Fred shrugged as he reached the edge of the lake. He tossed the chicken into the water, and peered anxiously into its depth. "I bet James two galleons I could touch the tentacle of the giant squid," Fred said quietly as he watched the meat bob around. "And that git's beaten me out of nearly every bet we had."

"What yer lot up to?" Hagrid asked, striding over to the three.

"Trying to touch the giant squid," Fred replied simply, not taking his eyes off the lake.

"Are yer barkin' mad?" Hagrid exclaimed, pulling Fred away from the lake.

"But James bet me-"

"I don't care what James bet yer. That squid's not something to be messed with! It can really hurt one of yers."

"But didn't you try to hatch a dragon's egg in your hut one time?" Fred pointed out, frowning as he watched from afar a giant tentacle wrap around the chicken leg and pull it under.

"That's. er, beside the point," Hagrid muttered, leading the trio back up to the castle. "Anyway, all packed up yet? Train leaves tomorrow."

"We are," Alexandra nodded. "It's a bit sad to be leaving, though."

"Oh, you'll be back again in a few months time," Hagrid smiled. "September the first."

"And James and Louis will be here," Fred added excitedly.

"Yes," Hagrid sighed. "The three of yer will be wrecking this place before I know it. Well, I've got to go feed Witherwings." And with that he headed back towards his hut.

"So," Alanna said they climbed the staircase up to the common room. "It's certainly quieter without Wretermoust here."

"Too bad the bloke didn't get expelled though," Fred muttered. "Suppose there's always next year."

"Alanna," Alexandra said, changing the subject. "I meant to ask you, do you want to spend a week or so at my place again this summer?"

"I'd like that," Alanna said. "But I'd have to ask my mum for permission. And honestly, I don't see that happening. Over the summers, my family and I usually go to Ireland to visit my mum's sister, who's a nun."

"Oh," Alexandra replied. "Well, that's okay."

"Anyone up for a quick game of Exploding Snap then?" Fred questioned.

"Sure," Alanna agreed. "I think I may still have some cards from the last time we played up in our dormitory. I'll go get them."

"I'll come with you," Alexandra said. "I just want to make sure I got everything from my bedside table packed."

The girls headed upstairs into their dormitory. Grace and Tiffany were up there as well, both packing their trunks. Tiffany gave Alexandra a cold stare and turned away. Grace showed a small smile, but said nothing.

Alanna grabbed the cards from her bag. "Are you going to play, Alexandra?"

"I think I'll stay up here," she answered as Grace and Tiffany closed their trunks and exited the room.

"Alright," Alanna nodded.

Alexandra sat down on her bed as she watched the door close behind her best friend. She truly was going to miss Hogwarts, even if she was going to be away for only awhile. The castle felt like a home to her. Thinking back, she didn't know how she had ever survived those dreadful six years at her Muggle primary school; it simply didn't compare to the essence of Hogwarts. She took off her bracelet that her father had given her, and began fiddling with it absentmindedly. Lately, much to her despair, whenever she was left alone with her thoughts, they always strayed back to Wretermoust; what he had said in his letter. It annoyed her that she had no idea what in the world it meant. Part of her wondered if she should show it to Harry once she arrived back home, but another part of her wanted to keep its contents a secret.

As she let her thoughts roam, her bracelet fell from her hand, and rolled under her bed. Getting down on all fours, she felt around for it. She felt her hand brush against what felt like the leather bound of a book, however. She frowned. All her books were packed; perhaps she missed one? She pulled it out, and let a small gasp escape from her mouth. It was the copy of The Era's Darkest Wizards and their Downfall. But how? She had hidden it months ago! She flipped through the pages, hoping to find any indication of how it wound up under her bed, but it appeared to be in the exact condition that she had disposed of it.

This book can't be good news, Alexandra told herself as she glared down at the cover. Yet, somehow, with a glance over her shoulder, she found herself tucking it into her trunk.


"Ah, I got Victor Krum again," Fred said as her tore open his last chocolate frog. "I've got about twelve of him."

"Will you trade him then?" Alanna asked, looking through her own cards. "I've got Bathilda Bagshot, Mad-Eye Moody, and Gilderoy Lockhart."

"Eh, I've got all those, just take it," Fred shrugged, tossing Alanna the card.

"Only about ten more minutes until we get to the station," Alexandra announced, checking her watch.

"Excellent. I'm starving," Fred said.

"How?" Alanna laughed. "You've had about a dozen chocolate frogs, plus two licorice wands and a package of Ice Mice."

"Travel curbs my appetite," he defended.

Once the ten minutes had passed, the train began to slow as it pulled into King's Cross Station. At once the corridors were filled with students eager to see their families and begin summer holiday.

"Bloody madhouse," Fred muttered as him and the girls fought their way out of the train. "Ah, there's my mum!"

He spotted Angelina, who was holding Roxanne's hand, standing next to Harry and Dudley.

"Hi, dad," Alexandra said, running to give her father a hug.

"Hi, Alexandra," he greeted her. "Good to see you again too, Alanna."

"You too, Mr. Dursley," Alanna said.

"Do you see your mum anywhere?" Alexandra asked.

"Yes, over there." She pointed to a tall, thin woman with a pointed face wearing a long black dress with her hair tied up in the tightest bun Alexandra had ever seen. She was surrounded by Alanna's many sisters, all looking as calm and collect as their mother.

"So, those are your sisters, huh? Which one is your twin?"

"That one," Alanna said, nodding over to a small girl with straight brown hair and a button nose. "Well, they won't want to be waiting here forever. I'll see you next term." She hugged her best friend.

"Yeah, I suppose I'll be seeing you then too," Fred said, putting his hands in his pockets awkwardly.

"I suppose you will," Alanna smiled, pulling Fred into a hug, causing his face to turn a marvelous shade of red.

Giving them both one last fleeting smile, she turned and walked over to her mother.

"Hello," Bill Weasley said, walking over to the group, followed by Louis and Dominique. "Have you seen Victoire anywhere?"

"She's probably helping some students off the train," Harry told him. "She is a Prefect after all."

"Hi, dad," Victoire said, rushing over with her trunk. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Yeah, sorry about that, Harry," Teddy said, trailing Victoire.

"Well, I wish we could stay and chat some more," Bill said, staring hard at Teddy. "But we're supposed to take a Portkey to France to visit Fleur's parents, and it leaves in exactly," he looked down at his watch. "Thirteen minutes. Come on, you three." He led his children off the platform after a quick goodbye.

"We should get going too," Harry said, heaving Teddy's trunk onto a trolley. "James and Albus were about to kill each other over a set of Gobstones when I left, so I'm sure Gin's about ready to rip here hair out."

"Which reminds me," Angelina said. "Tell Ginny she can drop Lily off at out place around seven tonight for the girls' sleepover."

"We're gonna stay up all night!" Roxanne said proudly.

"Right," Harry nodded. "I'll see you then."

"We'd better go too," Dudley told Alexandra. "I'm sorry, but I'm just going to have to drop you off at our place; I've got a meeting I need to be at."

"It's okay," Alexandra smiled.

After her and Fred bid each other a quick goodbye, she followed her father off the platform, and back into the Muggle world. As they walked out of King's Cross Station, though, she couldn't help but look back.