Hey all. I have a couple of stories on here and I wrote Twilight before, but deleted them off of here. Well there is one under my profile called Wolfish Love that I want to finish, just not sure how to yet. Ha.

Well Enjoy!


Tristan POV:

I was under the covers of my high priced covers knowing that I had less than a half hour to get up and get ready for school, the time limit didn't faze me. I pulled the comforter over my head and waited for my father to come in and drag me out of my bed. Right on time my father came through the door and stood at the end of my bed.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? You have school today. Get your ass out of bed and move!" He ripped my covers off my bed and left my room shaking his head.

Another day of disappointing the old man, I sat up and grabbed yesterday's jeans off the floor and pulled them on. I got out of bed buttoning and zipping them as I searched my floor for a shirt and socks. I found a plain black t-shirt over by my dresser that looked clean, but smelled awful. I threw it over by the closet where I knew most of the clothes were dirty, I wasn't really into laundry. I found a long sleeved black shirt, a lot of my shirts were black, it smelled and looked clean so I pulled it over my head and began the search for socks.

I didn't find any until I opened my dresser and found my last clean pair. I pulled them on and began to search for my converse. They were of course buried under a pile of clothes; I really needed to at least attempt to do laundry. I grabbed my bag and flung it on to my shoulder, as I made my way downstairs stopping every other step to pull each shoe on.

Downstairs my father was at the table drinking a cup of coffee and reading the business section of the newspaper. I walked over to the toaster and popped in the two Strawberry pop tarts he set out for me every morning. As I waited for them to get done I walked over to the frig and opened it to get a Monster that I kept stocked.

When the toaster popped I grabbed the pop tarts and my monster, my father looked up at me as I made my way through the house towards the front door. Neither of us said good bye or anything, that wasn't part of our mornings together. I pulled on my coat and wrapped my red scarf around my neck before walking out the door.

My mom had died when I was six and after that it was just me and my dad. He owned two restaurants and a car dealership. The restaurants were my mom's and he kept them running after her death. The one that brought in the most money was called Tristan's, named after me, it was mostly a pizza and salad place. Most of the athletes went there after big games. When you walked in there was a big picture of my mother behind the front desk, she was really loved in our town, I just wish I could remember her.

The walk to school was like any other, buses and cars whizzed by trying to get to the school on time. I lived only two blocks away from the school, so I left late every morning always getting to my first period class as soon as the bell rang. My town was in constant rain clouds and snow. Fine for me, I didn't much like the sun. I burned easily, just like my mother always did. My father was Italian, so he tanned easily.

There was supposed to be two new girls and a boy at school today, though I haven't seen them some of the others kids have. The girls thought the boy was the hottest thing since the football team's quarterback Alan Root, the guys I've heard talk were all saying that the two girls were the best looking things around. I shook my head to the name "things" and saw my three friends waiting outside for me.

"TRISTAN!" Madeline, Maddie short, yelled she was curled up into her boyfriend Dominic's side. "You're going to make us late you know that? I still don't understand why we wait for you!"
"Shut it Maddie." Her brother, Dacota, threw a piece of bagel he was eating at her and smiled at me. "Sup man, my parents wanted me to tell you that your coming to dinner tonight, my father wants to make you cupcakes."
"Tell Mikey and Jade I'll be there." I smiled and took the last drink of my Monster.

Maddie and Dacota were part Vietnamese, their father Mikey was full blooded Vietnamese and had a habit of speaking Vietnamese when he got excited and baking cupcakes. Their mom Jade was a short person and treated me like her own son. Sometimes better when Dacota went all nuts with baking like his father.

Maddie unlike her brother was short and had glasses, but she was beautiful. She had short black hair that she wore in pigtails with her bangs in her face. She wore a lot of band shirts and nothing but converse. Dacota was tall like his father and black hair too, he was a major dork and was in love with the movie The Gonnies and was mad at this mom for a week when he found out that she wouldn't let his father name him Chunk. He kept his hair long like his dad, they both wore it down to their eyes, which they both had brown. Maddie had Jade's blue eyes.

"It's crazy how much their parent's like you. I swear sometimes they like you more than me man." Dom smiled and kissed Maddie on the back of the head.

Dominic was the perfect guy for Maddie. He listened to everything rock and punk, wore nothing but black day in and day out. He was tall, handsome, and had curly blonde hair that he let her straighten all the time. His eyes were green and flecked with gold.

"Man, they do like me more." I dodged his hand as it came out from behind Maddie to grab me. "TO SLOW!"
"Screw you." Dom said, but he had a smile on his face to show he was just joking.

I walked towards the trashcan when something caught my eye. Down the sidewalk were the three new kids, beautiful new kids I should say. The two girls were completely different. One was tall, like super model tall, all the height was in her legs and had long blonde hair that came down to the middle of her back. The other one had short black hair that hung just to her chin and the bangs hung in her face, she was short and way too skinny it seemed.

The blonde looked like she was bored out of her mind was texting on her phone while the other girl, the one I thought was more beautiful, was leaning into the window of silver Volvo talking to the driver. She backed up as the door opened and out stepped the boy I heard the girls from school talking about. He had brown hair and was tall, he kept his eyes trained on the blonde has she applied lip-gloss. When she saw him looking she glared at him.

The Volvo left and the boy and the blonde began to walk towards me, but the skinny one stood and stared after the Volvo. I stared as she stood there, in skinny jeans and long sleeved red shirt with bright red high heels on. Her jacket was black and long coming down to her knees. It tied in the middle showing off how small her waist was. The blonde was talking with the boy with an evil look on her face which just made her more beautiful, and then she noticed the skinny one wasn't with them.

"AINSLEY HALE! COME ON!" My heart skipped a beat at the sound of the name; it was as beautiful as her.
"TRISTAN, BUDDY COME ON WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE FOR CLASS!" Maddie yelled for me half way up the stairs getting ready to walk into the school.

At the sound of my name Ainsley looked at me and we locked eyes, hers were a shocking butterscotch gold.

Ainsley POV:

I got shot gun of course, it was my official first day back to school since the change. I was so nervous to actually be going to a real school, my father and mother thought I was so ready to do this. I was supposed to be changed at a certain age, but the car accident changed everything. I had been with my parents, Alice and Jasper Hale, since I was just a couple of months old. They told me at the age of 12 what they were, at 15 I asked to be made into one of them, at the age of 16 I was in a car accident and hanging on to life when my parents changed me.

I'm 17 now, one year less than when I was planned on being changed. The car accident was my fault, it was late at night and I was coming home from a party, I was riding with my cousin Renesmee's boyfriend Jacob when I lost control of the car. He wasn't hurt, but he was also the reason my mother didn't see the accident coming.

"I don't understand why Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper didn't take us to school. I mean it is their daughter going to school." My cousin Lilly said from the back seat, she was mad about not getting shot gun, so she was making my other cousin Kraig hold her mirror while she did her makeup.
"Lil, we went through this before we left the house. Aunt Alice saw them getting here and Uncle Jasper refusing to Ains out of the car. So they asked me to take you guys, besides this is the last time I'll see you guys for a couple of months. My flight leaves in two hours." Nessie smiled a dream like smile thinking of her upcoming vacation.
"I still can't believe mom and dad are letting you go to Europe with Jacob." Kraig moved the mirror taunting Lilly and it got him a smack on the head.
"Mom and Dad know that I can be trusted, besides mom and Jacob go way back." I knew what was coming and prepared myself for it.
"That's Jacob was madly in love with your mother." Lilly said the car didn't even swerve as Nessie dove in the back seat to beat her cousin up. I jumped in the driver's seat and Kraig jumped in the passenger seat.
"I hate when they do this." He rolled his eyes and slumped in his seat.

Kraig was only 3 years into this world, he like me was found by adopting parents. Edward and Bella were lucky enough have one baby, Nessie, but found Kraig when he was just a year old wrapped in a blanket sitting a trash can in New York City. Bella didn't have the heart to leave him there and of course Uncle Edward didn't have the heart to tell her no. He lived a happy life until he turned 19 and almost died when he got bucked off his horse that his mother had bought him for his graduation present.

So Kraig was changed and became just like the rest of the family. Lilly was a different matter, Aunt Rosie had never been happier to expect a child in her life as her own. They got Lilly when she was a nameless child, my Grandpa Carlisle had come across an accident on a country road, a pregnant mother was stuck in the car and she was in labor which is how she got in the accident.

Grandpa had gotten no name from the lady, when he helped her from the car and rushed her home. He gave birth to the baby girl then, but the mother soon passed away after that. My father told my Grandpa that the lady knew she was going to die and hoped we would find her baby a nice home and bury her. They did so; there was a white cross in our backyard.

Uncle Emmett and Aunt Rosalie took the baby with open arms, Rose was so happy when Lilly showed signs of looking just like her. She never wanted to change her baby into something she wished she wasn't. She like Uncle Edward and Aunt Bella she made no plans on changing Lilly. But a month after her 16th birthday she got caught up in a shooting at a store in the mall, she was a victim. Rose wasn't about to lose her and changed her as soon as Grandpa brought her body home.

"Don't you think it's weird that we all died when we had plans? Like you and Lilly were never supposed to be changed. I wasn't supposed to change until next year?" I asked Kraig keeping my eyes on the road, Nessie and Lilly had stopped fighting, but were now just sitting in the back talking about Nessie's trip to Europe with her werewolf boyfriend.
"No, life is so unexpected that in some ways I'm surprised it didn't all happen sooner. I don't really think about it, what happened, happened. My parents like knowing I'll be with them forever and so do Lilly parents and your parents. Death just had plans made out for us and they weren't the ones our parents had planned." Kraig shrugged his shoulders and turned in his seat to look at me.
"I hate how you always have the perfect answer, you know that?" I stuck my tongue out at him causing him to laugh.
"Yah I know, that's why I always give you the long drawn out smart answer." He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and started to laugh again. "I love picking on you."

I pulled up to the school and Kraig got in the back as Nessie climbed back in the front. Lilly and I got out of the car and stood on the sidewalk. Kraig was hugging his sister goodbye telling her that he was going to miss her.

"You'll see me in a few months I promise. You know I can't stay away from the family that long. I would miss you guys why too much, mostly mom and dad though." She pushed her bronze hair out of her face and looked at us, Lilly wasn't really listening.
"Alright, love you sis." Kraig leaned over and hugged his sister once again, they had always been close and it had always made me jealous.

He climbed out of the car and stared at Lilly, I had always wondered if there was something going on between them. Lilly acted like she couldn't stand Kraig half the time, Kraig just always joked around and picked on her.

That's when I noticed a boy standing by the trashcan looking this way. He was tall and lanky with long black hair; it hung in his face and looked like he had just rolled out of bed. His eyes were a deep sea green and his skin was pale, he was staring at Lilly and Kraig for now and I took in what he was wearing.

His jeans had what looked like pen marks all over them and his long sleeved black shirt was tight, his black coat was open and red scarf made his pale skin stick out more. For that moment I was glad that there was no wind, he was too handsome not have a perfect scent.

"That boy is staring at you." Nessie said looking in the review mirror.
"I know. Have a good time, bye." I backed away from her father's Volvo and watched her pull away

I could still feel his stares; the back of my head was burning with them. I knew I was beautiful, every vampire was. But I was wondering why was he staring at me when he could be looking at Lilly the tall, super model blonde? She was in a short skirt and low cut shirt, what boy wouldn't look at that?

"AINSLEY HALE! COME ON!" Lilly yelled I turned and began to walk towards them.
"TRAISTAN, BUDDY COME ON WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE FOR CLASS!" A girl yelled at this strange boy.

He turned to look at her and then turned back and we met eyes for the moment it felt like he was reading me, knowing me all my secrets and all my dreams. I knew right away that this was going to be trouble.

Still a little rough, hope you like.