A/N: okay so this is a very modern version of Romeo and Juliet, sort of, except I changed it, so that kind of means it isn't doesn't it? Oh well, sorry, I'm bad at these sorts of things. Anyway, I wanted you to know that in the actual books, Sirius and Regulus are three years apart, but for the sake of my story, I have made it only one. Please don't hunt me down and attack me, (hehe…). This is the first time I have put authors notes at the beginning (whoop whoop!) because in my other stories didn't actually plan them so it's at the end (major confession). Also, I do switch from Sirius's and Rosalie's thoughts a bit but it's mainly Sirius's that's why she is described so intensely, I do say this but not in chapter one. And on another note, I badly hurt my arm when I was writing this so if it's really bad, that's not just me it's my arms fault also. I'm sorry to say I don't own any of the characters, except the Lamberts.

And I own Draco Malfoy

*JK comes running at me with an axe*

*runs* ok, ok I don't own Draco! *winks* not yet anyway…

This is better than it sounds, please read and review, Thanks!

**hugz_and_kisses_to_those_that_do** and I have finished my rant!

Regulus had a sad scowl on his face that made Sirius smile. His brother's misery always made Sirius happy, although, he did feel a bit of pity for his younger sibling. Him and his brother were sat opposite each other at the dinning table, waiting. His father had taken to standing at the mantle place and watching for the sign of the dining room door opening as the maid would tell him that his guests had arrived, while his mother was busy pacing around the room, inspecting for a speck of dust, or a crease in the curtains.

He sighed and lent back in his chair. How he hated having to where these stupid clothes, with the frills and the ridiculous ties that always itched! Not to mention the idiotic colours, peach, forest green, magenta? But of course only he and Regulus would wear these outstanding colours, his mother stuck to her black dresses as always. It was quite ironic since her name was Black, but it made her look like she was going to a funeral all the time. His father was always smart, but Sirius would never want to become his father, that was Regulus's ambition, and maybe dressing like him would be a step in the wrong direction he thought.

"Sirius, four legs. It's rude to be disrespectful to the furniture, you know that" his mothers annoying, voice-of-reason tone rang out. He put his chair down with a grunt and heard a snicker from across the table. He glared at his brother before sitting back and watching the fire flicker in one of the candles. Of course today was a very special day. Regulus was going to a meet a certain Rosalie Lambert. The family Lambert weren't as rich and powerful as the black family, but they were very much alike. They both hated non-purebloods and thought very highly of the Dark Lord, supporting his every breath.

Rosalie and Regulus were to have an arranged marriage when they both became sixteen. That was in three months for Regulus. Sirius found this highly amusing; he had the honour of choosing a wife for himself out of love. Although, he did feel a bit sorry for his younger brother, even though they may only be a year apart, it was an awful future that had been chosen for him. They were getting married because Regulus had chosen to serve you-know-who when he was old enough; this of course made his parents ecstatic.

The Lambert family were a very traditional French family who had moved to England a couple of generations ago and they were well known death eaters also. Sirius hated his family, and without even knowing them he hated the Lamberts, and he hated the dark side of the wizarding world. As soon as he could, he would most certainly move away and disown his family. There was a light tapping at the door, and three heads bobbed up to see a young girl with her head down bowing.

"Well?" said his mother,

"Your guests have arrived ma'am" said her timid voice

"Well then, bring them in! Foolish girl" muttered Walburga Black. How she prized the title. There was the sound of muttering voices and shuffled footsteps as the guests were lead to the dining room. Firstly, a tall man with thick blonde locks and a sweetly sickening white smile entered the room. He reminded Sirius of one of those cheap men who come to the door offering to sell goods.

"Greetings!" he said, raising his arms in the air. First impressions count they say, well this was a very bad one in the Black house, "Orion, Walburga, it's wonderful to see you again"

"Mortimer, good to see you also" said Orion, shaking the man's hand with a fake smile. The Black's found the Lambert's awfully poor and unworthy, however, they wanted there son to be in great favour with he-who-must-not-be-named, so they pushed aside there feelings, well as far as they go, not being far when it was a Black.

"Yes, yes. You know my wife" he said as a tall woman, with skinny high cheekbones, garbed in a stunning blue dress entered. She carried herself like a queen and smiled happily at the family.

"Good day" she said bowing her head. She seemed very young compared to Mortimer, and her life as a death eater had certainly taken its toll on her youth as her skin was pale and there were large bags under her eyes. Mrs. Black had taken a clear disliking to her the day they had met as she was too 'common' for her liking. Of course, it was truly down to the fact that Meredith Lambert was much more beautiful then Walburga.

"Nice to see you again, Meredith" said Mrs. Black taking her husband's arm.

"Likewise" said a 'trying to be kind even though she was obviously hated' Meredith. With a glare from his mother, Regulus stood up and greeted the couple, shaking hands and asking how they had been.

"A very nice young gentleman. It's good to finally meet you Regulus" commented Mr. Lambert.

"Thank you, sir" replied Regulus which seemed to make the man grin more.

"Of course, you should like to meet my daughter" he said. It wasn't a question but Regulus replied,

"Yes, sir" very timidly. Regulus obviously hated the idea of an arranged marriage to a girl he had never met before. Sirius looked away from the ceiling. He wanted to see what his younger brother had to marry.

"It's nice to finally meet you" said a silky voice. It was like a running stream, high and flowing. Sirius missed a heartbeat as a beautiful girl walked, no glided into the room. He had heard the saying 'love at first sight', but could it be? She was dressed in a dazzling white dress that fell past her feet and trailed on the floor, her golden curls framing her pale, soft face. Brilliant jade green eyes pierced his very soul as they lightly fell on him when she scanned the room. She said something but he didn't hear, he just watched mesmerized as her delicate, pink lips moving silently. Her dress draped over her adolescent curves perfectly. She was speaking with his family. Her eyes flickered back to him once, and she smiled. It was the most radiant thing he had seen, he felt like her smile had just lit up the room. He felt his cheeks and ears go scarlet and diverted his gaze.

"Sirius" his mother's voice rang out, awakening him from his own world. He stood up and carefully walked over to his parents, so as to greet the guests. He tried not to look at her, but his eyes kept trailing back over to her sparkling ones that watched him unexpectedly.

"Good day, Mr. and Mrs. Lambert" he said shaking their hands. They smiled at the boy, before returning to talk with the Black family, who kindly showed them to their seats. Sirius then turned to her, she looked up at him. She was admiring his looks. Those handsome gray eyes and that perplexing smile. True his cheeks were red, but she could still see the amazing looks he wore. A single strand of his black hair fell from behind his ears. Without realising, she lifted her hand to brush it back, before stopping herself in midair. She felt the knot in her throat as embarrassment hit her. But he did the most unexpected thing; he took her hand and kissed it. As his skin touched her she felt an electrical pulse shift from one to another. It wasn't painful, although it startled her. He seemed to feel it too as he blinked in surprise. He felt it too? She thought. As his lips touched her soft skin, she smiled unexpectedly. It wasn't her usual smile, it was different somehow. But she couldn't quite figure out what was so different.

"Nice to meet you, Sirius" she said in that unbelievably angelic voice. Sirius faltered for a moment, not knowing what to say, before he spluttered,

"You too, Rosalie". She felt butterflies in her tummy as he said her name; it was such a beautiful voice. Deep and warm. She wanted him to say it again, but refrained from asking. They suddenly realised they had just stood there in silence, looking at each other, confused. Moving quickly, he reached to pull a chair out for her only to be stopped by the hands of a scowling Regulus. He recognized that look. 'She's mine' in one blink. He let go of the chair and realised the only place left was at the opposite side of the table, next to his one and only mother. He walked quickly as all the eyes were staring at him.

"Thank you for joining us finally" said his mother mockingly, which made him blush again. It was a personal favourite of his mother's to embarrass him in every way. When the dinner came out, everyone began talking. The Blacks and Lamberts were in conversation about the future while Rosalie and Regulus were getting to know each other. Sirius tried to concentrate on his food, but he kept glancing at the two of them. And each time a horrible burning in his stomach occurred. Jealousy. His feelings were so confusing. He felt so strongly about this girl, but she looked so beautiful, too good for him. It was a very peculiar night. Sirius had so many mixed feelings; he didn't know what to do. What was that shock before as he had touched her hand? Why had he done that in fact? He had never felt like this before, it was strange, but not bad.

When the food had been eaten, the families had moved to the upstairs library to have idle conversation. Sirius had been forced to come of course. There would be a whole week of this, he thought as he sighed. As it happened, the Lambert's would be staying for the week as they would need that time to make prepositions for the future. If there was one thing Grimmauld place was well know for, it was space, so they would be no complaints from anyone.

Sirius found himself watching his parents discussing whether to have lilies or roses at the wedding. Sirius felt lonely suddenly as he was surrounded by couples. He looked out of the window to witness the first few drops of rain fall as the summer showers washed the day away. He had never taken an interest in the rain, but now it was different. The rain was just, beautiful. He got lost in the rhythm of the beats as it hit the ground outside. It was truly washing away everything bad. A new start, he thought, the world outside has a new start.

"Beautiful huh?" said a voice like fresh falling apples. He looked up to see a smiling angel sitting down next to him. He smiled back nervously. He had realised he had pushed his luck before with his brother, and he knew this girl was different then he had known, but she was his brother's.

"Yeah" he said keeping his gaze on the girl. She blushed and looked away. He caught himself before he said anything else and looked out of the window again, "I've never noticed it before" he continued.

"When its snow, it's much more alluring" she stated. He turned to see she had followed his gaze and was looking out at the rain also.

"I've only ever seen snow at Hogwarts. I'm never allowed to leave the house in the holidays. That's why I hate it here; I'm trapped. Sometimes I just want to get away, have a bit of freedom, you know?" he told her. He heard what he had said and was surprised; his tongue was so lose around her.

"I know. Like you've been imprisoned for no reason, right?" she asked. He looked at her for a moment,

"Right" he replied. She actually understood him. Prongs, Moony and Wormtail never properly got him, but she was different. He smiled, and stopped worrying about who saw him talking with her.

"You have an amazing library, there must be a thousand or so books in here" she said.

"Yeah, about that many. Do you like to read?" he asked, trying to keep the conversation going, hanging off her every word in that soft voice. She smiled, looking at him,

"Reading is my passion. I would love to become a writer if I have the chance, but I don't get to choose my own future…" she trailed off at the end, continuing to look out at the rain. Sirius felt something weird in his stomach, that burning changed to become warmer and it travelled upwards. He felt very protective of her suddenly, like he wanted to keep her from her future, even take her place just to free her.

"You don't want to become a-"

"No" she said instantly

"Oh, I'm sorry; I just thought that because of your parents-"

"It's okay; I wouldn't want to become them. I hate the very idea" she told him, "That's the only reason I'm being made to marry Regulus isn't it? So he can get in with you-know-who" Sirius wouldn't meet her eye,

"Yes, it is" he replied, "I'm sorry that you're being used"

"It's not your fault. Do you want to follow in your brothers footsteps?" it was a serious question. Sirius didn't consider the consequences of his words before he replied, he trusted her.

"I-"he was cut off as his brother stood in front of him,

"Some would think you were trying to steal my bride, dear brother" he said. Rosalie dipped her head around him and blushed. Sirius glared at his 'brother' and smiled slyly,

"I wouldn't dream of it Regulus" replied Sirius. Regulus held his hand out and Rosalie took it, standing up. Regulus put an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him, kissing her cheek. She was startled by his suddenly strong approach. Sirius glared at his brother, who, with a final smug smile, began to take Rosalie out of the room, an arm around her shoulder.

"I'll show you around the house" he said loud enough for everyone to hear before he led her through the door. She looked at Sirius quickly before she was led out of sight. Her eyes were miserable and she gave him an apologetic, weak smile. He got the impression that she feared his brother. His anger and witty smile faded as she left and he felt empty. Oh, how much he wished to be in brother's shoes when he held her. He then knew he had a crush on his sister-in-law to be.

"Aw, young love. They're going to be so happy together" said a beaming Mr. Lambert. Sirius sighed. This was going to be a bad week, he thought.