Aaand here's part two!
Hope y'all enjoy.

Announcer: Hello and welcome to The Sweet Tooth Show! Thanks for tuning in. Please give a round of applause to our new host, B!

Random audience member: *whispers to friend* Why do all of these guys have only one letter names..?

*B walks onto the set and heads straight for the fridge*

Audience: …

*B starts to devour jars upon jars of jam while several audience members gag*

-Several moments later-

Audience: …

-Several minutes later-

Random audience member: *stands up* BOO! This show SUCKS!

B: *jerks head in the direction of the person* What?! What the HELL did you just say?!?!

Same guy: *sits back down* Uh…nothing. *hangs head*

B: That's what I thought, fool. *goes back to shoveling handfuls of jam into his mouth*

*Producer runs onset and jerks the jam jar out of B's hands*

B: *staring at the producer in complete disbelief*

Producer: This is live! You can't say that! And you need to go with the script! Remember?? You're supposed to be baking cupcakes! *shoves a copy of the script into B's hands*

B: …

Producer: Remember you work for me! Now get back to work, slave! *fuming, he scurries off the set, leaving a stunned B*

B: *eye twitches*

-A few moments later-

*regaining his composure and shaking his head, B looks down at the script*

B: 'Hello. I'm B.' *looks at audience *

Audience: …


Producer: *gives B death stare*

B: *closes his eyes and sighs* … *looks back at script* Today I'm going to be making cupcakes. These can be great for any occasion, such as birthday—*freezes*

Producer: *motions for him to continue*

B: *throws script on the floor* What the hell is this?? *spits on the papers* Are you trying to get me arrested?!? *starts grabbing random ingredients and throwing them all together in a large bowl* How can I be better than L—*throws in a saltshaker*—if I'm in jail?? *throws in a small bottle extracted from his back pocket*

Producer/Audience: …

-Meanwhile, in the L.A. St. Peter's Mental Health Rehabilitation Clinic-

Big guy in a white coat: Good morning, L. How about I turn on the TV for you?

L: …

*The Sweet Tooth Show appears onscreen*


L: *shoots up from bed* I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!!

-Back at Studio 13B-

B: *laughing maniacally and stirring the random contents in the bowl vigorously* HEE HEE HEE! Wait, no…AH HA HA HA HA!! Wait…how about—

Same random audience guy: BOO! YOU SUCK!

B: *stops* you… *puts down bowl and slowly looks up at the man* you…are next!!

Same guy: Wait…what?!

B: *jumps on top of the counter and grabs a knife from the drawer* YOU! BOB SMITH!!! *points at Bob*

Bob: Wait…how'd you know my name?? *stands up, starts to scoot past the seats and down the aisle*

B: *Leaps offset and into the audience* you're time is OUT, Bob!!! *starts chasing after Bob*

Bob: NOOOO!!! *runs out the exit door and proceeds to be followed by B, until running straight into a tree, dying instantly*

B: Well, that was disappointing…

B: *shrugs* Back to work…*hums*

-After B gets back to the Studio-

*Entire Audience is in chaos—people running and screaming and pointing at B and the set*

B: What? I didn't kill him. I swear! *looks on stage* Oh…

Produer: *dead*

B: *cracks up* Oops…henh henh henh henh…

Random audience member: *scream* it must have been Kira!! He just keeled over and grabbed his chest!! OH NOES!!!

Other random audience member: Who cares? This was waaay better than some gay cooking show *leaves to upload the whole thing on youtube*

B: Well, looks like I'm safe. And L will never know that I really… HAHAHAHA!!! *starts laughing so hard, people stare and leave quickly*

-After the studio clears out-

B: *walks over to the producer* Ha ha… *prods man with his shoe*

B: *looks over at the substance he had mixed earlier* Aww…did the little piggy try some of B's cupcake batter? That stuff is bad for you, you know…*starts to laugh and leaves the studio*

-Several hours later-

Unidentified person: *walks into the barren studio* Uh…hello?

Mystery man: *sees producer and walks over to him* Ew…

Mystery man: *sees the bowl of 'cupcake batter' and leans in* *sniffs it slightly* …poison? What kind of a cooking show is this?!?! *takes out a chocolate bar and takes a bite*

Myster man: ...I kinda like it…

What happens to B? Who will be the new producer?? Who IS this new mystery man??? And WHY is L in the loony bin??? Oh wait, we know the last one already….