Rating Teen for language.

Sakura's Secrets.

Summary: Sakura Haruno, a sixteen year old orphan who works as an apprentice for Tsunade, the medical legend. Her whole life turns around when Sasuke Uchiha, famous teen idol comes to town and becomes fascinated by her. Although, Sakura didn't want anyone to know about her true and shameful past, Sasuke tries to find out. Thus the whole story becomes a modern goose chase.

Disclaimer: Naruto or any of it's characters does not belong to me.

"Sakura, hey Sakura. Are you listening?"

Haruno Sakura, sixteen year old high-schooler who lives with her smart brain was too tired to listen about Ino Yamanaka, her best friend's rants about fashion for today. The school bell just rang it's horrible ring, signaling the leave for all students. Though it was Sakura's day off, she felt a kind of tire in her somehow, like she didn't want to do anything. Either way, she answered to Ino, "Huh?"

"I was telling you- You know Sasuke Uchiha? He's going to come here!" The pony-tailed blond exclaimed excitedly and did her familair squeal to top it off.

Sakura raised a pink eyebrow and sighed, "Of course he is." Ino frowned and started walking backwards and facing her, "You know, it is true. As a loyal fan I know all of his up and comings." She twirled and raised her head up high as a proud person would.

"Hey, hey Ino. Let Sakura breath some Sasuke-free air." Tenten had just ran up to them, her buns carefully in place on either side of her head. Sakura grinned and replied to her brunette friend, "Thanks for the support, Tenten. Anyways, Ino - I don't really care about Uchiha. I'd bet his just one of those diva-ish idols."

Ino put a finger on her chin and answered her, "He is quiet and kind of cold but he's hot." Sakura and Tenten looked at each other, and rolled their eyes simultaneously. Nearing their houses, Tenten told Ino off, "Ino, you shouldn't always go for boys just because of their looks. Appearances aren't everything."

"Easy for you to say, you don't have my glowing look." Ino replied, strutting sophisticatedly to indicate that she was "glowing". Sakura gave a symphatetic look at Tenten and added, "Of course. Glowing. Or is it just the sun, pig?"

Her best friend made an angry look and opened her mouth to say something, but Sakura had waved at them and ran towards her apartment. Ino slumped her shoulders and just waved back at Sakura along with Tenten as they started to walk to their own houses.

Meanwhile, Sakura had fumbled for her keys and opened her door to her tiny apartment. Locking the door behind her, she settled her bag on the couch and went towards her room. Laying down on her bed, she silently muttered, "Sasuke Uchiha, huh?" Standing up, she opened her computer and began to go back to the kitchen.

Pouring a glass of orange juice for herself, she took her bag and made her way back to her room. She looked at her closet and changed into her usual home outfit- capris and a t-shirt.

Ding dong. Ding Dong.

Running to the front door, she opened it and saw the manager of the apartments. "Hey, Ms. Kizuki." Sakura smiled cheerfully, ruffling the manager's son's hair.

Ms. Kizuki smiled back and showed Sakura a box. "Here's some hamburgers. I bought them for my sister's kids but they couldn't make it. I thought you'd like some."

Sakura opened her mouth to respond and say no but the box was already put in her hands, thought she didn't notice it. Giving Sakura a wave, Ms. Kizuki and her son went back to their apartment talking about Lego's.

The roseatte sighed and closed the front door, locking it along the way. She smiled though, and put the hamburgers inside her refrigirator and said, "Well that was nice of them." She picked up her phone in her pocket for it was ringing, almost unheard.

Out of the darkness and into the sun..

But I won't forget all the ones that I love.

"Hey, Ino." Sakura had brought the phone up to her chin.

"Sakura! Listen, listen. I have complete updated news! Sasuke Uchiha's going to our school tomorrow! Can you believe it? I can't! Okay I'm gonna be wearing my -" BUt Sakura had already closed her phone. She didn't really care about Sasuke Uchiha or Ino's clothes for tomorrow.

Changing her mind about eating later, she opened the refrigerator and began to eat a hamburger. Eating slowly in silence, the teen had just remembered - she doesn't even know who Sasuke Uchiha was.

Closing her eyes after finishing her hamburger, she made her way to her room and went to her computer's internet. Typing in "Sasuke Uchiha", she screen went a mid-second's blank first before Google had shown her pictures of a guy her age, with spiky black hair looking at her with onyx eyes.

One of the pictures featured him in a white hoodie with all the buttons unbuttoned. Feeling disgusted of herself and breaking her oath not to care about celebrities, she closed the internet window. She laid down her bed and suddenly sat up, "Him? Go to our school? Never..." She had said the "never" in a hushed and hurried voice.

That night, after showering Sakura read the book she was reading and unfortunately the title was, How to Deal with Celebrities. Was the whole world just revolving around celebrities or is it just her?

Shaking her head, she went to sleep and her head full of dreams about Ino's rants of Uchiha Sasuke.

Morning came by easily, as the sun replaced the silver moon and it's rays hit Sakura's head, waking her up. Buttoning up her uniform, she went down for cereal and soon packed all her things with complete ease. Doing her usual morning directions, she headed out with a kind of mysterious cheerfulness.

Waving at Ms. Kizuki who was teaching her son how to ride a bike, she met Tenten and Ino along the way. It took her a moment's notice to see that Ino had been hammering Tenten with fact's about Sasuke and how not to make him angry.

"Alright. Never touch any part of him, even a strand of hair without his say, you got it?" Ino told the brunette nervously, and twidling her thin fingers.

"Oi, Ino let Tenten breath." Sakura ran up to them, her pink-hair catching the wind and blowing in the breeze slightly.

"Damn you, Sakura. Don't interrupt my lesson!" Ino glared at her best friend like a teacher would when a student interrupts them.

Sakura brought her hands to her face and opened her fingers slightly then chuckling answered, "Yeah, yeah. Fine."

They entered the school only to hear more ranting of Sasuke. Everywhere they went, it was "Oh-em-gee, do you think he'll like my hair today?" or "I love Sasuke!" and "I'm sure he'll like me the most."

Sakura made a "tch" every time a fangirl would comment about him, or him liking her, or how devoted she is to him. And every time Sakura made a "tch", Tenten would laugh which would result in the two laughing and Ino hissing them to shut the hell up.

Entering their homeroom classroom, they were surrounded again by talk of Sasuke Uchiha and how they just found out that his whole band, would also be attending with him.

An hour's full of squealing and Sakura's eardrum hurting, the band entered silently in the front of the classroom. A loud noise made Sakura want to crawl up inside a warm refrigerator and just stay there.

Sasuke Uchiha was in the very front, studying the classroom in a cool manner. His eyes landed on Sakura, and he raised one of his dark eyebrows to indicate that he just found something very strange about her. His spiky hair was haughtily ruffled, yet still "enchanting" as one of her classmates said. His two first buttons was unbuttoned, though Sakura didn't know if it was the uncomfortable feeling of wearing a uniform or for fashion only.

Beside Sasuke was who Ino had said to be Neji Hyuuga. His eyes were pale white; the whole part. He's face was painted with a haughty manner, staring at his new classmates as they stared back. Both of his hands were inside his pants' pockets and it looked like he wasn't planning on taking them out.

Next to Neji was Naruto Uzumaki, as Ino had hissed. He was the most cheerful of the lot, as he was the only one grinning and waving his hands in indication that he was happy. He had spiky blonde hair, and one of his buttons were unbuttoned though Sakura felt sure that it was because he would feel very nerdy if it was put up all.

Last was Shikamaru Nara, as a girl next to Sakura muttered. He was (the roseatte was quite sure) the lazy bum of the group. He was looking at them boredly, and Sakura almost laughed at his hair which was oddly shaped like a pineapple.

"Class," Kakashi Hatake, Sakura's homeroom teacher who was always late told them, "Please welcome your new classmates." After a whole five minutes of noisy torture, Kakashi looked around the room and found the frowning Sakura.

"Sasuke-san, please take a seat next to Sakura-chan. Haruno, raise your hand."

It took Sakura a whole five seconds to figure it out, before slowly and uncertainly she raised her numb arm to tell Sasuke Uchiha that he was going to sit next to her for a whole month.

Flawlessly, he walked and sat down next to Sakura and smirked. Then, as if by magic he said in a seductive and low voice, "Uchiha Sasuke. Nice to meet you, Sakura-chan."


Well, that's about it.

Please review and tell me it this is a good idea for a fanfic.