"Ah, finally, my all-around famous pancakes are ready," Cye commented to himself, placing a few of the last pancakes from the stove to the plate on the counter. He turned off the fire, picked up the plate of pancakes, and placed them on the table with the syrup. "There, that should do it. Not many people can pull off a breakfast like this."

On the table were the plate of pancakes, a platter of bacon, about two dozen little sausage links, a pot of coffee for himself, Rowen and Ryo, a pitcher of orange juice for Kento and also himself, and a teapot of, well, tea for Sage.

The young Torrent stuck his head out the kitchen door. "Breakfast is ready!!" he shouted. He then moved away from the door as everyone came through, piling their plates of the food. Well, that is, everyone except one person.

"Hey, where's Kento?" asked Ryo, putting a third pancake on his plate and slipping a sausage to White Blaze. "I thought he was awake already," Sage commented, taking a seat at the kitchen table, pouring tea.

"Didn't see him this morning if he was," Rowen stated, pouring coffee for himself. Cye shrugged. "I'll go see if he's awake-"

"No need to, I'm right here."

Everyone turned to the door to see Kento, still in his night shirt and soft blue sweatpants, looking exhausted. "Where've you been?" asked Rowen, sitting at the island countertop. "Yeah buddy, it's not like you to sleep in late," Ryo commented. "You feelin' okay?" Kento yawned. "Just got up late, that's all and yes, I'm fine," he answered, taking his own seat at the table. Sage came around and looked down at Hardrock. Kento looked up at him. "What?" he asked, rubbing sleep out of one of his eyes.

Sage answered by placing his hand on the warrior's forehead. "Doesn't seem to have a fever," Halo stated, taking his hand away. "You're not using your armor's power to control your temperature, are you?"

"We can do that?" Kento asked. He smiled. "I'm fine, I just stayed up later than I thought I would."

"What were you doing anyway?" Cye asked. "When I turned out my light, you were still in the study."

Kento didn't answer.

"C'mon, you can tell us," Ryo said, stuffing a pancake in his mouth.

"Promise you won't laugh?" Hardrock asked, crossing his arms. The others nodded, curious as to what would be so funny about him staying up late.

"I was studying."




Ryo, Rowen, and Sage burst out laughing. Rowen laughed so hard that tears were streaming down his face and tea shot out of Sage's nose.
"You guys said you wouldn't laugh!" Kento exclaimed, looking upset. "It's not that funny," Cye said, cleaning up the tea on the table that had been shot from Sage's nose. Halo picked up his napkin and wiped his face off as he and the others calmed down.

"C'mon guys, I've got exams coming up soon," Hardrock told them, hoping they would understand. "Since Rowen's got an IQ of like, a thousand, he doesn't need to study. Sage gets good grades in everything, Ryo only needs to study Geometry, and Cye doesn't even have to take them! But I really need to pass, I work really hard, saving the world with all of you and still working hard enough to pull off B's in class, I've gotta do better if I want to pass the exams!"

The others looked at him in shock about this outburst. Then the faces of Wildfire, Halo and Strata grew remorseful, even regretful for laughing. "Sorry buddy, we didn't know that you had to work so hard for your grades," Ryo apologized.

"Hey, if you want, I can even help you study," Rowen offered. Kento smiled. "You would Rowen? Really?"

Rowen shrugged. "Why not? If you needed the help, you should've just asked."

Kento grinned from ear to ear, jumped up, and trapped Strata in a bear hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!" the excited warrior exclaimed, his hold on the fighter of air a little too tight.

"Kento....can't breathe...." Rowen said. "Sorry buddy," Kento apologized, releasing his hold on the fragile teen.....


Four figures observed the Ronins on a viewing screen in the throne room of the newly constructed castle, one of the people sitting on their throne.

"...So you see, we need him, for he has a treasure, a special power that is great, if not just as powerful, than that of Inferno," the creature on the throne told the other three males watching the screen.

"Does he know that he possesses this power?" a snaky character asked, running his fingers through his silky hair.

"I'm not entirely sure if he is indeed aware of these powers, but if he is, then he must be destroyed," the creature on the throne declared.

"But...what if the boyo isn't aware of these powers mistress?" the second figure asked, running a finger down his face, a familiar cross-shaped scar over his eye.

"Then he must be destroyed anyway," she said, crossing her legs as she settled into the seat of power. "But we must first find out what he can or cannot do with this treasure."

The third character continued to watch the screen, unsure if this was true at all. He never before had such powers, the figure thought. Why would he now?

"Dais? Is something the matter?"

The warlord of Illusion turned to the shadowy demoness, bowing slightly. "I just don't understand mistress," he answered.

"What's there to understand?" the demoness asked, anger beginning to tone into her voice as she steepled her fingers. "I'm telling you to capture the whelp and find out what you can! How difficult is that?!"

Dais' eye flashed with shock, but instantly went back to a normal status. "It's just...he's never shown any powers before, why would he now? I-"

Electricity shot up from the floor and captured the illusionist, causing him to fall to his knees, screaming in pain. "YOU WILL NOT QUESTION MY AUTHORITY DAIS!!" the female creature roared. The electricity captured the warlord in a ball of light and both light and man, vanished.

"Any other oppositions my warlords?"

"No, we're good."


Breakfast had ended and lunch had passed, leaving the Ronins a lazy afternoon to do whatever they....


Okay, the writer lied! Maybe not too lazy. Ryo had declared that there would be a training session that afternoon, even if Kento complained that he needed to study.

Why did they need to have a training session? Ryo wouldn't tell them. When they asked, he answered, "Just to keep our fighting skills sharp."

Cye sat on the ground, placing a hand on the back of his head. "What're you trying to do Rowen? Crack my head open?"

"Sorry buddy, I thought you could avoid that one," Strata answered, offering a hand to the warrior in the dirt. He helped Cye stand, Torrent rubbing the back of his head.

"I think you hit him harder than you meant to Ro," Sage declared, coming up behind the water warrior, inspecting the injured warrior's scalp. "He's bleeding back here."

Ryo and Kento joined the trio and looked at the back of Cye's head. "Geez Ro, you really did a number on him," Wildfire commented, seeing the bloody back of the warrior's cranium.

"God Cye, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to hit you that hard, I honestly thought you could've avoided that," Strata apologized. "It's okay Rowen, you didn't mean to-" Cye started, but a wave of dizziness washed over him and his knees buckled, collapsing underneath him. Fortunately, Kento caught him before he hit the ground and helped him sit down.

Sage knelt next to the duo in the dirt, placing his hands on the injured area of Cye's scalp. "Just relax now Cye," he said gently, as he began to glow a brilliant emerald color. Torrent whimpered a little as he also began to emanate colors, but these were that of his own armor color. "It's okay little buddy, everything's okay," Kento assured him, gripping his hand. Ryo sat next to Sage, watching as Halo healed Torrent.

A few moments later, the colors faded away and Sage removed his hands, revealing the now healed spot, but he was panting slightly. His subarmor began to fade out and seconds later, he was left in normal attire. "You okay Sage?" asked Strata, kneeling. "I just needed to use a little more power than I thought I would have to," Halo answered. "I'm fine, I just need to rest for a while."

"Let's stop for today," Ryo said, helping Sage stand, the others rising to their feet as well. "I think we've had enough training for awhile-"

"Have you really, Ronins?"

A chill descended down the spines of the five warriors upon hearing that familiar voice. The each turned and looked behind them to see....

"Anubius, quit hoggin' the spotlight!" Secmet exclaimed, appearing behind him, followed by Kale. "I just wanted to make a grand entrance, is that a bad thing?" asked the Warlord of Cruelty

"But...what...how?" Ryo tried to ask, pointing at the youngest warlord, but had trouble forming the words into a sentence. "Oh, naive Wildfire, there are ways to make those of the Nether realm return to life," said Kale.

"Cut the crap, let's just attack them!" Anubius shouted, jumping into the air and threw his chain towards the five Ronins. "Scatter!" Ryo shouted, the five dodging the chains. However, because of the energy that Halo had just lost, he jumped too late and was still hit by the business end of the chain. He fell to the ground, fading into unconsciousness.

"Sage!" the others exclaimed.


As Rowen, Ryo, and Cye were being held captive by the chains, Kento had managed to keep out of the way so he could rescue Sage, who was now hanging limply by his arms and legs in the chains. He managed to get next to the unconscious Ronin and was pulling him out carefully, one limb at a time.

After a few moments, Hardrock had finally freed Halo from his prison, carrying him in his arms, when suddenly, the warrior moaned. Kento stopped, lowering Sage to the ground, and helped him sit up.

Halo half-opened his eyes and looked up to his savior. "Kento...?" he asked weakly. "Hey, it's okay, you're all right now," Kento told him, smiling a little. Sage's eyes looked upwards, "Kento...behind you...."

Hardrock turned just in time to be bashed hard in the head by the business end of Kale's sword. He fell back, dropping Sage, who in turn was picked up by the Warlord of Corruption. Pressing the sword up to Halo's neck, he spoke.

"Give up now Hardrock, or you won't see Halo alive again," Secmet hissed, appearing next to Kale. "Hey, that was my line!" Corruption protested.

"Don't do it Kento," Sage weakly said, who was on the verge of passing out again. Kento sat up, looking at Sage. "Buddy, I can't," he answered, shaking his head.

"Don't give up just because of what he says he'll do, it's not worth it-" Then Halo was lost into another reality as his eyes suddenly drooped shut and his body went limp.

"Listen to Sage, Kento!" Rowen exclaimed, the trio still trying to free themselves. "They just want the armor, that's all they've ever wanted!"

"Oh, shut up!!!" The three warlords shouted. Then, they turned back to Kento, who now stood before the trio.

Hardrock wiped away the blood that was running from his hairline into his eyes. "What is it you want? It's obviously not Inferno, or else you would've put Ryo in this situation," Kento said. "So why do you want Sage?"

The warlords laughed. "Whoever said we were going after Halo?" asked Secmet.


"Why go after a weak, new born kitten when we can get a powerful, full grown tiger?" asked Anubius. "Now answer us, will you or will you not give up? You know what will happen if you don't."

Kento sighed, crossed one arm across his chest, and willed his subarmor away.

"No!! Don't do it!! It's a trap!!!" the other three Ronins were exclaiming. Kento ignored them, knowing he was doing the right thing. "Let Sage go, I'm the one you want, right?"

"Kento!! Don't do it!!" Ryo shouted.

Kale threw Halo across the yard. "I didn't think it would be that easy," he said. "Now what do we do?"

"This!" Secmet shouted, bringing out his six swords. "SNAKE..."

"Kento! Get out of there!" Cye pleaded.


"Please Kento, run! Get away!" Rowen shouted.


"KENTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ryo yelled, just as the attack connected.

Hardrock roared in pain as he was hit by Secmet's Snake Fang Strike attack. When the attack had ended, the warrior of earth fell to his knees, then face first on the ground, barely making any movement.

"KENTO!!" Ryo roared, who was fighting even harder to get free, tears streaming down his face. Cye just stared in shock at his best friend, tears also descending. Rowen, who was now completely pissed off because the warlords had done two of his friends in, was struggling even more-so to get out.

Anubius walked over to the unconscious Ronin, picking him up by the back collar of his shirt, also taking the crystal that held the kanji of 'Justice' from one of Kento's pocket. "This is a nice start of our collection," Secmet commented. "Do you think the mistress will appreciate this being with us?"

Kale shrugged. "Probably, considering we just won the battle."


The warlords looked up to the three hanging Ronins. "Sorry, but Hardrock's coming with us," Anubius said. "We've got plans for him." With that, the three vanished with the benumbed warrior, the chains following them.

The remaining conscious Ronins fell from where they were hanging to the ground. "This can't be happening..." Cye softly whispered, falling to his hands and knees, tears streaming. When Rowen hit the ground, he ran towards Sage to check on him.

Ryo, however, took his emotions out on the closest tree he could find.

He began punching a tree rapidly, tears and flakes of bark flying the whole time. Why couldn't we help him?! his mind screamed. Why?!?! Why, why, why?!

And he kept smashing at the helpless tree until no more tears could fall....