A/N: Oh, my, gosh. Chapter 20 already!? Are you flipping serious!? Wow! Thank you so much for all of the wonderful reviews and readers who took the time to come back again and again to read my story. I have really, really enjoyed it and actually it has helped me a lot. I love reading all of your reviews and I look forward to typing more fics. I'm so sad this story is coming to an end! I really love it, and most likely will keep Onyx and Aura for a different fic, but it will not be a sequel to this.

Oh, by the way, the book (s) that gave rise to Maximum Ride are called When the Wind Blows and The Lake House… I highly recommend the Lake House, because it's a lot of fun to compare and contrast. Although, I learned 2/3 of the way through the book that it's actually the second, and When the Wind Blows is the first. Oops. But, yeah, it friggin rock!

Disclaimer: I'm not James Patterson, I don't own Max Ride, but I do own Onyx and Aura. =)

Chapter 20~ Decisions

Fang POV

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep…


Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep…


Groggily, I pulled my head out of my crossed arms and looked up to see Max's face a couple of inches from my own.

Her cheeks were flushed and her breathing was a steady up and down.


Her breathing!?


I practically propelled the chair backwards as I sprung to my feet. I placed my hand on Max's warm face and attempted to comprehend everything.

"Fang, you're finally awake!" Angel's small voice echoed into the room.

I didn't turn, but my heart and chest started to quiver. My eyes filled and I was about to cry.

An over-whelming feeling clouded over me. It crept up from my gut, traveled up my spine, and enveloped my brain with an intensity like never before. My heart skipped a beat as it realized that Max was back. Max was alive. Max is mine forever.

The tears finally fell and I laid my head down on her stomach. I clutched the sides of the sheets that covered her thighs and didn't let go. My arms began to shake with overwhelming relief as it flooded me, nearly drowning me. The back of the nape of my neck had a hazy feeling surrounding it.

"You're here, Max, you're here." I whispered.

Some time later I sat-up straight and looked up to the ceiling and did something I'd only done a few times in my life: I prayed. I said thank you so many times I lost count. But the most amazing thing was the feeling I got while doing so. It was amazing. I love Max so much. I need to be with her. I need to, that simple. I don't care if it is awkward at times, I need her. Forever.

I looked down at her fragile-looking body on the bed and listened intently as her breaths came in easy and out just the same.

Aura POV

After I woke up and remembered where I was, I was ready to go.

Onyx of course was attached to my hip once I was awake and rambling on about something or another and telling me all the juicy details that I'd missed while I was out asleep.

"Are you almost ready, Onyx?"


"We have to go, sis."

"But I don't want to…"

"Onyx, we can't stay with them forever."

"Why not? What the heck is your problem Aura? We're the same age, but you always have to act like the freaking boss!"

"What's wrong with me?! What about you!?"

"Maybe I want to be with people that are like me! Tell me, honestly, where are we going to fit in? Huh? Yeah, nowhere. Get it through that thick skull of yours that this is the best outlook for us!"

"Excuse me!? How do you know it's best? Huh? Have you talked to any of them yet?!"
"Actually yes I have!"

Oh, great, I didn't see this coming.

"Yeah, really, who? Max is still out, and she's the leader, Onyx. So who'd you talk to? Definitely not Fang, the second in command, because he's been friggin catatonic sitting next to Max for the past half day! So who'd you ask that has any say in it?!"

Onyx didn't show any mercy, her eyes were blazing just as much as when we'd started the heated debate. She would never give in.

"I talked to Iggy."

"Oh, my God."

And I was right. She blushed, but tried to hide it quickly by wiping her forehead as if she was hot.

"You like him…don't you?"

"What's it matter to you!? We're leaving anyways, according to you!"

"I can't believe you, Onyx." I said, genuinely stunned.

"Umm, do you guys need anything?" I turned and saw the other bird girl, Nudge, standing in the doorway. Shit, how much had she heard?

"No, um, we're good, thanks."

"Oh, well, okey-dokey, are you sure?"

I felt my neck muscles twitch, "Yep, we're good."

"Oh, well, catch ya later!"

After I was sure no one else was around, I looked back to Onyx. "Now, is that the only reason you want to stay with this flock?"

"No, I told you, we don't belong, and we never will, anywhere else. And yes, it is one of the main reasons I want to stay. I'm happy for like, one of the first times in my life, Aura, I don't want to give this up."

I took in a deep breath, "Onyx, does he know about this?"

"Um, I, I don't think so."

"You've known him, for like, less than a day, and he's like, two years older than you." I said pointedly.

"I know, but does that really matter? The age thing I mean?"

I huffed, "Onyx, can we just drop this and move on, maybe find our family?"

"We have a fine family right here."

"Again, Onyx, less than a day and you're already calling them your family."

"Yeah, well you just saved Max's life, and you don't even want to stay with her?"

"No, because I don't want her feeling indebted to us for it."

"Aura, please, I don't want to go anywhere else." Onyx looked at me with her full amber eyes reflecting in the light. She literally looked like a pleading kitten or something along those lines.

"We'll talk to Max when she's conscious."

"Thank you so much!"

"But that's no guarantee…"

~Three days later~

Fang POV

Max was awake and moving around like she used to yesterday, but Jeb wanted to watch her one more day to make sure everything was going through as planned. Which, looking back in contrast, pretty much nothing went "as planned", but oh well, at least it worked.

"Okay, Jeb! Quit jamming me with that damned needle and let me freaking out of here!"

"One more X-ray and you can go outside and back to your mother's home, or wherever you were planning on going."


Jeb chuckled and allowed Max to walk to her X-ray. It was a special kind that measured somehow the blood flow and the organs accepting the blood flow. In short, he wanted to make sure there was no clotting or crap like that.

After Max's X-rays were checked off as clear, Max changed back into her other clothes and quickly lacing up her combat boots, she trotted over to her mom and gave her a hug, then promised to be back by dinner, then shook Jeb's hand and sincerely told him thank you. I guess he deserved it, after literally saving her life.

"I'm going to round-up the kids, I'll meet you outside." She said, squeezing my shoulder as she passed.

I nodded and went over to where Jeb was putting away the last of his instruments. It was just the two of us in the room, Dr. M. had gone upstairs to the actual veterinary hospital following after Max left.

It was Jeb and I in a secluded basement, with plenty of sharp things.


Now, most people that had been through what I've been through with the bastard would take advantage of the sharp-as-hell scalpel that was lying right next to them. But I didn't, mainly because I wanted to go and be with Max.



"I'm very impressed, and proud, of you Fang."


"I can't believe how well you took everything. And you never left her side."

I shook my head. I didn't take it that well obviously, I had a freaking panic attack or something.

Jeb stopped putting away his tools and looked at me.

"I always knew it."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're in love with her, aren't you Fang?"

I looked him dead in his eyes. "More than you could ever imagine."

A smile crept across his face as he fastened the last lock on his briefcase.

"I knew from the moment you two were set next to each other at the School, and even when we all escaped. Fang,"

I stared.

"Take good care of her. I know you have already, but now that you can admit that out loud, you are going to feel totally different with her everywhere. You're always going to want to watch over her and pound the shit outta anyone that crosses you two being together."

Since when is Jeb so freaking father-like all holier-than-thou crap?

"I know this must seem weird for you, because I know you don't trust me still, but believe me, if you trust anything that I ever say to you, believe all that I just told you. It's kind of a heads-up fair warning sort of a thing."

I already did everything that he said anyways, but I didn't say anything, instead I nodded my head.

"Thank you, Jeb. Thank you for saving the most important thing in my life."

Jeb smiled and nodded in return.

I turned to walk out the door when Jeb said something else:

"You know, Fang, once a bird finds a mate, they are together forever."

I nodded and knew exactly what I was going to say to Max later.

After the seemingly long trek through the basement and out into the open air, I took a breath of the outdoors that felt like I hadn't had in years. Only just now did I realize how stuffy and long I'd been down in the basement.

Across the parking lot there stood Max and the gang, including Onyx and Aura. My breath eased out and my chest felt lighter as I watched her play with Nudge's hair and Gazzy held onto her waist.

I wish everything could just stay like this. Everyone was smiling and together. At the present time, there was no immediate danger. Everything was just right.


Oh, great. Well, there's tears, tears, tears, hugs, tears, kisses, tears, etc.

I hate gushy moments.

Especially like this.

Oh, well. I guess I can make an exception to the rule for this one time.

Only because on the outside I was starting to cry too. How could I not? I mean, hello: my life was just saved, my flock's safe, me and Fang…wow! Though I don't know what's coming up next, I know what is here now. My family, that's what.

Oh, and my boyfriend.

I looked over the heads of all the kids surrounding me and saw Fang starring right back at me.

"FANG!!!" I screamed, waving my arms like mad.

He gave me one of the most amazing rare smiles that makes any room seem brighter, and began to trot over to me.

Angel looked up and winked at me and smiled.

"I told you so!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"Hey, beautiful." He said as he came up and took my hand.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, who are you and what did you do with Fang?" I asked.

"He's here, he's just-he's just, changed. He's accepting things for the better now." He grinned and kissed my cheek, blushing slightly in the process, while I just, well blushed.

Mom had to cover another shift at the veterinary and Jeb had to rush back to the School, or wherever he was going off to, he didn't really make it clear.

So the flock, Onyx, Aura, and myself went back to Mom's house to pack everything and take off again, and whatever Onyx and Aura were planning.

Oh, speak of the devil.

"Hey, Onyx, what's up?"

She grinned and bit her lower lip. I wonder if she ever gets a bloody lip from those vicious-looking canines…

"Uh, well, I was wondering…"

"Well, Aura and I really don't know where to go or what to do and I really don't want to leave you guys because I feel like I've finally found someplace to fit in and I was wondering if it wouldn't be too much of a burden for us to stay with you guys? Please?"

Wow, I totally did not see that one coming.

Okay, maybe a little…

But anyhow…

"Um, whoa, uh…"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up. You don't have to if you don't want to." She muttered, looking sulkily at the ground.

"No, no, it's not that, it's just that I don't know how you would be able to keep up with us avian-Americans while we're in flight." I grinned. Oh, God, please don't tell me I'm doing the wrong thing by letting them stay…

Her eyes lit-up immediately and her hands clasped in front of her like one of those old cliché paintings of little children.


Amidst the cheer-fest and the jumping, Angel, Nudge and Iggy joined in on the celebration…



Oh, well.

After a filling meal, we packed lightly and began our flight. Angel was nearly heartbroken to say goodbye to Total and Akila, but we all figured it was best for them to stay here in Arizona than traveling around all of the time.

Nudge wanted to go see Italy, but I had to put my foot down somewhere. So I agreed with Angel to a wildlife preservation in the Everglades so she and Onyx could "bond" with each other and their "animal instincts". Onyx got a kick out of Angel's ability to transform her features into animal-like persona.

Aura has begun to open-up more to the group. She's beginning to understand the concept of one whole flock, not individual everyone for themselves…but with just escaping the School and all, I can understand why it's hard for her.

A couple of weeks into our Everglade exploration, we were in yet another cabin in the woods while the rest of the flock plus Onyx were on yet another hiking trip.

Fang and I were sitting on the couch with a hot chocolate and the radio on, enjoying the first ounce of silence in a while.



I looked up at him and couldn't help but smile. Jeez, here I am, Maximum Ride, lying in Fang's arms in the middle of no-where, alone.

Totally did not see this coming.

"How long do you think they'll be out again today?"

I grinned, "Heck, knowing Onyx and Angel, it could be well into the night. They'll want to show the flock everything. And Angel will somehow talk the animals into coming out and meeting everyone."

Fang smiled again at the thought and gave me a one-arm hug. My whole body felt instantly warmer and my heart felt like it would burst out of my chest.

The Goo Goo Dolls' song, Iris, came playing softly into the air on the radio as Fang bent down and tilted my chin up and kissed me again. Soft, but strong. His breath was warm on my cheek as we went on.

He broke for a second and I got a breath in.

"I love you, Max." he breathed.

"I love you too, Fang."

And I do.

I laid my head down on Fang's chest and breathed out slowly, freely.

"You know, Max…"


"Well, depending on how you feel about this…well, I can't see myself without you now, well, I never have been able to actually, but, it's just, overwhelming. And, so I've been told, that once a bird finds a, um, companion, they are together for the. Rest. Of. Their. … Lives."

My head was directly above his heart, which was beating erratically out-of-control.

"I just wanted to say that, I mean, it's just been on my mind for a while and I wanted to tell you…"


"You know that's a really, really long time, right?"


"And you're sure you want to spend it with someone like me?"

"Who else could I be with?" he asked with a smile.

With all my strength in me I bit back every snide remark I could think of and simply smiled.

"Good, because I don't want to spend it with anyone else either."

Oh. My. God. I can't believe I just said that.

Oh, well.

It's true.

~~About 4 hours later~~

Max POV (still)

The flock finally returned and Ig and Onyx brought-up the rear of the crowd. Gazzy and Nudge of course came in demanding food and Aura and Angel were discussing various weather and animal tendencies.

Iggy and Onyx began cooking while Fang and I went to get more firewood.

"Hey, Max."


"Have you noticed something about Onyx and Iggy?"

"What you mean how they're constantly together and Ig keeps talking about her nonstop?"


"Yeah, I've noticed."

"So, what do you think?"

"Honestly? I don't know, I'm pretty sure that he likes her and vice versa, but what can we do about it?"

"Oh, well, I dunno. I was just wondering if you noticed as well."

I rolled my eyes. Iggy was a grown boy, if he wanted to crush on a girl who was with him all the time and he knew well-enough, that's his choice. As much as I'd hate to admit it.

"Just leave them be." I said and I picked up my stack of wood and carried on to the house.

And for a while, this is how it will be, hopefully. Fang and I are, perfect. Period. I can't believe it, but it's true, and it's real! We're staying here for some time. It's secluded and peaceful with plenty of room to fly and, well, run for Onyx's case. We aren't bothered at all either. For the time being anyways. But with our lives, nothing ever comes to a surprise…sorta.

A/N: Though I regret saying it: The End.

Daaaang! This story was SO MUCH FUN!!!! I can't tell all of you how much I appreciated all the reviews and support! I'll be writing again, though I don't know how soon. Again, thank you sooo much! You all rock!

Please take care and happy reading!

~Angela aka hawkstar2