"And as the two remained silent desperately awaiting their hero, he came…like a whispering breeze in the night…like a swift sparrow, ready to catch its unsuspecting prey…then he-"

"Would you just hurry up?" Mittens demanded, cutting Rhino's self-narration.

"The hero is threatened by a-"

"Just hurry up, Rhino! And stop narrating as if someone else is listening!" Mittens said impatiently.

"Okay, okay. Just trying to build up some tension in this smelly tunnel." Rhino snapped slightly.

Bolt hurriedly said: "Don't remind us of the smell, please!"

The hamster quickly pattered away into the vent. He was only four feet into it when he found an intersection.

Rhino pondered. "Hmm…the hero is halted by the pre-hand of making a decision that could affect the entire course of this adventure. The lives his loved ones were in his own paws…"

Then his ears twitched. There was a distant yelp. Coming from the left side of the vent…

"Worry not! Rhino is coming!" he quickly padded into that direction and instantly fell down, hitting the floor with a thud.

"OOF!" Rhino's hamsterball bounced off the ground and went through an open door into a room with dim lights. He rubbed his furry forehead in pain and groaned.

"Where am I?" he wondered.

Rhino was on his back and then he pushed his weight up to try and stand, but then he just landed back on the ground, face-up.

"Oh, man!" he groaned, still struggling to get up on his paws. And when he did, he heard:

"Hey, uh-excuse me! Could you help me out of here?" it was a female voice.

Rhino turned around and saw a blue-ish beagle locked in a cage. She didn't look evil or scheming and she seemed very innocent. So Rhino popped the lid of her containment unit.

The dog shook. "Thanks." She um-thanked?

"Don't metion it. I'm Rhino!" he said enthusiastically.

"Rhino…the hamster?" she asked.

Fast forward…

"So what's your name?" he asked her.

"I'm Sally."