"Why I told you Jakey no party just because I'm a year older doesn't mean it needs celebrating!" I could've murdered Jacob for this I had told him for weeks, no party, no nothing I just wanted to spend time with him and rest of the pack! "Bells I love you too much not to celebrate your birthday and plus Embry wanted to celebrate it" He smiled with that cheeky charming grin that I loved this made me blush like he loved!

"Jake Do I have to? Please can't I just say I'm ill or something?"

"No Bells come on it'll be fun"

"Yeah for you maybe" I whispered so he couldn't hear me.

We were now driving up towards the house now and I was dreading it. I hated being made a fuss over and Jacob knew this more then anyone!

"Jakey please you know I hate parties and being made a fuss over"

"Bella Swan your going like it or not!" I hated it when Jake wouldn't let me out of things especially like this! This was like the motorbike incident all over again he except this time it was a party he wouldn't let me out of, instead of going to the hospital for a head injury.

We arrived at the house why did it have to go so quickly?! Embry was waiting outside looking very excited, along with Paul, Quill, Sam &Emily (Sam's girlfriend). As I got out the truck Jake whispered in my ear in his very attractive voice "Just please Bells for me" and then he smiled with the same charming smile which immediately made behave and melt inside.

Paul had always had something against me and we had never gotten on completely, for the simple fact that I was a human. However the others seemed to adore me and I don't know why that was. They all greeted me very happily and excited, it was such a shame that I couldn't share their same eagerness.

When they finally let me inside the house, well finally managed to drag me in to the house I could see that they had made a lot of effort. They had put up pink banners saying "happy birthday", balloons, and they had even made a birthday cake for me. I now felt very guilty because of the way I felt and how much effort they had put in. "Bells... Bella... Bella Swann!" I was so busy admiring the amount of work that had been put in that I hadn't notice that Jacob had been talking to me. "Sorry Jake off in my own world". I heard Paul mumble something under his breathe but I ignored this because I didn't want to ruin the evening. "Thanks you lot I didn't want all of this but thanks any way" Everyone smiled at that even Paul did!

"No problem Bells you deserve it!" Quill had always been nice to me and I respected that fact. Paul again mumbled something again, he had a habit of doing this and it was starting to get on my nerves. "So where do you want to start then Bells?" Emily was in the exact same position as I was she wasn't a werewolf either, so she knew exactly what I felt. "I don't mind, it's up to you lot". I desperately wanted to say to go home but that would just be mean so I just kept this thought to myself. I heard Paul mumble another thing. "Paul stop it please" Sam said suddenly he had barely spoken a word since I had arrived but he said this so calmly. "Sorry I can't help it if she isn't like us!" Paul said these words so hurtfully did he really mean them? "Paul it's her birthday so stop it right now! "Jacob was getting angry now I could feel the tension so I held on to him tighter then before which seemed to relax him a little bit.

"Sorry but it's true! She's human and we're not why can't she just leave it at that!" Paul was being so nasty for absolutely no reason, now I was getting mad. "She has a name" I snapped back. Paul was getting extremely mad now. "Does she? Or is it just a name to make you feel wanted in this world?!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing now how could he be so horribly so hurtful towards me! I could feel tears of angry and hurt welling up in my eyes now. "No it's not She is the most beautiful girl I've ever met and she belongs here with me!" Jacob was really outraged now!

Paul started to shake then it happened, happened so quickly. The next thing I knew Paul had ran off phased; I was left shocked with deep cuts on my right side which were bleeding extremely heavily.

I had been attacked by werewolf Paul!