Author's Note: Over the summer, I was introduced to the Twilight saga by my youngest sister. I got into the series with just enough time to read the first three books twice apiece before the release of Breaking Dawn (I have really good timing). I read the series once and was instantly hooked; read it twice and became convinced that Edward is a god; read it thrice and switched allegiance from Team Edward to Team Emmett (because, as my favorite piece of flair on Facebook says, Emmett: hot like Edward, fun like Jacob… lacks the qualities that makes them both bitches).

When I finished reading Breaking Dawn (a process that took me a day of nonstop reading), one of my good friends, Henderson, and I started writing a lot of Twilight RP via AIM (another reason why my allegiance changed to Team Emmett). One of those RPs became the basis for what you're about to read.

It's incredibly lengthy (a grand total of 57 pages on Word using Trebuchet MT size 11 font), so I was forced to turn this into a short series, instead of a one-shot like I wanted. How long is "long"? Well, counting this not-really-a-chapter chapter, 10 chapters long. 25,000+ words long. Four months' worth of work long. I hope you enjoy it.


: I have a lot of material to cover here, so please bear with me as I break this down into seven mini-disclaimers.

A: Let's do the obvious one first… All characters, and the world of Twilight, belong to Stephenie Meyer. I don't own Edward, Emmett, and the rest of the Cullens (or any of the other vampires, or the briefly mentioned werewolves), no matter how much I wish I did. Just about all character information and inspiration comes either from the series, Wikipedia, or from .

B: I'm going to apologize right now to fans of Bella Swan and Rosalie Hale, neither of whom appear in this story; in Henderson's and my world, they don't exist. We'll be playing their parts for the duration of the story. For the same reason, I apologize to the book (and fanfic) purists- my favorite trick is to replace canon characters with ones of my own invention. So if you were hoping for an Edward/Bella and/or Emmett/Rosalie tribute, you're in the wrong place. You're not likely to ever catch me writing one of those (though you never know).

C: While we're at it, this is (in case you couldn't already tell) a ridiculously Alternate Universe Fan Fiction. For the same reason, I apologize if some of the characters are- le gasp!- Out Of Character (!!!), Edward and Emmett especially. I tried my best, but I know the original characters are better.

D: The title for this series, Forever Dawn, comes from the name of the original sequel to Twilight, which Stephenie Meyer never published (though with any luck she'll post bits and pieces of it on her website in the future) . Hopefully she won't mind if I borrow it for my little fic, since the title came down to either this or Breaking Dawn.

E: Forever Dawn is heavily influenced by the actual canon plot (we kinda pieced together what we thought were the fun bits from all four books), but the series of events and content of this story are the product of Henderson and myself. We also very obviously own the characters of Henderson and Roxanne Lee.

F: Apologies to any med students or psychiatrists who may stumble across this story. The medical situations I gave to my characters, especially Roxanne, are completely implausible, and, being a Psychology minor who's taken enough biology-based psych classes to know better, I know that. However, it makes for a really good dramatic situation, so I rejected your reality and substituted my own. Do forgive me.

G: If there's anyone or anything I forgot to write a statement about in this obscenely long and almost contract-like disclaimer, my apologies. This is the catch-all clause: DON'T OWN, DIDN'T HAPPEN, DON'T SUE PLEASE!!