This... is the last chapter of this story.

Jesus, i never knew it could hurt so much to end a freaking story... But yes, it's over. Sorry, but it was time.

Enjoy! xxx :)


So much for teaching Kristin to swim… when I swam over to get out and go get her some floaters she watched what I did, when I got back she was racing Dimitri. Sigh… and I was really looking forward to that.

There's a week until the students graduate, and a week until we're all set loose on the strigoi world. Lissa decided she was going to be a doctor for the human world to see if she could heal people without the use of her powers. Adrian planned on stalking Mia wherever she may go, and Robert was going to stalk me, Dimitri, Kristin, Lissa, and Christian.

Kristin was assigned Nikki as a guardian, and Christian was assigned Eddie. Lissa was assigned to me and Dimitri, obviously. Robert decided that he wanted a guardian and requested Skylar, she accepted without hesitation. I was overly pleased to hear that Tamika and Jesse were being assigned to Adrian, and Jackson was assigned to Mia.

All in all, I think everything was going to work out well for us.

Kristin was still growing at normal human speed in all ways physical, other then the fact she would punch down a building when she through a tantrum… mentally, though, she just kept getting smarter. It was like monkey see monkey do with her, which meant I was deprived of teaching my baby any life skills. Sure, I was glad that she could take care of herself, but I still wanted to take care of her…

Here I am now, standing in front of my last class ever. Dimitri, Nikki, and Eddie were posted at the back of the room keeping watch, and Skylar was helping me control the hyper active soon to be guardians.

"They aren't going to train, are they?" Skylar muttered with a sigh.

I pursed my lips and shook my head. "I don't think so." I sighed and went to go sit down, she followed. "So…" I smirked. "You and Robert, eh? I'm glad I guess. Beats me having to take care of him, that's for sure."

She blushed a little but smiled. "Yeah, looks like we'll be partners of sorts, huh?"

I grinned widely at that. "Yeah, I guess so."I turned around to look at Dimitri shaking his head back at me. "Shut up, let's see you make them train then." I demanded.

He smirked and walked over to the desk we were sitting on and jumped up on it. "Listen up!" he ordered. The class fell quiet and I glowered up at him. Smart ass… "This is your last lesson as a novice, and this is the last time you'll have to take orders from Guardian Hathaway or Guardian Nelson… or even me, for that matter." He smirked down at me, and there was a look in his eye that I'd seen somewhere before… I didn't like it… "So why not make the most of it?" he asked innocently. I wasn't fooled…

"Make the most of being ordered around?" one of the students scoffed.

Dimitri grinned and waved Eddie and Nikki over. "We are going to fight you." He pulled out his radio and started muttering things about one year suspensions and students being kept down if they failed. I could just make out the sound of Kirova's voice from the other end, and she seemed to be agreeing. Pulling out a small microphone like thing, he stuck it up next to the radio so we could all hear Kirova rant.

"Students will fight the guardians in charge of this class, if they lose they will repeat their senior year." He pulled to microphone away and stuck his radio away again.

Oh hell yeah. "You heard the headmistress." Dimitri declared, grinning widely as he took an offensive stance. Me and Skylar slid off the table and mimicked him, so did Eddie and Nikki. "I hope you enjoyed your senior year, because you'll be repeating it."

That's all it took.

Battle cries broke out throughout the entire gym, and I ran outside to take my weights off. I now wore 55kg on my feet and 60kg on my wrists. If I was going to fight a gym of desperate senior novices I was going to need to be ready.

Stepping back in the hall I got piled. So much for avoiding this crap.


I was taking care of Kristin for Rose again when she started demanding she see her.

"Alright, we'll go see Rose." I sighed, standing up and taking her hand.

Christian was already off classes today, so he was sitting around with me, Mia, Robert and Adrian. They all came with us as we headed down to the hall to find Rose.

"How'd ya like that!" a student yelled from inside the hall, raising curiosity. What's going on…?

Stepping into the gym we froze. The novices were all grinning widely and glaring down at Rose, Skylar, Dimitri, Nikki and Eddie. They just so happened to be tied up with rope and laying face first on the ground. Rose was bound with metal cuffs, though. She must have burnt out of her rope.

But how the hell did this happen?

"Mummy! Daddy!" oh shit, Kristin…

I reached down and picked her up. "Don't worry, they're just playing games…" I muttered, taking in the scene before me once more. "And… they lost, I think." I walked over and nudged Rose's should. "What happened?"

"This is too embarrassing for words." She muttered, rolling over to face me. "Oh hey honey." She grinned when she saw Kristin.

"Mummy got beated." Kristin giggled. "Silly mummy."

Rose glowered at me for bringing her here to see her in defeat. "Yeah, I lost this one… wanna break me out?" she wriggled her wrists.

"I help!" Kristin announced, jumping onto the ground and moving over to annihilate Rose's cuffs. She made breaking them look so easy… "Help daddy too!"

I'd hate to see Kristin on a sugar rush…

"Thanks." Dimitri said when she ripped the ropes off. He sighed. "I guess you're all going to graduate then…"

The students roared in victory before exiting the gym.



All classes are officially finished, and there is only two days left until graduation. Then another day until the ceremony, where the new guardian's will be presented with their promise marks. And apparently where all of the video's that Dimitri and other guardian's had recorded would be played…

The last time I would be at St. Vladimir's Academy.

Kirova and I were currently discussing what future Kristin might have at this school when she was old enough. She thought it best for me to simply leave her here to be raised the way I was, but there was no way in hell I was going to let that happen.

That's what my mother did to me, and I hated her for it. Kristin wasn't going to hate me, I wouldn't allow it. I'd train her at home all her life if I had to, she didn't need a promise mark is she didn't want one. I would give her the opportunity that my mother never gave me.

I would let her pick her life.

"I think you should leave Kristin here the way your mother did with you." She declared.

I snorted. "Do I really need to point out what's wrong with that sentence? Let's start with the way your mother did with you. Sure, I'll just abandon my baby so she hates me as much as I hated my mother. Or are you forgetting that part?"

She sighed in frustration. "But look how you turned out!" she demanded. "You're already a legendary guardian, and you've only been a guardian for a year! And then there's Belikov, too."

I glared her down. "I will not leave Kristin here until she turns 5. And I will not leave her here unless she wants to be a guardian. I refuse to force her into a life that she may not want."

"You'd rather do what? Waste natural talent? Have her abandon her duties?"

I growled, like I actually growled at her. I didn't think that was possible… "She is not a dhampire, therefore it is not her duty." I smirked. "Hell, it's not even my duty anymore. Or Dimitri's."

She faltered for a moment. "Fine." She said curtly, shaking her head and giving in. "Just know that there's always a spot here for her. No matter what age you plan to leave her with us."

I nodded. "I already knew that." Standing up, I shook her hand before leaving the room. That woman infuriated me so much…

"How'd it go?" Lissa asked when I entered the commons.

I shot her a side-long glance and she swallowed loudly.

"That bad, huh? What was she saying?"

"She thinks I'm forcing Kristin to neglect her duties as a guardian. It's not her fucking duty and she's not neglecting anything." I growled. "Where is she?"

"With Mia." Lissa's voice trembled, and it was only then that I felt the fear pouring through the bond.

I chuckled. "Are you scared of me Liss?" I smirked at her, showing I was no longer angry.

"Not anymore." She sighed, smiling up at me.


"Graduation's tomorrow." Dimitri muttered, trying to start conversation now that Kristin was asleep.

"Yeah, I guess it is." I smiled over at him. "You know we don't have to go… we could use that time for more…" I paused, trying to think of an appropriately inappropriate word. "Well, we could have some me and Dimitri time. I'm sure Mia and Lissa wouldn't mind baby sitting Kristin."

He grinned and rolled me over so I was on top of him. "Why don't we have some Rose and Dimitri time now?" he purred, kissing the hollow at the bottom of my throat.

I giggled a little and pushed away. "Because I'm not giving Kristin the sex talk at the age of 2 weeks old." I said, snuggling into his side to settle in for sleep.

He frowned and sighed. "Guess you're right." He murmured, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me onto his bare chest. "Good night Roza." He kissed my hair. "I love you."

I kissed his chest and smiled in content. "I love you too."

Falling into unconsciousness, I couldn't help but intrude Dimitri's dream.

"Nice to see you again." He grinned and wrapped me up in a hug. "You know, Kristin can' wake up in here…" he suggested.

I blinked. "That's not a bad idea." I muttered, knocking him in the wavy grass.

We were currently in a large grass meadow, there were a few trees here and there but other then that it was just grass.

"I disagree." Adrian's voice totally ruined the moment.

"So do I." Alina said, jumping out of one of the tree's while Adrian rose from the grass.

"Then go intrude on someone else's dreams." I demanded.

"Well Adrian's in my dream." Mia said, jumping out of another tree. "Then Alina went into his dream, and then Dimitri got into Alina's dream. And now you're in Dimitri's dream." She explained. "So really I'm the one who should be telling all of you to get your own dreams." She concluded Justas Lissa popped up out of no where. "Right, and now Lissa's in your dreams. Now we're just missing Robert." She sighed as Robert popped out of thin air. "I should have known better."

"Nice to see you, too…" Lissa mumbled, walking over to me. "What's going on here?" she asked.

"Dream party." I muttered. "Hey, could you take care of Kristin tomorrow?" I glanced down at Dimitri to see him smirking.

"Yeah sure, I guess." She said. "Why?"

I pursed my lips. "Alone time." I looked at and smirked to see her grimace.

"Shouldn't have asked." She muttered.

"So are you people going to get out of my head?" Mia demanded.

Everything fell quiet as we all exchanged glances. We all said NO in the same moment and started laughing. She glowered at us all and turned on Adrian.

"You go, now. Out of my dreams, now!" she demanded as she started pushing him backwards. "If you go so will the rest of them." Adrian sighed and suddenly I was laying awake in my bed, and so was Dimitri.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I… guess Adrian left Mia alone by waking up. Then I woke up… then you woke up… so I guess Mia just had us all woken up." He yawned and looked up at the clock. "It's about time, anyway." He muttered.

We should have been up an hour ago.


Lissa came over shortly after we were dressed to collect Kristin. They were going to go swimming with Christian, Adrian and Mia in the school swimming pool, leaving me and Dimitri all alone to enjoy the peace.

"Mmm…. I love yoouuu…" I giggled before reaching over for the vodka again. "And I love you, tooooooo." I told the bottle as I took another swig. I turned back to Dimitri with an eyebrow raised. "Jealous? You have to share me with a vodka bottle." I started laughing again when I saw his gorgeous godlike body sit up on the bed.

"Stupid bottle." he muttered, trying to stand up and walk over to me. "Give it here." He ordered. I stuck my tongue out and started crawling for the door.

"I'll never surrender!" I announced, backing up against the door to take another swig. He was stumbling over towards me and I cracked up when he slipped on my bra and feel over with it on his face. "Hah!" I choked out as I lifted the bottle back to my lips and gasped. "IT'S GONE!" I screamed, hurling the bottle at the wall. It didn't smash luckily.

"That was the last bottle, too." He muttered in a disappointed tone as he crawled over to me.

I threw myself at the floor and started sobbing. "Why!? WHY!? He was so young! So innocent!" I screamed. Lucky everyone was at graduation, or else someone would have thought I was being murdered or something.

"Roza, sweetheart it was a bottle of vodka."

I snapped my head up so I saw glaring at him through narrowed eyes. "HE wasn't just A bottle of vodka. He was the LAST bottle of vodka." I sobbed as he wrapped his arms around me. "The world is so cruel." I stated in a voice someone would use at a funeral.

Dimitri started patting my back. "I'll call Adrian and tell him to bring us some more." He said, looking around the room. "Where's the talker?" he asked.

It took me a while to figure out he was talking about the phone. "I don't know. Oh god!" I jumped up and braced myself against the wall. "They didn't take him too!" I demanded as I ran across the room searching for the phone. "Oh thank god." I sighed when I found it. "What's Adrian's number?"

There was a knock at the door and Dimitri stood up to answer it. "Hellloooooo…" Dimitri said, almost falling out into the hallway.

I heard someone gasp and realized that Dimitri was naked and answering the door. I started laughing and fell back onto the floor, unable to hold myself up.

"err… Robert told me you guys needed some more… vodka…" I recognized Adrian's voice and charged the door at the mention of vodka.

"Iii'llllll take that, thank- QUE" I grabbed the bottles he was holding and slammed the door shut.

"You're welcome…" Adrian's voice faded away as he walked down the hallway.

"I want one!" Dimitri said as he tackled me onto the bed.

The bottle that I just opened fell onto the floor, and we sat and watched as most of it poured out onto the carpet.

Turning my head to face Dimitri. "You can have that one."

He playfully growled at me. "I'll be the strigoi." he knocked the other bottle out of my hand and pinned me down to the bed. It couldn't have been hard for him to do in the drunken state I was currently in. "And you can be the sexy badass guardian."

An outsider wouldn't know Dimitri was totally off his face, but I knew better. When Dimitri was drunk he lost all self control and let himself loose.

And I liked it.


When I woke up I was on the floor hugging a bottle of vodka and Dimitri was upside down hanging off the side of the bed with his head on my calf muscles. Christian, and Adrian were standing at the door, and Lissa was nudging my head with her foot. I was both happy and concerned that Kristin wasn't with them.

"Don't worry," Adrian said. "Kristin's with Mia."

I sat up briefly before slamming my body but down and pulling a sheet over myself. "Thanks for the privacy, guys." I was still naked from the night before. Standing up, a put a sheet over Dimitri and pushed him back up onto the bed so he could be comfortable. "I've got a hangover and I'm tired. You better make this good."

"Err…" Christian muttered, sniffing the air. "You shouldn't have given them so much alcohol." Christian muttered to Adrian.

"The ceremony starts in an hour, Rose. It's time to get up and get ready." Lissa said.

"Shit." I stood up and started pushing them towards the door. "Gotta get dressed. Bye." I closed the door and turned to see Dimitri yawning. "Get up, we've got to go." I told him as I grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom for a quick shower so I didn't smell like vodka at the ceremony. I managed to get rid of my headache with a quick hand to the head, for which I was grateful.

The instant I was out of the shower Dimitri was in. My 'quick' shower turned out to take a good 'quick' 40 minutes. I was dressed and ready for the ceremony, wearing the usual guardian attire before Dimitri was even out of the shower, giving him ten minutes to be dressed and ready.

"Wear your hair up." Dimitri said after he finished getting dressed. God… I thought getting dressed in ten minutes was impressive, but I didn't think it was possible to be ready in 5.

He tied my hair up and we rushed off to the ceremony, taking our positions along the walls of the gym when we arrived. No-one seemed to notice us, which was good because we were late.

Novices were walking up to the front, and guardians were walking back. I was so proud when Jesse stood up to get his promise mark, and when he glanced over up me I couldn't help but smile I little. The same thing happened with Tamika and Jackson, I'd always be so proud of them…

Once all of the novices had received their promise marks a few of the guardian's set up a big white screen at the front of the hall, that's where to movie's would be played.

The first movie they played was students attacking Christian with books and pencils. Someone had gone through the video's, and whenever someone made a face they'd pause it and stick a speech bubble up and graffiti the person speaking.

There were a lot of times where everyone just had to laugh, and a lot of times where I had to hide my face. so many of the video's were of me, but they'd gone through and played all of the parts of where I was getting beaten, even know I won most of those fights.

The last video they showed was the fight Me, Dimitri, Nikki, Eddie, and Skylar had against the novices the other day. That one was edited at all, all they'd done was put some hard metal music on where people where screaming "FIGHT!" over and over.

When the video's finished the ceremony was officially over, and we were all officially free from St. Vladimir's Academy.

So why didn't it feel like freedom?

It felt more like we were being forced to leave the place we belonged… probably because of everything we'd been through. This is where it all began, and it was almost where it all ended. It's were I met the love of my life and made all of my friends. It's the place my baby was born.

It was home.

"Yay, freedom at long last, hey?" Christian shook my shoulder. When he saw my face he sighed. "You're gonna miss it too, aren't you?"

I smiled and nodded. "I can't believe we're actually leaving…" I frowned, looking down at my watch. "In and hour."

He sighed. "Yeah," he smiled. "It's harder then it was last time." It took me a second to remember that Christian had also left the academy already. Most of us had…

"I actually agree with you there." it was a lot harder this time, even know this time I wasn't setting out to commit suicide. So this time should have been easier, because this time I was leaving with Dimitri, Lissa, and all of my closest friends. And Kristin.

"Are you and Belikov packed?" he asked. I nodded and he sighed. "I never thought I'd be stuck with you after I got out of high school." He said playfully.

I glowered at him and nodded in agreement. "God, if I had have known I was going to be living in the same house as you at any stage of my life I would've committed suicide. It's funny how things change, isn't it?" I grinned when Lissa and Mia walked over. Followed by Robert, Mia, Skylar, Dimitri, Jesse, Tamika, and Jackson. And of course…

"Mummy, where we go now?" Kristin's voice was sad, and it broke my heart. She was going to miss it here too.

I smiled and picked her up. "We're going to live at the royal court. You'll like it there." No, she'd probably hate it there. We'd only be there for a few years, anyway.

She smiled. "I'll like it cause everyone be there. Won't they?" I loved it how she knew everything.

"Yeah, everyone's going to be there." I frowned, thinking of one person who wouldn't. "Except Alina…" I sighed.

I owed all of this happiness to Alina. Without her, I would have killed Dimitri, effectively killing myself. If I killed Dimitri Kristin never would have been born. I never would have met Robert, and my mother never would have known she'd had twins. Nikki would still be living in hell as a strigoi, and many, many strigoi would still be tainting perfectly good oxygen.

It felt criminal leaving her behind, but she'd be out within another two years, saving someone else's life.

"All of our bags are packed Rose, and Lissa's and Christian's too. We can leave when you're ready." Dimitri said, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"I want to say good bye to Alina." I said, turning around to head off to her dorm.

"You can't say bye to me," Alina said from behind me. "Because I'm saying bye to you."

I spun around to see her standing with her hands in her pockets and a small smile on her lips.

I sighed. "This isn't good bye; it's a see you later. I don't care what I've gotta do, I will see you again." I smiled as a tear rolled down my cheek I hugged her. "I owe you my happiness. I owe you my life."

She sniffed and chuckled. "Stop being all mushy, you're supposed to be a badass, remember?"

I laughed with her. She was just like I used to be, cracking a joke to break the tension. I let go of her and wiped my eyes, pulling on a hard face.

"Rose," Dimitri touched my shoulder. "It's time to go." He informed me.

I nodded and turned back to everyone. "Alright." I grinned, thinking of a childish way to part. "Hands in." I demanded, sticking my hand out in front of me. They all piled there hands on top, grinning. "We'll all see each other again. Friends forever."

"Friend's forever." They all agreed as we through our hands in the air.

And then we all went our own ways.


*tears* :(