ok so i thought of this as I was falling asleep one night. A stretch of what would really happen if anything like this ever happened, but wtv. sorry its short, but its mostly just an introduction. read and review!

disclaimer: i don't own hannah montana or any of the characters. duh


"Dad. Seriously, get up already! If I have one more tardy, Mr. Williams is gonna give me a detention!" Alyson scolded her half-awake father.

"I'm coming, I'm coming…" he replied, falling back into a slumber.

Great, she thought. She grabbed her bag and an apple, opening the door to start walking to the school.

She reached the school 20 minutes later, 5 minutes past first bell. Her anger doubled when she saw the other student inside the Vice Principals office: Taylor.

"Miss Stoner. Late again, I see," the cranky secretary remarked as I walked into the office. "You can join Mr. Diminico and Mr. Lautner in the office.

Even though it was a cool 49°, the gym teachers still decided to bring the class outside. The only two sophomores excited at this news were Oliver and Lilly.

"I don't get why everyone hates going outside," Oliver said. "It's so much better than staying inside and playing…ping pong," he grimaced.

"Oliver. It's cold out. And all we do is skate, or play soccer…" Lily tried to explain.

"Whatever. Let's just ride!"

Miley's head pounded every time her teacher uttered a new syllable. Why did she keep forgetting to pick up her migraine medicine? Miley quickly weighed her options in her head; she had known since she had woken up though that there was no way she would make it through the day. Just go down to the nurse and take some Advil, she told herself, and you can go home after your test next period.

"Shit," Jake cursed under his breath after realizing he left his homework in his locker again. Mr. Smith was not the teacher who let his students go to their lockers to get there homework. He didn't care whether you spent 3 hours on it and missed shooting, and therefore the entire cast and crew was pissed at you. In his eyes, if it wasn't there, you didn't do it.

"Well, Well, Mr. Ryan missing your homework yet again. That's the third time this term. Why don't you attend detention after school today to think about how you can effectively bring your work to and from class?" Mr. Smith stared maliciously at Jake.

"Yes, Mr. Smith," Great. Just what he needed. "Uh, can I go to the bathroom," he stopped the teacher before he moved onto terrorizing the next student.

"If you must."

The men entered the school through the back doors. They had planned their operation perfectly. They walked determinedly through the halls to the front office, stopping at the last corner before their destination. Hastily, they pulled out black ski masks out of their back packs before stashing them in the empty room next to their position. Yanking them over their heads, they drew their guns out of their holsters. The leader gave the signal, and they ran into the main office.

"Hands up! Right now! This is a hold up!" One of the men yelled as they entered the office.

Expressions of shock transformed onto each face within hearing range. 18 hands were raised to the sky, completely empty, palms facing the intruders. The man who had spoken earlier walked over to the secretary, who was still sitting at her desk, and pointed the gun at her temples when he saw the red light flashing on the intercom microphone. "Couldn't play along, could you know? Had to inform everyone of our presence, huh?" He walked around her, keeping the gun pressed to her head. "I guess we would have had to tell everyone eventually. You just made it a little easier." With that, he unrepentantly pulled the trigger.