**snif snif The final chapter! crying I can't believe it! Well, thanks to Otaku Tess, Bad Ronald, UndyingAngel, Kizoku Mika, and anyone else I might have forgotten. Oh yeah, DUH! DarkShin! ^_^;;; Just as I'm talking to you too...boy, am I an idiot...anyhoo. Look at the end of this for reflections, etc, so I won't spoil y'all. ^_^ Disclaimer: I don't own Snake, Ocelot, Otacon, et.al, Konami does. Here we go!**

Emma's eyes went to Otacon. "Hal!" She made a run for him. One of the guards grabbed her arm and kept her back.

Katakana smiled and stood up once again. She began pacing. "Ah, yes, the siblings meet again. And the others..."

A guard pushed Rose into the light, then followed by Raiden, who was barely recognizable, if not for his distinct whine.

"Let me go!" Raiden shuffled a bit to get away from the female guard, but she just thwacked him on the shoulder to shut him up. He looked down at the floor.

Kitty couldn't help but giggle. "...Raiden...hehe...ah, ah ha! Ha ha--!" Kitty got a look from the rest of the group. Bad timing, Kitty thought. She'd have time to laugh later. Kitty coughed and stood up straight. She steadied her voice. "So, you have the hostages. Do you mind telling us what exactly your plan was, Katakana?" Kitty shifted her weight on one leg and put a hand on her hip.

"Ah, my plan. Well, as you know, all these people come from a video game." She stopped and waited for the reactions.


"A game?"

"A VIDEO game?"

"What the hell?"


Katakana laughed and threw a switch on her throne. A screen on the far right wall lit up and showed scenes including all the characters from MGS2. Snake sneaking on the tanker, Otacon sobbing after Emma's death, Emma acting all "cutesy," Rose and Raiden making up, and Ocelot freaking out during a personality switch. It was then followed by the MGS2 logo, with each character taking up a small part of the screen. Katakana freeze-framed it.

"As you can see, you all come from a popular video game called Metal Gear Solid 2, although Snake, Hal, and Ocelot were also in Metal Gear Solid, the original, and Snake was in Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2." Katakana thought for a bit. "We won't even go into Snake's Revenge, that was a nightmare." She coughed and clacked a few keys on the keyboard of her laptop. The screen switched to wire-frame models of each of the characters, along with their final in-game models. "These models are all from MGS2, as it is often known."

Snake shook his head. "Wait, you're saying we all came from a game? If we were in there, then how the hell did we get here?" He looked at Katakana in disbelief.

"And how did Emma...how is she alive?" Otacon asked. Katakana frowned a bit as Emma tilted her head.

"I was dead?"

Katakana shook her head. "Look, I don't wanna go into deep explanations right now. All that matters is you all are here right now, and you're not there. I brought you here, Hal, because I wanted both you and plans for a Metal Gear." She hit a few more keys on the keyboard, returning the screen to the MGS2 logo. She smiled. "Mainly you."

Kitty groaned. "Oh, yeah, like Otacon was going to give you plans for a Metal Gear? Have you even played the games?"

Snake looked at her. "We...we really are from cheap VR?"

Kitty stared up at her crush, smiling faintly. "Yeah, you are. But that doesn't matter now, really..." She pointed her head at Katakana.

Snake followed her gaze. "Yeah, gotcha." He took his SOCOM and aimed at the ceiling above the guards heads. He shot three times and plaster and lighting fixtures fell on the three guards. Raiden, Emma, and Rose, covered in dust, made a run for it.

At the same time, Kitty ran up to Katakana and tried to hit her with her bare fist. It made contact, but didn't affect Katakana at all. Instead, Kitty's fist felt like it had just been thrust into a pot of boiling water. She recoiled, waving her fist around.

"OW!" She kicked Katakana, and managed to hit the magnetic-field generator on Katakana's belt. It flew across the room and landed in Angel's hands. As Katakana watched, Angel threw it up into the air and sliced it neatly in half with her katana. It sparked and fizzled as it hit the floor.

Kitty grabbed her M9 without thinking and shot Katakana in the chest. As she fell, Snake went for a shot with the SOCOM. Kitty only just managed to smack the gun upwards, hitting Katakana's laptop instead.

He stared at Kitty as she shook her head.

"Look, she's psycho. Let's grab the choppers, get out of here, and leave Ocelot and her stranded." She grabbed Snake's hand and led the whole group out of the compound, twisting and turning quickly through every corridor. It was especially hard for Otacon, who had both Snickers and Emma clinging to him. He managed to keep up, but just barely.

Snake and Kitty helped everyone load into Snickers' helicopter. While they got situated, Snake ran over to the other chopper and took out a few key components. He tossed them into the ocean, then jumped on Snickers' 'copter, pulling Kitty in with him.

"All righty, everyone," Snickers shouted as she put on her headphones. Otacon also put on a pair and sat down next to her. "Here we go! Say 'bye bye, island,' and 'hello mainland!'" She pulled the chopper into the sky as quickly as she could.

Rose and Raiden were busy cuddling, as Rose was admiring Raiden's new look. She held onto him tight as the flight went on. They ignored everyone else on the flight.

Katana Angel sat back in the ammunition and guns, content to know her job had been done, and done well. She watched as Shin and Emma both sat, dejected. Both their crushes had gone to someone else. Namely, Snickers and Otacon. So instead of crying, they complained to one another. Angel had to admit, they did make a nice couple. She was rather amused by it all.

Kitty and Snake sat next to each other in silence. Snake finally spoke.

"I'm from a video game?" he said quietly. Kitty nodded once more.

"Why do you think anyone you loved died? It was to make you available for another game, for revenge," she said. Shrugging, she continued. "On the plus side, now that you're here, you don't have to be a merc anymore."

Snake looked at her in interest. "Why not?"

Kitty laughed. "There aren't any Metal Gears here, silly! And the Patriots and all that jazz don't exist here either." She looked into his eyes. "You don't have to fight anymore."

Snake looked a bit confused. "Then what am I supposed to do?"

Kitty scooted closer to him. "Ah...settle down, maybe?" She looked up at him.

Snake laughed himself, then looked into Kitty's eyes. "Yeah." He leaned down. "Maybe you're right..." They locked in an embrace, and sat that way for the rest of the flight, Kitty's head resting on Snake's broad shoulders.


When Katakana finally awoke, it was to the voice of none other than Ocelot. He was complaining about the bruise on his head, and generally making too much noise as he walked. Katakana sighed, staring at the ceiling. Hal was gone, her plan was ruined. Now what was she supposed to do?

She smiled to herself. Do what any good MGS villain would do: make a comeback--and a sequel.


**Well, I can't believe its over. I never thought I'd actually finish this. It started as a spur of the moment story after seeing Tessa's obsession with Otacon. No kidding. So, double thanks, Tessa! ^_^ I'm not too happy with the ending, but if you like it, then great! And as for the very open ending...no, I don't plan on making a sequel. That would be waaaaay to cheesy. I have another project to start on, but if I get so inspired, I will make a sequel of sorts. And maybe even an omake for this one (an extra little story/thing, added at the end of some anime, if you were wondering.) So, until then, sayounara minna-san! Ja mata! =^.,.^= MEOW!!! ^_~**