After School Special

Tristan POV:

I could feel Ainsley staring at me as I walked down the hall away from her, I could feel the touch of her cheek on my lips. I had no idea what caused me to do that, or why I even did it. I knew I already had feelings for her, it was impossible not to have feelings for someone as wonderful and great as her. Her laughs echoed through my ears and her face seemed to be carved into my mind. I kept seeing her where ever I go, I knew I shouldn't get so attached to a person I just met but I wanted to know everything and more about her.

I pushed the doors open to the gym and saw Dom waiting for me across the court; I hurried across the floor and leaned against the wall next to him. He didn't say anything to me for awhile, just reached over and grabbed Ainsley's water bottle out of my hand and took a long drink while I stood there and waited for him to say something. He handed me back the bottle and continue to stare at the people walking in.

"So your really digging that girl aren't you?" I wasn't surprised by the question, I was waiting for it.
"Yah I am. She's amazing and beautiful. She's living the life I wish I was, but that's not why I like her. There's just something about her that draws me to her, makes me want to get to know her more and more." I took a drink out of the bottle and watched as Dacota walked in the doors.
"I thought Dacota did gym last year, that he was talking an extra cooking class this year." Dom just shook his head, he never got Mikey and Dacota's cooking obsession.
"I think the class was full or something, I'm not sure. I haven't really listened to him today; my mind has been pretty much else where all day." I waved at Dacota and he started over towards us, the bell rang before he got over to us and the gym teacher, Mr. Glover, told us to go over and sit on the bleachers.

We all three sat there and just stared and listened as he told us the rules of basketball which we were starting the next day, I zoned out most of the time already knowing the rules and what we were supposed to do. He passed around a clipboard and we wrote down our team. Dom, me, Dacota, and three guys that were sitting behind us was our team. I didn't really care who was on my team I just wanted to get out of class to find Ainsley before she left for the day. So as soon as the bell rang I ran out the door and rushed to my locker, but I was surprised to find Ainsley already there, with her bag over her shoulder waiting for me.

"Hey, how did you beat me here?" I spun the dial and let my locker door swing open.
"I'm fast." She smiled and stepped closer to me; I smiled and started pushing things back into my locker. I pulled on my coat and wrapped my scarf around my neck.
"I guess your right, what are you doing tonight?" I shut my locker and we started towards the doors, she put her arm through my mine and a smile spread across my face.
"Nothing at all, probably just hang out with the family, maybe get my mom to let me borrow her car and go the mall." She shrugged and I pushed the door open letting her go through first. "What about you, what are you doing tonight?"
"Well usually I would be doing nothing, but I'm going to Maddie and Dacota's house for dinner, their parents treat me like a third child. It's a nice change from how my dad treats me and such." We walked down the steps and I noticed the same silver Volvo waiting in the same spot. I couldn't see inside because of the tinted windows.
"Well that's my ride, here take this and call me tonight around 12, ok?" She turned her back to the car and handed me a small piece of purple paper, I could see the imprint of numbers on the other side.
"Alright I'll call." I smiled and put the piece of paper in my pocket, she watched as I did this and smiled.
"I'll see you tomorrow; I'll meet you at your house." She stood on her tip toes and wrapped her arms around my neck, I was surprised at first but I wrapped mine around her small waist and gave her a tight hug back.

She pulled away and turned running to the silver car; she opened the door to the back seat and turned back towards me. She smiled and waved then ducked inside, the door wasn't even shut a second before it was tearing away from the sidewalk and off down the road. I guess whoever was driving wasn't very happy. I watched until I couldn't see the car anymore, when it turned the corner I walked the rest of the way down the stairs and started towards my house.

The wind was cold and hit my face like ice, my breath made a cloud in front of my face and my nose started to go numb. But the thoughts of Ainsley warmed me, her smile that lit up her face or her eyes that seemed to be on fire. My mind was still on her when I pushed my front door open, the house was deadly quiet when I swung the door shut behind me and I peeled off my coat. I knew my dad wasn't home by the fact that the news wasn't turned on in the living room and there wasn't the smell of coffee flowing through the house. I walked into the kitchen and left a note telling my dad that I would be having dinner at Jade and Mikey's house that night.

I went upstairs quickly to grab my cell phone that I never took to school and checked to see if it was even charged. The battery showed that it was full; I pulled the small piece of paper out of my pocket that Ainsley had handed to me after school. I unfolded it and looked at the small scrawling print that was written on small piece of paper that put the largest smile on my face. I put the number in my phone, but didn't throw away the paper. I carefully folded it back up and placed it under my never used alarm clock. I stood up and stepped over the piles of clothes knowing that I really needed to do laundry because I had nothing clean to wear tomorrow.

I walked down the stairs as my dad opened the front door and walked inside, he glanced up at me as I made my way toward him and the coat closet. He watched as I opened the door and pulled out my coat and scarf. It wasn't until I was at the door and getting ready to walk out that he decided to ask where I was going.

"The Trans asked me to have dinner with them, so I'm going over there for a nice home cooked meal. I'm sick of take out anyway. I'll be home by curfew." I pulled the door open and started to walk outside as my dad slammed the coat closet door shut.
"You go over there to much; I don't want you invading on that family's life. I'm sure they don't want you over that all the time." His deep, rough voice stabbed me from behind.
"They want me more than you do or ever did." I slammed the door behind me and hurried down the side walk towards the Tran's house.

They lived about a mile away from me, but walking it was no big deal to me. They lived in a penthouse on the other side of the park. So walking through the snow and the trees was the best part of my evening that night. Even if I felt frozen through by the time I got to their door step it was all worth it for an evening away from my father and his evil words. I pushed the buzzer down until I knew that it echoed through the penthouse.

"OK TRISTAN! Gezz, you're going to break the buzzer." Jade laughed through the intercom.

The door popped open and I hurried inside away from the cold, I couldn't get wait to get upstairs to the family I wished was my real one. I skipped the stairs and went straight for the elevator. The Trans lived on the top floor in the pent house, it was huge and the place awesome to hang out at, though Maddie and Dacota never dared to have a party there when their parents were out of town. They did once and somehow their parents found out even though there was no way, the apartment was spotless, we had made sure that nothing was left behind, but of course they found out in some sneaky way.

They didn't get in trouble, but they decided never to have a party again just for a simple reason that it's no fun when your parents are just bond to find out. So nights their parents were away me and Dom came over to stay the night and we spent most of time watching movies and eating endless pizzas. Then the next day Dom would leave early and I would just stay on the couch I crashed on the night before. Jade and Mikey didn't care about me spending the night, but we weren't sure how they would like the idea about Dom. Though we were pretty sure they already knew, its hard sneaking things around them.

I stepped out of the elevator and walked up to the door, I knocked quickly before just walking in. I usually didn't knock and I had no reason why I did tonight, but it made Mikey laugh when he saw it was me walking in.

"Why did you even knock Tristan? You live here more than Dacota does!" He just shook his head and headed towards the living room with a Nicholas Sparks book in his hands.
"I don't know thought I would be nice today and show how polite I am!" I hung my coat in the closet and hurried towards Dacota's room when Mikey poked his head around the wall and looked at me.
"Yah, okay. Tristan and polite do not belong in the same sentence!" He laughed and ducked back behind the wall.
"Tristan come here for a second." I heard Jade call from the kitchen so I changed the direction and walked towards the kitchen were she was making what looked like homemade pizza.
"What's up Jadeo?" I washed my hands and began to help her with the dough, she smiled and at the nickname that she had from high school.
"What's this I hear about you having a crush on the new girl? Dacota and Maddie said you're long gone." She looked up at me through her glasses and smiled, I should have known that this secret couldn't have been kept from Jade for long.
"Well she just moved here with her family and started school with her two cousins Kraig and Lilly. But there is just something about her; she isn't like any other girl I've ever met. She's smart and funny, she loves painting and she has this smile that could light up a pitch black room. Jade she isn't like anyone I met before and I want to get to know her more than anything." I didn't realize I had stopped rolling the dough until I stopped talking and could feel my cheeks getting red, I've never spoken about a girl that way to anyone, especially my best friend's mother.
"Then get to know her Tristan and steal her heart, make her think about you every second of the day and want to be with you no matter. You can do it; you have the looks and the heart." She patted my hand and I knew that was my signal to go hang out with Dacota.
"I can finish helping, I mean I' m sure Dacota isn't doing anything besides playing video games." Which was true, Dacota was a video game addict.
"Don't worry Tristan, I got help. Watch this. MIKEY!!!" It seemed like only five seconds later Mikey was in the kitchen and washing his hands and taking over my spot.

I laughed and washed my hands while they worked on the dinner we would all enjoy in just a few short hours. I dried off my hands and made my way to Dacota's room wondering what Ainsley was doing at that exact moment.


My mind was on school the rest of the night, I couldn't get Tristan's face out of my mind. My mother wasn't home when I got home, but my father was on high alert because of my emotions. My Uncle Edward was of course watching me closely wondering why I was thinking about all the different things you can use a bra for, I was trying to keep him out of my head, keep him from finding out about Tristan. So I sat in my room, a book opened next to me not able to actually read any of the words. I jumped at the knock at my door and hurried to pick up my book and pretend to be reading.

"Come in." I knew who ever was on the other side of the door would hear me, but I wasn't expecting my father to walk in and sit on the end of my bed.
"Why are you so anxious and confused Ainsley, I'm getting a lot of mixed emotions from you. Like just now I got shocked and then a sad attempt at calming yourself." He raised an eyebrow at me and I looked away.
"Where is Uncle Edward?" I was changing the topic from bras to all the breeds of dogs that I could remember, which was a lot since I went through a faze last year after the change where I wasn't allowed to leave or do anything. So I read about different kinds of dogs and where they came from.
"Downstairs, he seems pretty annoyed at the moment; he asked me how a bra could possibly be used as a pair of sun glasses? Do you know anything about that?" I giggled a little to myself and shook my head slowly.
"Nope daddy I don't, maybe Uncle Edward is going a little crazy. Because I'm pretty sure you can't use a bra as sunglasses." My father titled his head back and laughed, I loved watching my father laugh. He usually didn't that much because it was hard for him with all the emotions circling around him.
"Well I don't think there should be a reason for your Uncle to even be thinking about bras, your mother isn't home and she used to play that one on your Uncle all the time when there was something she wanted to hide." I stopped my giggles fast, when I realized that's where I got the bra idea from.
"Oh, she did? Wow I guess me and mom are more a like than I thought. Ha ha." I tried smiling innocently, but my dad saw straight through that.
"What's going on Ainsley, what is it that you don't want us to know? Kraig and Lilly won't say anything and Edward said all their thinking about is what shade of lipstick to wear tomorrow and how it was pointless to read the book they just read. I think you can guess which was which." I stared at my father and didn't know what to say, my father and my mother had always been my best friends and I've never kept anything from them, but this was different.
"Nothing is going on Daddy, just thinking about random things, but is it ok if I go for a walk. This house seems a little small right now." I could tell what I said hurt him, but the truth was the house seemed too small for me right now and I wanted to get away from my fathers emotion controlling power and my Uncles mind reading.

So they let me walk out of the house, cell phone in pocket for when my mother got home and wanted to talk to me. but there was another reason I wanted my phone with me, I wanted it incase Tristan called early though I had a bad feeling he wouldn't, I knew shouldn't think like that. I should have been positive; Tristan was this great guy with amazing eyes and an even better smile. He made me feel warm after days of being cold; I loved his laugh and the way his hair stuck up like he just rolled out of bed. Which he probably did by the way his friends said he's always late in the morning, or was always making them wait.

My thoughts of Tristan were interrupted by the ringing of my cell phone that was in my coat pocket. As I fished it out I found a bench in a park and sat down, the number on the caller ID was one I didn't know. A smile grew on my face when I realized who this could be, I hurried to push send and put the phone against my ear.

"Hello?" My breath caused a cloud to form around my mouth, making me smile more.
"Hey, it's Tristan. Sorry I know I'm calling early."
"Hey there it's ok, what are you up too?" I swung my legs in the snow, and smiled down at my knees.
"Getting ready to walk through the park and walk a mile home. I'm leaving Dacota and Maddie's house. What are you doing?" I perked up when he said park, because as far I knew this town didn't have too many.
"Oh nothing just sitting on a bench in the park had to get away from the family for awhile." I heard him laugh and laughed back, but I had no idea why he was laughing.
"Aren't your feet cold in those red high heels?" I looked up and saw Tristan standing at the end of the side walk, I could tell I was smiling more than I was before and I could he was smiling the same amount I was.

I stood up and flipped my phone shut; Tristan did the same and started to walk towards me. The way he was looking at me made me feel a way I've never felt before. When I got in front of him he stared at me with such adoration I wondered how he could feel this way just after one day, that's when I realized I felt the same way as him. I reached up and touched his cheek gently with my fingertips, he flinched and I ripped my hand back.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." I took a step back and he reached forward and pulled me back to the place I was before I began to move away.
"You didn't do anything; your hands are just really cold. Come on let's go to my house for awhile and warm you up." He smiled and offered me his arm; I smiled back and put my arm through his.

We walked for awhile not saying anything, not really needing to. The walk was nice and peaceful and it felt like we've been on millions of these exact walks, it was like we were already used to each other and knew each other so well already that we didn't need to talk to be comfortable around each other.

"My house isn't that far up the road, I don't think my dad is home, but if he is just ignore him please." He smiled at me, but I could tell he was being serious.
"You really don't like your dad do you?" I squeezed his arm, trying to read his face, but finding it impossible with the poker face he had on.
"I have to love him, but no I don't like him. He doesn't like me either, we're roommates not family. He knows and I know that as soon as my birthday comes up this year that I'm gone. I'll most likely move in with Dacota and Maddie. They're more like family than my own father." His voice was like venom and his eyes were dead, I didn't like this side of Tristan.
"Tristan…" I stopped and made him look at me, his eyes were blank without the life that was usually in them, and he just stared at me with no emotion at all. "You're scaring me; I don't like this side of you. Come back to me Tristan." I watched as his face transformed and realized he didn't even know what he looked or sounded like when he talked about his father.
"I'm sorry Ainsley, I just…I don't know. My father isn't something easy to talk to about. His mean and cold, he never says he loves me and when he looks at me, he glares. I guess I look like my mother in some ways more than none. But wouldn't that be a reason to love me and not hate me?" His eyes filled with tears and it hurt me just to see it.
"Come on lets finish going to your house." I got him walking again, but the walk was changed now. I now realized that Tristan was more broken than he let anyone see, I wondered if Dacota or Maddie ever saw him like this or knew the dead part of Tristan.

We got to a large brick house with a medium sized yard; Tristan opened the gate and motioned for me to go ahead. I walked forward and stopped on the steps waiting for Tristan to open the front door. He walked up the steps quickly and opened the door and rushed me inside shutting the door behind me. I pulled off my coat and folded it over my arm as he began to take off his. He opened a door next to the front door and hung up his coat; he held his hand out for mine and hung it up next to his. Our jackets are the only ones hanging in there at the moment.

"Looks like the old man isn't home come on lets go upstairs." He started up the stairs and I followed him quickly. He went down a long hallway until he reached a door at the very end. "Excuse the mess; I don't really know how to do laundry though I should probably learn I'm out of clean clothes." He laughed and ducked inside the room.
"Wow, umm, just wow." His floor was covered with jeans, shirts, socks, and underwear; it looked like his floor was made out of clothes.
"Yah sorry I didn't expect anyone to be coming over and I planned on doing it tonight I swear." He held his hands up to show me that he wasn't lying and crossing his fingers behind his back.
"Well let me help you then." I started picking up the shirts that I could see around me and noticed he wore almost nothing but black. I slipped off my high heels and finished picking up all the shirts.

He just smiled and began to pick up the pants that he could find around us, I never knew that a guy could have that many clothes. We didn't talk at first, just picked up the clothes around us and started to make piles of them. At one point I wasn't paying attention and either was Tristan, we rammed into each other sending the clothes in our arms in the air.

We laid on Tristan's floor for what seemed like forever just laughing with each other, finally after what seemed like forever the laughs died down and I rolled on to my side and looked at Tristan, he was already on his side and staring at me. His green eyes were roaming over my face taking every inch of it in as I did the same trying to memorize everything I could about him before I had to return to my family and try my hardest not to think about him or any of the wonderful moments that I've had with him.

He reached out and pushed a lock of hair out my face, his touch left a fiery feeling on my skin and I wanted to sink into it. I moved closer to him so that the tips of our noses were touching, I could feel his breath on my mouth, he was just so mouth watering. I told myself over and over that he was someone to love, not feed off of. That I was good, not evil, I didn't want to be a monster and I didn't want to turn beautiful warm Tristan into a monster either. I didn't want him to be like me, but I knew if I really wanted that I couldn't love him. I couldn't keep him close to me. But these thoughts seem to fade away as I noticed that Tristan's lips were getting closer to mine and his eyes were watching my face to make sure it was ok.

I decided to show him that it was ok, I pressed my lips hard on to his and my world changed it was like it shifted. I gripped him tighter, made the kiss harder. My world felt like it was in flames, the coldness that usually took up my world was gone for that single kiss. But the moment ended with the simple ringing of my cell phone, I was stupid enough not to even look at the caller ID.

"Ainsley Isabella Hale, get home NOW!" My mother's voice said into my ear.

Sorry for not updating for awhile, some problems came up and I couldn't write for awhile.