I know, I have a really bad habit if uploading new stories, but never finishing them

but one day, I promise. I will finish! ALL OF MY STORIES!

Chapter 1: Amelia Claire Hahn

"So, I was thinking, we should go grab some drinks tonight." Callie smiled at Erica.

Erica smiled sympathetically back. "Sorry, I can't tonight."

"Oh." Callie frowned. "I looked at the board, you don't have any surgeries and you're supposed to be off for the weekend…"

"Yeah, I have plans tonight." Erica nodded as she stood up from the Nurses station and grabbed a chart and started walking down the hallway.

"Wait… You have plans?" Callie asked curiously.

Erica smirked. "Big plans."

"What plans?" Callie followed her.

"Plans." Erica shrugged.

"You're not going to tell me?" Callie pouted. "I'm hurt." Callie laughed.

Erica turned around and smiled. "I just have plans with a friend."

"A friend…" Callie eyed her suspiciously.

"Yes." Erica nodded.

"Tonight, you have plans with a friend."

"Yes?" Erica laughed.

"A date." Callie grinned.

"Not a date." Erica laughed.

"Mhmm… Sure." Callie let it go and walked away trying to figure out Erica's plans.

"Sloan!" Callie said poking her head into his office.

"Hey." Mark nodded.

"What are you doing tonight?" Mark asked.

"Nothing, nurses are conspiring against me." Mark frowned.

"Finally, they've learned." Callie laughed. "Want to go grab some drinks with me after work at Joe's."


"Great, I had asked Erica, but she ditched me for some "plans", which I have no idea what they are." Callie muttered bitterly.

"Jealous?" Mark asked.

"Why would I be?" Callie asked confused.

Mark shrugged. "You two have become really close these past few weeks. She's ditching you for what looks like a new boyfriend?"

"Yeah, so what? She's my best friend. She's helped me a lot through my divorce. That doesn't make me jealous." Callie said defensively

Mark put up his hands in defense. "Don't go all cage fight on me."

Callie nodded. "Meet you at 8." Mark nodded and watched as Callie left the room.

"So I hear you have a new boyfriend." Mark smiled as he caught up with Erica in the hallway.

"What?" Erica looked at him like he was crazy.

"Word in hallways is that you've got big plans tonight." Mark grinned.

Erica rolled her eyes. "Callie." She muttered.

"She's jealous you know."

Erica rolled her eyes a second time.

"Didn't your mother or father ever tell you that if you keep doing that, your eyes are going to stay like that permanently?"

"Sloan, get a life." Erica told him.

"Hi." The young 12-year-old smiled shyly.

"Hello." Callie smiled awkwardly as she looked through a chart at the nurse's station. "Can I help you with anything?"

"I was looking for somebody. A nurse told me to come ask over here at the station." The girl said looking around the hallway.

"Oh, well… who are you looking for?" Callie asked taking a sheet with all the patients and their room numbers.

"Oh, I'm not looking for a patient. I am actually looking for a doctor." She said.

"What's the doctor's name?"

"Mia?" Callie heard Erica's voice from behind her.

The young girl, who Callie assumed to be Mia, smiled and ran into Erica's arms.

"Hey munchkin. I thought I was picking you up later." Erica smiled bending down a little at eye level and kissing Mia on her cheek.

"Well, Dad was being Dad, so I just asked him to drop me off here because he was stressing over his flight back. Hope you don't mind." Mia smiled.

"Course not." Erica smiled warmly. This side of Erica was something Callie was not used to. Callie cleared her throat and decided she was slowly walked away, but Erica stopped her.

"Callie." Erica stopped her.

"Yeah?" Callie asked turning around.

"I want you to meet someone." Erica grinned down at Mia who returned the smile. "This just happens to be my beautiful daughter, Amelia Claire Hahn."

"You can just call me Mia." Mia smiled.

"Mia this is my best friend Dr. Torres." Erica said.

Mia shook Callie's hand.

"Call me Callie." Callie said still in shock.

"Nice to meet you Callie." Mia smiled.

"Wow, so, is she your big plans?" Callie laughed.

Erica nodded as she put an arm around Mia and pulled her into a hug. "Well, I don't get off for another hour, do you want to go hang out in my office or just hang out around the lobby?" Erica asked.

"Aw, Mom, can't I just go with you?" Mia pouted.

"I would, but I have to go see a patient before I go."

"I hate sitting in lobby's." Mia frowned

"Here, why don't you come hang out with me while your mom finishes up?" Callie suggested. "I was about to head down to the cafeteria."

"Sure." Mia shrugged. "See you in a bit mom." Mia smiled and stepped on her tippy-toes to kiss her mom on the cheek and took off toward the elevators.

"Wow." Callie smiled as she stayed behind a little.

"Yeah." Erica nodded. "I have a daughter."

"How come, we've been friends for months, and I don't know this?" Callie asked.

"Mia's father and I split up when she was five. He moved to L.A, and I moved here to Seattle, since my job takes up more time he gained custody, but she comes for the summer, Christmas, and spring break. Also, if she's not busy she comes for a weekend every other month. So I get to see her pretty often, not to mention I go down to L.A. every once in awhile to pop in for a visit."

"Wow, that must be hard still."

"It is, but we talk every night on the phone. I am really sorry I didn't tell you about this before." Erica said.

"No, it's okay. It's a surprise, but it's your business." Callie nodded.

"Callie!" Mia called from the elevator as she held it open.

"Your daughter calls." Callie laughed.

Erica smiled. "See you in a bit."

Callie nodded as she jogged to the elevator and got in.

"You know, you look a lot like your mom." Callie smiled.

"Thanks." Mia smiled. "I get that a lot."