It was finally here. After months of waiting, my favorite day of the year had come. Black Friday. Year after year, I was at the stores, waiting, for them to open, really early. Four in the morning, November 28th. I was one of the few hearty enough to "brave the cold". I was armed with a list, where to find each item, and the price. Of course, I was prepared to elbow my way through the masses at Saks. Shopping really isn't for the faint of heart. And that morning, I had my eye on one woman in particular. I knew, if anybody, she would be the one to outdo me. She carried a list as well, and was constantly tapping her foot impatiently, wanting to get in. Occasionally, she would look at me, an evil gleam in her eyes, as if to say 'I will get to that Prada bowler before you, and there's nothing you can do about it!' I didn't worry. Unless she was very clever, there was no way. Obviously I never told anybody, but this was the one day of the year I allowed myself to run at inhuman speeds. The loudspeaker blared to life from inside the darkened store.

"Attention, shoppers. Saks Fifth Avenue off Fifth will be opening now. Please enter through the main doors…" I prepared, like an Olympic runner taking off for a race, and poised myself to run. I really don't know why, because I was probably about 500 times faster than anyone else in the store would be…store workers came out into the entrance lobby slowly, with keys in their hands. I held my breath—the big moment was coming! I was practically jumping up and down as they each turned large bronze keys, causing the other eighty or ninety shoppers to get ready, and move closer to the doors. I was the first one in. My shopping opponent was second. Ha. I laughed silently to myself. I had already beaten her…looking down at my list, I started towards my first stop—a cashmere Dior sweater for Jasper, embroidered with his monogram. Nobody could disturb me. I was an athlete, in the middle of a game. Running through the crowds at full speed, I reached the sweater within a few seconds, and grabbed it off the rack. Item number one, check. Now, to get it monogrammed…I rushed over to the personalization desk, dropping the sweater off. The woman from outside was there too, and she made sure to give me "a look" pure displeasure. Whatever. She didn't matter. I was the better shopper…next gift to get…a Juicy trench for Bella. One of my more important purchases. This was the first time she had showed interest in a brand I liked, when she noted that she liked the coat, a few weeks ago. Needless to say, I jumped at the opportunity. It was at the other end of the store, so it took me a few minutes to get to it, but it was there. I rummaged through the racks for a small. And so it went like that…successfully picking up Rose's Jennifer Behr headband, Emmett's Vertu cell phone, Edward's Rolex, Renesmee's Chanel ballet flats, and Carlisle's cuff links. The troubles came when I got to Esme's Ralph Lauren Black Label sweater dress. The winter catalogue came around a week ago, and I had first laid eyes on it there. It was perfect for her—soft, sweet…and expensive. After picking up my other gifts, I rushed over to the women's clothing section, to the "Ralph Lauren Corner". As I strolled, to slowly, since I thought I was alone in the area, my enemy shopper grabbed the last dress, and smiled at me. But it wasn't a nice smile…it was like a Grinch smile. Even I'll admit that I lost it. From where I stood I could see the tag—a small, the size I needed. Without wasting a minute, I bolted, arriving at the shelf in less than a second.

"Give. Me. It" I spat. She didn't even flinch. This was one tough human. Most would have a subconscious fear of us to some degree, but as I stared at here, my topaz eyes bearing into her muddy brown ones (very different from Bella's when she was human), she stared right back.

"Sorry…I got it first." She was obviously not sorry. When I started to wonder if it was a lost cause, a vision popped into my head—me, walking out of the store with the sweater. I went all out.

"Gimme the sweater! Now!" I screamed so loud, several people turned to stare, and then mumbled things to themselves like, "Some people just don't know when to stop"

"No!" she yelled even louder than I had. How dare she?! I shoved her backwards, much to hard. I forget how fragile humans are…she flew ten feet before hitting the shelf with a thud, dropping her—my—dress. Victory! As fast as I could, I ran over and picked up the sweater, smiling innocently at her. She came right at me though, tearing it from my arms. It felt sort of like my baby had just been taken away from me…I shifted into "mother lion defending her cubs" mode, and ripped the sweater back, taking her with it. She again went flying, behind me, into the marble covered isle. This time around, I knew to hold tight to my prize. A look of terror quickly developed on her face, probably the realization that I could not be human. My mission was complete. I left the store very pleased, at only 6:00AM.

I always get what I want on Black Friday