(A/N): This is my first story ever. And I mean EVER. I've never tried to write anything, but I just started writing this off the top of my head. It's what I imagined would happen after the last Macross Frontier episode.

Let me get this straight now: This is Alto x Sheryl

Chapter 2 is being worked on right now, so hopefully, if anyone likes it (crosses fingers), Chapter 2 will be up soon.

Also, in respect to Ranka lovers, I'm trying not to be biased, and actually give this some thought.

I hope that nobody is too out of character T.T


'Wow', the young man thought, as he soared through the pristine air in his Ex-Gear.

Running towards him were two very strong and beautiful girls. From first glance, you would surmise that they were polar opposites, which was true except for the fact that they were in love with the pilot racing towards them. One girl had short, glowing green hair and big red eyes. She appeared to be younger than her real age of sixteen. Her skin was slightly more tanned than the other girl and she wore a pale yellow and orange shirt and skirt that was short and ruffled. Ribbons and lace adorned her skirt and blouse, and were accompanied by a big smile. She was very shy at times and emotionally immature. For a while, she walked in the other girl's shadow, idolizing her. Now, after being in the spotlight, she gained confidence and stepped into stardom.

The other, taller and more mature, had long, flowing blonde hair that had a pinkish hue when it caught the sunlight. A deep purple and pink corset, that drew attention to her developed bosom, ended in a short skirt that flared out, drawing attention to her long legs and mid-calf boots. Her eyes were a blue that were both deep and as sparkling as the sea. She was confident and frequently ordered people around, while reminding them who she was. Though she tended to reveal a lot of skin on stage in a suggestive way, she was actually inexperienced and vulnerable. Both were passionate and famous songstresses, with unique voices, and had fallen madly in love with Saotome Alto.

Finally, after all this time, he would give them his answer. The conflicted man wore his long, deep blue hair in a ponytail, secured by a thin length of braided red string. Without his consent, Alto was nicknamed "princess" because of his kabuki past and feminine appearance. His brown eyes seemed to light up golden when he saw "his wings." Glinting in one earlobe was Sheryl Nome's fold quartz earring. The beautiful ornament was passed down to the aforementioned girl from her grandmother. Though the second piece to the pair had been lost in a heated combat in space, all three friends were connected through just the one.

Alto was returning home from the epic, final battle against the Vajra. His main goal had been to rescue the "traitor" and bring her back to Frontier. Alto began to descend and slow down; he was approaching his friends that were waiting for him atop the green hill. The sun in their eyes; the wind in their hair, the rivals stopped running to wait for him. No sooner had he touched the ground that Ranka Lee leaped enthusiastically onto him, locking him in a death hug.

"Alto-kun!" she squealed, her cheeks turning pink.

"Uh-ahhh!!" he yelled, for he had not come to a complete stop and resulted in Alto loosing his balance, and in the momentum, toppled over onto Ranka. Her face turned red as she yelled, "Uwahh!"

Alto, trying to regain his balance, and composure, turned red and stammered his apologies. When the two finally straightened themselves out, they were confronted with an annoyed, blushing, Sheryl.

"Stupid Alto!" she accused, "taking advantage of young girls!"

"Ahhh no, it was an accident!" he said, trying to calm the fiery girl.

"It really was Sheryl-san!" Ranka ventured, "Please, don't be mad!"

Furious, Sheryl tossed her head and stormed in the opposite direction toward the city.

"Sheryl-san…," Ranka called weakly. Alto sighed heavily and thought to himself, 'Why is she so mad... It can't be stress from her disease, because Ranka cured her, right?... Baka-'"Alto-kun!" Ranka repeated with a worried look on her face as Alto finally heard her. He had been lost in thought, gazing into the sky, not hearing or seeing anything. Neither saw the Galactic Fairy glance back regretfully.

"Ah! Sorry," he said, but Ranka just shook her head and, with a blush, smiled. 'Here's my chance!' she thought.

"Uh, I'm glad you're safe, Ranka" Alto said as they started walking in the same direction as Sheryl, "You had us worried there!"

"O-Oh!" she said as she blushed deeper, "thank-you…" Both were uncomfortable, as they didn't know what to say to each other.

"Alto-kun is always saving me when I need help" she continued, "I-. " She stopped and looked down. After a few moments, she looked up again and saw Alto's red face. Gaining courage, she said, "Alto-kun! I-""-I gotta get back to base! Sorry Ranka! Another time, okay?" Alto interjected with panic.

"Alto-kun…," she called as Alto rushed off towards Headquarters, trailing weak excuses.

'Sorry, Ranka…' Alto muttered to himself, 'I know what you were going to say…'

'I couldn't say it! I couldn't tell him how I feel…I'm such a coward!'Ranka thought to herself, 'Now he's gone…But- I can still tell him later, right?!'

"Yes! I will do it next time!" Ranka decided and jumped into the air, pumping her fist.


'That stupid-stupid-stupid!-'

"-Idiot!!" Sheryl finally yelled out, earning bewildered stares from the people.

"Ah! Sheryl-san!"

"It's Sheryl!"

"Who is an idiot?"

"Can I have your autograph?!"

"Look this way, Sheryl!"

"Would you sing for us?"

Many young men fainted, while a crowd rushed toward the Galactic Fairy.

"Ah-ahahahaha!-No-I uh…" She tried to explain. The mixed crowd of gleeful people surrounded her hopefully, looking at her with big eyes. The males were sneaking approving glances; young girls and teenagers admired her with shining eyes. "I-! Alright," she gave in. The crowd cheered and praised their luck with a "hurrah!" showering her with discarded papers and t-shirts.


Finally, an hour later after flashing lights, signing scraps of paper, and one refusal to sign someone's undergarment, Sheryl collapsed onto a stool in a small, dinghy pub off the street.

"Can I get you anything, miss?" the kind old man asked her.

"Some water-please…" Sheryl said softly.

Laying her head on her crossed arms across the bar, she began to cry silently, tired and no longer able to smile cheerfully. 'Why? Why didn't he…' Sheryl asked herself, 'He didn't even try to thank me or acknowledge me…I don't understand……I- I guess I always knew…that he-'

The bartender looked over towards the trembling young woman…Her aura seemed to dim.

"Here you go, it's on me," he said gently.

"Thank-you, "she murmured into the tabletop. Downing the drink in one gulp, Sheryl caught her reflection in the glass. Her tears had dried, leaving dirty streaks down her face. Her mouth seemed to be in a permanent frown, and her eyes were tired and red.

"Ugh!" she exclaimed, coming out of her gloom. Inspecting her face more closely, she began to run her fingers through her hair.

Sheryl gasped, "Oh no, my earring!!" She stood up with a vengeance and muttered quietly, "That bastard…Losing my other earring!" Over-whelmed with emotion, another tear trickled down her tear-stained face, but she swiped it away quickly before anyone saw.

With a 'thanks oji-san,' Sheryl marched out of the bar onto the side street.

"Ah-,"she said when she didn't recognize her surroundings, "I'm lost…" (sweat drop)

"It's all your fault!" 'He took away my lucky protector'…she fumed, "SAOTOME ALTO!!!!"


Alto involuntarily shuddered as he stepped into the room that he had shared with Michael. He bowed his head for a moment, remembering the womanizer's words to him, "I can't tell you the reason. But go anyway. Otherwise, you'll regret it for the rest of your life."

"Michael…" Alto muttered, "I could say the same to you…...you and Klan…" A lone tear escaped from the stoic pilot's eye, unseen by anyone. After Michael died, Klan had said, "We should have been honest much sooner. He and I…But…we never could take the first step. I don't want you to become like us. It's about Sheryl…"

"Sheryl…" he said softly.

His eyes were dry; his mind was made up: "Don't worry Klan…Michael…I won't let you down!"


"Huh?!" Alto yelled, "Then where is she, brother?!"

"I don't know, she never came back here," he tried to explain.

"Geez…" Alto exclaimed, exasperated, "That idiot is probably lost somewhere in some alley…" He ran off to search for the 'idiot'.


"Excuse me, sir?" Sheryl stopped a passerby, "ah-Where are we, exactly?" She had been walking for almost an hour and seemed to be wandering farther and farther away from the densely populated cities, into a more threatening atmosphere. The sun, once high in the sky, began to set, darkening the sky.

"You lost, missy?" the man leered, "I'll help you find your way…for a fee…"

'Oh great,' Sheryl thought.

"Ah-never mind! I just saw someone I knew!" Sheryl said quickly, "thank-you for your help." She began to walk away quickly.

"Wait…" the stranger said, "there must be something I can help you with…" He grabbed her arm in a vice grip.

"Let go, please!" Sheryl said loudly, "I am Sheryl No-!"

"-I know who you are…" the man sneered at her, "but you're in the most unpopulated sector of Frontier, Sheryl Nome; no one will hear your screams…"

(A/N): Well, that's it for now! I worked on it for two days, and this is the outcome. X3 I hope it's not too anything...If anyone has any suggestions or ideas for this story, or another one, then feel free to tell me. =D

Please tell me what you thought!!