Whimpering, the young female wolf trotted through the scattered pines and firs. Her black pelt with silver streaks shimmered in the pale light of twilight. This proud predator was now reduced to a pitifully thin figure. On her back paw, a gash simmered an ugly red with dried blood. Her injured limb stiffened with every step.

Sniffing the wind, the she-wolf cautiously limped towards a steel cage. The bait was raw meat; which was, as the wolf's nose sensed, old and stale. But it was undoubtedly a hard-to-come-by meal. Although hungry, she made sure there were no traces of the people that were sure to set a trap for any of the packs in the surrounding area. Satisfied that the field was safe, she inched even closer. The lone wolf proceeded to tread lightly into the confining pen and daintily snapped up the measly snack with glistening mouthful of white teeth. The door slammed shut with a "clip", but the wolf seemed to expect the noise and did not startle the slightest bit. She circled three times and curled up in deep exhaustion.