A Night at the Hardknock Hotel - Chapter Seven "Running in Circles"

Dave drove the kids further down the road as fast as he could safely go, so wanting to get away from the Hardknock Hotel they tried to spend a night at. The night seemed like it lasted forever, but after an hour of driving, the dark sky slowly grew lighter, so Dave pulled over on the side of the road to give everyone, and himself, a chance to try to calm down after their disturbing episode. The kids stepped out of the van.

"So what exactly happened?" Dave asked, in curiosity.

"Yeah!" Brittany added. "I nearly freaked out when I saw you two were gone!"

"After you went into the bathroom," Jeanette began, "the bed flipped itself, and the next thing we knew, we were falling down like this large laundry chute-like thing, into this large cage."

"There were those bumbling scientists, looking us over," Eleanor added, "talking about how they were going to help us..."

"Then I was taken into this lab, where I was strapped to a table..." Jeanette said.

"So was I!" Eleanor said.

"Then the guy started mixing up these different chemicals into some kind of syrum he said that I would thank him for when I woke up..." Jeanette continued.

"Me too!" Eleanor added.

"So he injected me with it, and the next thing I knew... I woke up... feeling like... well... a chipmunk..." Jeanette finished.

"Me too." Eleanor added.

"But you are chipmunks." Dave said.

"No, I mean real, wild chipmunks." Jeanette said.

"Yeah, you should've seen them!" Brittany said. "Small... furry... little tails... big beady eyes..."

"That guy from the front desk was probably going to do the same thing to me!" Theodore said.

"That guy was a nutcase!" Dave said. "Giving me the third degree about mating with a chipmunks, saying I was guilty of bestiality!"

"Beasty whuh?" Theodore asked.

"Bestiality," Simon corrected him, "or as the more correct term, zoophilia... basically, since we're anthropomorphic chipmunks, and Dave refers to us as 'children', Dr. Henderson assumed that we're the love-children of Dave and a wild, female chipmunk."

"He did tell us we're not meant to live like humans." Brittany said.

"I say we call the police!" Alvin exclaimed.

"I tried," Dave said, "but the officer thought I was drunk, he didn't buy the story."

"It is rather far-fetched," Jeanette said, "if only there was a way to expose the underground..."

"Underground?" Dave asked.

"Under the motel," Simon said, "they have a network down there... a few laboratories among things..."

"There was this huge room full of animals in cages!" Brittany added.

"Simon..." Jeanette said, "you have to administer your antidote to all of them!"

"I don't know if there would be enough to treat all of them!" Simon said.

"You have to try!" Jeanette said.

Simon paused, before letting out a sigh. "Alright..."

"This is dangerous." Dave said.

"I know..." Simon said, "but I'll take my chance..." Simon looked at Jeanette. "And I'll need assistance..."

"I'll help you." Jeanette.

Dave sighed. "Alright then... I guess we're on our way back to the Hardknock Hotel..."

Everyone started to board the van, except for Simon and Jeanette.

"Simon?" Jeanette asked.

"Yes, Jeanette?" Simon responded.

Jeanette hesitantly smacked Simon across the face. "That's for looking at me inappropriately when I was a chipmunk." She said.

"Sorry..." Simon apologized, as he rubbed his cheek.

"But this is for saving me..." Jeanette said before slowly leaning in, and giving Simon a kiss on the lips. Simon kissed Jeanette in return.

They stood their kissing for a couple of minutes, until Alvin climbed up next to Dave in the front passenger seat, and beeped the horn at them. A couple of hours later, back in Dr. Henderson's main labortary, Dr. Henderson looked through Simon's notes that he left behind.

"What's that?" Orson asked.

"The formula for the antidote for our syrum." Dr. Henderson said, before he pulled a cigarette lighter out of his pants pocket, and attempted to burn it.

"No!" Jeanette shrieked.

"Lookie who's back boys..." Dr. Henderson said.

"We knew you'd come to your senses." Orson said.

"Yeah, chipmunks aren't meant to live like humans." Seymour agreed.

"Now, why don't you just make yourselves at home, and we'll begin your treatment right aw..." Before Dr. Henderson could finish his sentence, he felt a sting in the side of his neck. It was a blow dart. Dr. Henderson counted backwards from 100, but only made it to 98 before his passed out.

Orson and Seymour both eye balled each other, before they voluntarily locked themselve back in the closet. Out in the hallway, Dave handed the dart gun back to Alvin.

"Alvin?" Dave asked. "For once, you come through for us... but when we get back home, you and I have got a lot of talking to do about this!"

Alvin chuckled nervously. In the main office, Brittany was on the office, on the phone with the police.

"... That's right, you need to get down to the Hardknock Hotel as soon as possible, there's a math lab down here!" Brittany told them.

"No, that's meth lab!" Eleanor corrected her. "A meth lab!"

"I mean meth lab!" Brittany said. "No, this isn't a crack call, this is a meth call! I don't care if you said crankshaft, I'm telling you you need to get down here right away! Wait a minute... he hung up..."

"I've got an idea..." Eleanor said.

Down in the laboratory, Simon finished another beaker full of his antidote, and managed to extract about five syringes full of it.

"Now," Simon said, "while I'm administering this to the animals, you continue to make some more of this. That way, when I come back to make more, you can administer some yourself."

"Right!" Jeanette said, as she worked her way over to the chemist table.

Simon ran out of the laboratory, past Dave and Alvin.

"How's it going?" Dave asked.

"We're working on it..." Simon said, as he ran down the hallway.

"Simon!" Dave called back. "Remember what I said about running with sharp instruments!"

Simon made it to the scientists' indoor zoo. "My good... uh... fellow warm-blooded beings..."

The animals looked up at him.

"I have found the antidote!" Simon exclaimed, while the animals began dancing in their cages.

Simon began to open cages, and inject animals as fast as he could, while Jeanette continued to re-create Simon's antidote herself, until she noticed that the laboratory also housed the underground's main sprinker system. Back in the room, Simon was halfway through his first trip when suddenly the sprinkler system engaged, but instead of sprinkling water, it sprinkled his antidote. Back in the laboratory, Jeanette kept making more of Simon's antidote, and pouring it into the pipes of the sprinkler system, when Simon ran back in.

"Jeanette!" He called out.

"Pretty clever, huh?" She asked him.

Simon smiled. "Jeanette? You're a genius!"

Jeanette smiled. In the indoor zoo, the animals consumed as much of the sprinkling antidote as they could. Some were already out cold on the floor, while others slowly began their transformation. In the main office.

"I don't hear anything." Theodore said.

"Yeah, me neither!" Brittany added.

"That's because it's a silent alarm!" Eleanor told them.

Miles away, a police car was racing towards the hotel, while the sun continued rising. Inside the indoor zoo, pretty much every animal had transformed back to their original anthropomorphic state of mind and body. Jeanette ran over to the broom closet, and unlocked the two assistants.

"Have a nice day!" She said to them sweetly. Before she and Simon ran out of the room, followed by Dave and Alvin.

"You think it's safe?" Seymour asked.

The two heard the rumbles of hundreds of nude antropomorphic animals ramaging through the underground, and making their way towards the laboratories.

"Ask a stupid question, get a stupid dental job." Orson said.

"Dental job?" Seymour asked.

"They're going to knock all of our teeth out!" Orson said.

"Let's get out of here! Seymour said, as he once again locked him and Orson in the closet.

Dave and the kids watched from across the street as a police car pulled up in front of the motel, and two cops jumped out. They ran into the main office, and deactivated the silent alarm, before one rain down the sidewalk towards the metal staircase, while the other ran around back, where he saw the cellar doors open. The cop was completely shocked when he saw hundreds of nude anthropomorphic animals trashing the laboratories in the underground network. Orson and Seymour were still locked in the closet.

"Why didn't I listen to mother and become a tree surgeon?" Orson said in dispair.

"Why didn't I listen to my mother and simply drop dead?" Seymour said, also in dispair.

"There he is!" A anthropomorphic bear said, as he spotted the unconscious Dr. Henderson on the floor.

"Let's give him a taste of his own medicine!" Cried out an anthropomorphic rabbit, as they raided the laboratory, and injected him with his own syrum, which altered his D.N.A., turning him into a large rat. When Orson and Seymour were discovered in the closet, they too were injected with the syrum, turning Orson into a vulture, and turning Seymour into a spider.

Dave and the kids were on the road again.

"All's well that ends well." Dave said.

They continued driving for a few more hours, until Dave came across a building which he assumed was another rest stop. "Come on kids."

Everyone got out of the van, when a middle-aged woman came out of the building.

"David Seville?" She asked him.

"That's correct, you are?" He asked.

"I'm Lisa Kendell, I'm renting this cabin to you for the week." She said.

"Well how about that kids?" Dave asked. "We found our cabin completely by accident!"

Dave explained how they lost their map on the way, and he didn't quite remember the exact location of the cabin. Ms. Kendell showed them around the cabin, and the property in general. Everyone had a great time that week. Alvin and Eleanor loved going mountain-climbing and hiking, Simon and Brittany enjoyed swimming in the lake, though Simon mostly tried to communicate with the fish he'd find, Theodore got a kick out of cooking over an open camp fire, Jeanette spent most of her time observe and photographing the beautiful landscape around her, all the while Dave simply enjoyed watching the kids enjoy themselves and have a good time. It was certainly a vacation they would never forget. That Friday night, while everyone sat around their camp fire...

"You kids sure have had a lot of fun this week, haven't you?" Dave asked them.

The kids all agreed it was a great vacation.

"Too bad we have to leave tomorrow." Theodore said, sadly.

"Don't feel too bad, Theodore," Dave assured his youngest son, "besides, just think, there's always summer vacation to look forward too!"

"Hey, that's right!" Brittany said.

"I say we all go to the Grand Canyon, and do some bungy-jumping!" Alvin suggested.

"That's dangerous!" Simon said. "I say we visit our nation's capitol!"

"Couldn't we go to the Cordon Bleu in Paris?" Theodore asked.

"We're going to Las Vegas!" Brittany said.

"I want to go to Universal Studios!" Eleanor butted in.

"Um... what are the chances of us coming back here for the summer?" Jeanette asked.

Dave chucked. "Come on kids, we have two months to decide, in the meantime, let's just enjoy our last night here in at this lovely location!"

They did. They didn't want to leave the next morning, but they had to, as their week's vacation was up. During the middle of the week, Dave found a convenient store nearby, where he had bought a new map, and marked the route home. After everyone finished packing up, and loaded up the van, Dave appointed Jeanette navigator again.

"Are you sure, Dave?" She asked hesitantly.

"I'm positive!" Dave said with a smile.

Miles down the road, Dave was coming to a turn pike.

"Well," Dave asked Jeanette, "do we stay on this road, or do we leave the interstate?"

Jeanette looked at the map carefully. "Let's see... we want to stay on the interstate until we come to a third turn pike."

Unfortunately, Jeanette accidentally let go of the map, and it blew out the window again.

"Jeanette!!!" The other kids yelled.

The end.