Summary: What if at the Valley of the End, Naruto didn't make it. But then was given a second chance on life, how will this new lease on life change Naruto. HinataXNaruto.

-Chapter Redone

Sadly I don't own Naruto.

"Person Talking"

'Person Thinking'

"Demon Talking"

'Demon Thinking'

Jutsus being used

A New Chance

Chapter 1: Rebirth Of A Hero

(Current Day, Konoha's Graveyard)

The sky was dark; there were clouds everywhere you looked, and it looked like the heavens themselves were starting to weep for a fallen shinobi. This shinobi gave it his all to save a friend that he held so close to his heart. This person was someone that was like a brother to this shinobi; ironically that very same person that was thought as a brother and held so close was the one who ended this shinobi's life. Even more ironically though he ended this life through the heart.

There in the graveyard stood several people who all knew this shinobi very well. Each one was weeping in their own way, and each of them had their own thoughts of this.

In the near back of the people who stood there was a man with silver hair who was silently looking down at the ground. He stood there blaming his lack of common sense in teaching his students. The memories of the previous day flooded his mind.

Begin Flashback

A man in a Konoha Jonin uniform was running full speed through the forest and jumping off tree branches right in front of the man was a small dog with a blue cape and a leaf hitai-ite on his forehead. All of a sudden they both felt a very powerful chakra; then they saw it, it was a mixture of blue with black hitting orange red and then making pure black. A few seconds later and then a burst of chakra that seemed liked thousands of paper bombs going off on you at once. Then nothing, it happened so fast that if you weren't a ninja you might think it never happened. It had started to rain a bit and they both faired the worst.

"Kakashi, did you feel that?" asked the dog visibly shaken.

"Hai, we need to go faster Pakkun!" Kakashi replied. 'Naruto, Sasuke please be alright.' With that they went even faster then before heading towards the Valley of the End.

-Time Skip-

Kakashi and Pakkun had just arrived at the valley and they could both see the fight that had taken place. Both the statures had been damaged from jutsus that were used, there were still clasping rocks on the sides of the valley, and some of the rocks looked like they were still melting from a fire type jutsu. Then they both spotted a battered orange jumpsuit wearing ninja. Both Kakashi and Pakkun ran to the boy.

Kakashi knelt down and looked at the boy; the ninja in front of him had multiple cuts and buries from his head down, his clothing looking like they were on fire at one point in the fight, his jumpsuit had two holes one on either side of his chest, and his right arm looks like he was burned by his own chakra. Kakashi slowly picked up the boy, when he felt his skin it was already cold and no pulse was felt from the boy.

Pakkun looked at Kakashi. "What are you going tell the Hokage, I mean he was the one to convince her to come back?"

"I'll just tell her the truth." Kakashi said in a low voice.

"And the Uchiha?" Pakkun asked.

"He can wait." Kakashi said while clenching his hands.

End Flashback

'I … can't … believe this happened, if only I trained them all as equals maybe this could've been avoided.'

In the front of everyone was a woman with long blonde hair pulled into two pony tails. She had on Konoha's Hokage robes with the hat on her head. Both her hands were clench tightly as tears rolled down her face.

She couldn't stop thinking about when she was told the awful news. She had just gotten out of the surgery room that held Akimichi Chouji when her assistant Shizune came running down the halls with tears already in her eyes.

'Damn it, why did I have to give him that damn necklace!'

Behind the Hokage was a kunoichiwith short pink hair, she was wearing a traditional funeral outfit with her face still in disbelief.

'No,…he can't be dead…. Sasuke-kun couldn't have killed him, why … why do I have to be so weak!'

In the very back was a girl with lavender color eyes, she too had on the traditional funeral outfit. But her face was red from all the tears she had cried. When she first heard the news she broke down and dropped to her knees and wept.

'N-n-naruto is g-gone, b-but I n-n-never g-got t-t-to tell h-him ho-w I f-f-felt'

As all his friends gathered to pay their final respects, there was a mob growing outside. They could all hear shouting of joy from the mob. Everyone that was in the graveyard had a disgusted look on their faces. One of them finally snapped and started yelling at the mob.

"I can't believe you all, here this poor boy gave it his all to save, no retrieve, your damn Uchiha and this is how you pay him for it! Tell me do any of you know why HIS DAD chose him as the container of Kyuubi. What no answers; well let me tell you all, the reason why the fourth Hokage chose Namikaze Naruto for this is because he knew as the Hokage it was his job to protect you and it wouldn't be fair to ask someone else to give up their child, so he used his own! And how do you repay Naruto for keeping you all safe! You beat him, refuse to serve him, call him demon or monster, spit on him, the list just goes on and on! All of you should have already been sent to jail for this, but no! Naruto never once press any charges on anyone, instead he just took the abuse and made a damn mask to hide his true feelings! Well I hope you are all happy, because as of right now I quit being your damn Hokage and I will be leaving tonight!" Tsunade finished her yelling with fresh tears coming down.

Everyone there was stun to hear all this. They couldn't believe what they heard. The demon was the Fourth's son, but how. They slowly realized how much they both looked alike and how much Naruto acted like the Fourth. Realization was setting in upon what they did. But as they all knew it was too little too late now to do anything. The fact that he was now dead, hit everyone there hard.

Then just as everyone started to cry a huge lightning bolt came down and hit where Naruto grave was and destroyed it in a matter of seconds, leaving now nothing behind. Tsunade's only thought was that it must have been Kami saying he didn't want the village to have Naruto's body.

Hinata had now completely lost it, so she quickly ran up to Tsunade to ask her something.

"L-l-lady T-tsunade, I w-would l-like t-t-to c-come w-with y-you." Hinata asked while still crying her eyes out.

Tsunade was surprise to say the least but nodded her head. "Meet Shizune and me at the gate in an hour, oh and turn in your hitai-ite."


(Current Day, Unknown Location)

"Hmm, whe-where am I?" asked a blonde boy.

He looked around the room, or where ever he was, and saw it was completely white. There was nothing else there, as far as his eyes could see nothing but white. Then a voice came out of nowhere.

"Ah, I see you are awake at last Namikaze Naruto." came a voice from all directions.

"Namikaze? My name is Uzumaki Naruto and where the hell am I?" shouted Naruto.

With a deep sigh the voice started again, "Your true name is Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto, but that fool you call the Third changed it because he was too weak to stand up against his old teammates. And for where your at try and remember what you were doing before he woke up." Replied the voice.

"Well, I was fighting Sasuke and we were both using our most powerful jutsu against each other. Then it felt like I was hit by a cold wave, then I blacked out." Naruto stated.

"That's correct, but what you don't know is that your jutsu only scratched him, while his went through your heart" explained the voice.

"Wait a minute, if his went through my heart then why am I here. Unless, oh no did I d-d-died?" asked Naruto.

"Yes, and no." the voice stated calmly.

"WHAT!" Naruto shouted not so calmly.

"You see when a bijuu is either sealed or killed then new ones must take their places. But just one problem, Kami has sealed the path between the demon realm and the human realm after a certain snake human tried to go there for power. Because of this human, humans that had died in a huge battle were selected to be hopeful bijuu, but before you can become a new bijuu for your number of tail you must fight and kill your opponents. Each time you win, you get closer to your goal. But if you lose everything, except the other demons you killed, goes back as if you were never there. But to do this you must find a human partner to keep care of you. Think of it as a leash, they make sure you stay out of trouble and you give them protection. So what do you say, you want to live again?" asked the voice.

"If I say yes, does that mean I'll lose my memories and what do you mean by restart life as a demon fox?"

"Well for your first question no you will keep all your memories, as for the next. Well let's just say you won't 'look the same' and you will be sent back to when you were eight years old in your realm."

"So basically I'll return, but as a demon, and I have to find a human partner to keep me out of trouble, is that right?"

"Yes, that would be correct. So you will have until the age of twelve to complete this, if you don't then the next person you see will be you'll partner."

"Just one more thing, will my friends remember me or will they forget me?" asked Naruto in a sad voice at the end.

With a very deep sigh the voice spoke."No, they will forget you. But if someone did held you close to their heart then their memories of you will return. But they would have needed to love you for that to happen, so I doubt that there will be any. Sorry kid."

"That's… ok, maybe it's best if they forgot me anyways."

"So, will you do it?"

Naruto just nodded his head yes. Then a portal opened in the middle of the room.

"Just walk through it and it will return you."

Naruto just walked towards the portal and enter through it. From there everything went black and he felt a strange feeling through out his body, then he passed out.


(Four Years in the Past, Konoha's forest)

A small golden fur fox awoke in the middle of the forest. At first it didn't seem to know what was happening, it looked up and could only see the sunlight coming through the trees up above. The area that he was in was actually nice and shady. There was a cool summer breeze coming through the forest, it felt so good on its fur.

He then started to smell the air; it was filled with all different scents, they ranged from peaceful flowers to other animals near by. But strangely it smelt a scent that was human, but also snake.

This of course got it curios of who it was smelling, so it attempted to stand on its two back paws only to fall down. It looked puzzled for why it couldn't stand. Eventually it gave up and walked with all fours.

It finally made it to where the smell came from; it looked down and immediately looked backed up. There in front of him was the woman that made him remember EVERTHING in a second, it was Anko and she scared the shit out of him even when he was a human. To his great sadness she saw him and immediately tried to kill him, or at least do target practice either way it wasn't good.

"Come back here, you look so rare. I could get a killing on that fur of yours!" Anko yelled while still chasing after him.

At of pour instinct the fox thought of a Rasengan and somehow it shot out of his tail, it nearly hit Anko as she was shocked be on belief that a fox or any animal at that could use a jutsu let alone an A-Rank one. As the fox got away the only thing Anko could say was, "What the hell was that!"

A/N: Ok so that was the first chapter redo. I hope it looks a bit better then what it was, also am so you saw that did make small changes in the storyline but it was because I wanted the story to make more sense. Anyways please let me know if there is any grammar or spelling errors.