I am so sorry about the wait. Just my computer got really slow, stopped working, so I had to wait until I got my laptop. Then I worried about finishing my junior year of school and now that's complete. I now have all summer to write, but I plan to finish this story this week or next. Thank you for those who still review on my chapters and who still appreciate my writing. Again I apologize for the long waits.

"Are you sure you know where you're going?" Ryan asked as he ran along the side of his new friend. 'She's not my friend,' he thought, 'I will just kill her after.'

"Yes, for the fifth time, I know where I am going." Her blond hair flew back as the wind pushed harder. She was extremely aggravated by his constant asking. Not only has she been there before, she had been there more than five times, "Who are you running away from anyway?"

"That's none of your business."

Annabeth huffed, "Well excuse me."

The moon was slowly falling, but still the sky remained black. A few stars could be seen through the tops of the trees. The temperature had dropped, but neither could tell the difference. Animals in the distanced stayed clear from the runners knowing that one wrong step could cost them their lives.

Ryan was certain that this would be the only way to remain safe from the Cullen's. If everyone was afraid of the Volturi of course no one would mess with someone apart of them. It was the perfect plan, a plan that hopefully, unlike his others, wouldn't backfire. Suddenly he followed her right out of the forest and into the parking lot of the nearest airport, "Why are we here?"

"We have to go to another country…wow you really know nothing." Annabeth slowed her run into a nice, slow, human walk.

"And you're paying right?" Ryan asked while walking besides her.

"It's like I didn't just run a hundred miles for a guy who slammed me into the ground, yeah sure I'll pay."

"Aren't you just a sweet girl?"

"Grow up."

Ryan smiled, "I believe telling a vampire to grow up is a contradiction. And since when do you hate me?"

The electronic doors slowly opened as they stood in front of the sensor. Groups of people stood and walked in all directions. Annabeth turned to the right, "I don't hate you, you're just a bit annoying."

Ryan stopped in his tracks, "Really? I've known you for like five minutes."

"It's been seven," She rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand, "And if you waste another, we won't get our flight."

"Where are going anyway?" He asked trying to shake her hand off of his.

"Will you stop it?" Annabeth yelled as she pulled him left with her.

"Let go then."

"No, you'll throw another tantrum and then we will really be late." She listened to him huff and he suddenly held onto her hand as well, "and we're going to Italy."

"Italy? Yeah you're definitely paying for that."

They walked quietly to the line for tickets and stood behind the many waiting people. There was a little kid gripping his mother's hand firmly in front of them. Shyly the little boy turned around and stared at Ryan. Of course how Ryan is, he glared back at the boy and hissed in a whisper. The little boy's eyes widened and he quickly turned back around.

Annabeth hit his shoulder, "Stop that." She shifted from leg to leg impatiently, "How many people need to travel this late at night?"

A man closest to the counter turned around, catching eye contact with Annabeth. Ryan looked at her and then to the stranger, "That guy is totally checking you out."

"I know." Her lips curved into a sly smile as she dropped Ryan's hand and used her own to move her hair. 'Come one, look into my eyes. Let me get in front of you sweetie pie. Come on.'

"What are you doing?" Ryan chuckled.

She kept her gaze on the innocent man, "Trying to mind control him."

With a laugh he jerked his head to the other direction and looked back at her, "You don't have any powers remember?"

The man turned completely around, "Would you like to go ahead of me ma'am?"

"Oh thank you sir, we would love to." Annabeth grabbed Ryan's hand and dragged him forward.

"I…I thought you didn't have any?" Ryan asked confusingly.

She looked up at him, "I really don't think I do…it was probably just luck."

"Next in line please?" The lady behind the desk asked. She watched as they both approached, "Where would you like to go?"

"Two first class seats to Volterra, Italy please." Annabeth said.

She typed on her keyboard, keeping her eyes on the screen. The instant she looked up, Annabeth caught her gaze, "That will be…"

'Free. That will be free. Just say it.'

The lady blinked her eyes, "Free. Here you go, have a great flight." She smiled and waved on for the next customers to come through.

Ryan followed after Annabeth, his eyes shifting from the lady to her, "Did you just..?"

"I think so."

"And you don't…?"

She looked back at him, "I didn't think I did."

"Interesting. Which gate?"


Ryan looked up at the signs. Grabbing her hand, "This way."

The sun slowly peeked through the windows of the Cullen mansion. Edward sat besides Bella, watching every movement she made while laying there. The floor creaked behind him, Carlisle stood in the doorway, "At least she's finally asleep."

"Just a few more hours and she will be awake." Edward said brushing the hair from her face.


"Terrified." He turned his head to look at his father, "I'm honestly terrified about her waking up."

"Don't be, she will be okay." Carlisle smiled.

"Except you don't know that."

Alice waved her hand, "I do."

Edward looked at his sister, "Have you seen something?"

"First class, wow." Ryan said as he sat down in his seat, "Still upset that you get the window."

"What are you, five? Deal with it." Annabeth said glancing out of it.

"So, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." She said keeping her eyes focused on the men getting the plane ready for takeoff.

"How long have you been a vampire?"

"About, twenty years I think."

"Damn, how old are you?"

"I'm twenty-one." She looked at him, "How about you?"

"Oh me, I got changed about a week ago and I'm eighteen."

"At least you're legal." She said smiling at him.

Ryan flashed his teeth, "Little cougar."


"It's not a bad thing. I like older women."

"Too bad you're not my type." Annabeth turned her face towards the window.

With a smile Ryan leaned his head against the rest. Suddenly the plane rumbled beneath their feet and started speeding down the strip. Without hesitation the wheels lifted from the ground and flew right into the sunset.

Ryan blinked his eyes and looked out the window, "Move your head." The peak of sun hit his face, he quickly threw his head on the seat, "Shit."

Annabeth rolled the shade down, "Yeah I forgot about the sun. We're going to need some clothes, maybe a hat."

"No not that."

"Then what is it?"

Ryan swallowed a gulp of air and looked towards her. Her deep blue eyes looked back at him, "The girl I turned becomes full vampire today."

She squinted her eyes, "You been a vampire for a week and you have already turned a girl?"

He let out a laugh, "Long story sweetheart."

"Let me tell you something, sweetheart, you might want to not say that when you meet them. They don't really like people who just run around changing others."

Ryan rolled his eyes, "Oh chill out, I only changed one and it was for a good reason."

"You changed someone within the week of you being changed. I've been one for twenty years and I haven't changed anybody."

"Ehm, congrats?"

"Oh kid," she said shaking her head, "You've got a lot ahead of you."

"I've been through hell and back, I think I can handle it."

"Just wait until you met them." Annabeth closed her eyes as she laid her head on the rest.

"What is so dangerous about them anyway?"

She didn't answer.

"Why does everybody fear them?"

Still no answer.

"You can't sleep!" Ryan whispered harshly.

"I'll do anything to drown you out." She heard him huff and in return a smile appeared on her face.

"What did you see Alice?" Edward repeated.

"I just saw…"

She was interrupted by Bella's intense breathing. Her legs started to move violently, her teeth clenching.

"What is happening to her?" Edward asked standing up.

"The venom is just making its final run through her body, making sure it has taken over every human aspect." Carlisle said speaking loudly over Bella's yells, "She will be fine in a couple seconds."

"Bella, it's okay. It's over Bella, it's done." Edward told her as his hands held down her arms, "Just wake up Bella." Bella opened her mouth, but nothing came out, "What is it Bella?"

Carlisle ran to the bed, leaning over her feet, "Bella the venom is just going through your body, it will be done soon. Just keep tight."

Edward looked up at Alice, "What did you see Alice?"

Suddenly Bella stopped moving, her breathing slowed to nothing. All that could be heard was a simple beating, but soon that also silenced.

"The transformation, it's done." Carlisle said backing away.

The room got extremely quiet, "Bella, are you alright?" Edward watching as her eyes started to slowly open. He let out a sigh, "Bella…"

Bella opened her eyes completely, looking at him, "I love you."

Alice smiled, pointing her finger at them, "That's what I saw."